As she predicted

On the wood

The first day back at school, the day no one looks forward to because it’s boring. I however, actually sort of wanted to go in. Sure, the idea of endless work and lesson was not exciting, but a new timetable, guys, friends and sun was. Plus I had a good feeling about today, and generally when I had a good feeling something good happens.
I met Lexie in the same place as normal before school; her house. Conveniently it’s only about three minutes away, so it was the perfect place to meet.
“You look… like a year ten” She smiles, stepping out her front door before I could even knock, yes she thought it was hilarious to open it while I have my fist held up looking like an idiot.
“Good?” looking myself up and down I can’t say I see anything different from my usual school day appearance; black skirt, blue polo shirt and new bag. I had curled my hair though, so it fell just above my shoulders, a blue and white dotted hair clip bow on one side made it look pretty. “You look the same as normal…” I laugh as she frowns; we both know her appearance has not changed in forever.
“Looking forward to it?” She asks.
“Could be worse… at least we have this!” I bring my camera out from the side pocket of my bag and she laughs. I did tell you about my camera.

As usual the first morning back was filled was assemblies and lectures from your tutor, made only more dull by the fact that they kept on about how important the next two years are. Well obviously. At least just before break they give us our timetables, I look down at it with a strange nervous apprehension. Year ten, the end of unwanted subject and the start of chosen subjects. So in other words, hello R.S, Geography, History and Media. Yes I do realise I’ve taken all the humanities… not really sure why…
“You, me, an hour of media next. Woo!” Lexie corners me pretty much as soon as I step into our ‘area’ of the courtyard. The same place we sent our break and lunches each day of the school year… unless it rained… or we’re allowed on the field in the sun, though that never happens at break.
“Oh yeah.” Quickly we exchanged timetables to see which lessons we had together. A whole massive four; Media, English, Geography and PHSCE. So less than hoped. Oh well. We conferred with our other friends too, to make sure neither of us where alone in lessons.
“Oi, chubby chest!” Lexie shouts from across the bench where she’s talking to Connor and Liam, our friends. I glare at nothing as soon as I hear my stupid nickname.
“Yes, gay girl?” I sneer back as she literally skips up to me. “Theeeeem lot!” She whispers to me and me alone. I instantly smile an annoying habit that won’t leave me alone and turn slightly to watch as the six boys enter the courtyard through a set of double doors on the right of the school building. Quickly looking away as soon as Dillon looks in my direction.
“Welcome back” Lexie winks and I roll my eyes at her amazing lameness that never fails to shock me. As nonchalantly as I can, I make my way to the bench grabbing a seat on the table which no one else has thought of doing yet.
Now, let me introduce you to the six boys. Seth, just over average height with flat blonde hair and a very pale completion. I like to tease Lexie about him looking transparent, which isn’t totally untrue… if he stood naked against a white wall you possibly might not see him… Connor was very tall and very attractive. Anyone who disagrees is frankly an idiot. He has short brown hair with a patch of red on the bottom back side… which sounds horrible but actually looks nice. James, again average height with jet black hair, and brown eyes with a hint of a green swirl. Logan, very tall with blonde spiky hair, like something out of a game. Carl, tall with black styled hair and a really cute piggy nose. And Finally Dillon, just above average height, blonde hair, green eyes, freaking fit! …and sort of has a massive nose, like a beak. Something Lexie uses to constantly tease me.
It was then, while I was mindlessly daydreaming about Dillon that I felt the bench tilt with sudden pressure and I screamed, attaching my hands to the wood as though me life depended on it. Four legs touched the ground again, and suddenly all I could hear was the laughter of what seemed like the whole school. It came to me then that somebody else had joined us on the bench. I looked down at the body that was half laying across the wood on his back and felt the surge in my stomach I always felt when I saw him, Dillon. He was looking to his friends slightly, laughing along with them. Suddenly realising that I wasn’t I added my only little chuckle to the chorus. As though my laugh had sparked something in him he looked up at me with his piercing green eyes and I felt the sudden urge to run my hands through his thick hair. Thankfully, I didn’t. Or else in about twenty second I would have died of embarrassment.
Dillon gracefully picked himself up and made to walk off, but after about two steps stopped, turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back, dying on the inside.
“Sorry about that” He laughed, stepping back to us. “Friends had an immature moment” I had honestly just fallen in love with his smile.
“Its fine” I assured him, laughing slightly, relived my voice didn’t come out in a squeak and he smiled all the more.
“The names Dillon by the way” He waved.
“Zaara” I half saluted and waved at it.
“I promise I shall never fall on you again” He winks at me and then turns and walks back to his waiting friends, who all have very mixed expressions.
“Lexie?” I say turning my head to look at her frozen face, “Kill me, my life is complete.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologise for how much this chapter sucks...

But hello Dillon, Like him so far? :)