Status: Active!

***ing Perfect


There's this girl, that so many people fall for. She stands about 5'2", size 5 waist, 36D chest, 7 1/2 shoe size. Toned arms and curves that would make the most fit girls cringe with jealousy. She has the most amazing hair, that always falls in the right place, perfect pink, plump lips that made me weak in the knees wen she kissed me. Her hands were small and slender always fit perfectly in my large, guitar playing hands. Her teeth were straight and always white. The slightest form of dimples on her face when she smiled. Her eyes were the prettiest shade of blue. They always had a glint to them that made her whole face light up with something I can't describe.

The way she swayed her hips when she walked, the jeans she wore cupped her butt perfectly. Her legs seeming to go on for miles, and the way they would sit on either side of my hips when we had intimate moments, made me crazy. The way her chest would look in low cut shirts made my pants tighten and her voice made me lose all knowledge of the English language. She was perfect.

She looks amazing naked. He skin is like velvet. It so smooth and glowing. Her pale skin contracted perfectly to my more tan skin. The way her body moved with mine, was unbelievably satisfying. My hands cupped her ass, boobs, hips, with perfection. The way she tugged on my hair and said my name when my face was between her legs. God, those legs. The way they wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to her. The way her eyes glazed over, and then she would bite her lip. Her back would arch in the sexiest way, and her nails would scratch the surface of my skin when she reached her peak. The way she would look into my eyes when she was coming down from her high would send me over the edge.

She would pull me to her and kiss me with a passion then smile at me, a glint in her eye I have come to know all too well. She would push me onto my back and tangle her hands in my hair and kiss me with those perfect lips. My head would spin and then she would grind her hips into mine and we would go another round. She could go for days if she wanted to.

Each time was that much more satisfying and then we would fall asleep in a tangle of limbs.

Her hair was a perfect mess when she would wake up. Her make up would be smeared around her eyes, but she it made it look decent. She would have a lazy smile on her face when she would cuddle her pillow, her voice would be scratchy when she said "goodmorning". Her lips would be a darker shade and swollen when she woke up, her face would be a bit more pale and then she would lean to me and kiss my cheek, and then she would cuddle into my side and her breath would hit my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. She would smile against my neck and tell me about her dream. And, I actually did listen to her.

She never seemed to bore me. It was always something with her. A new song, a tv show, an internet video, a new videogame. A joke. Anything.

She could spend hours watching YouTube videos of animals, babies, fails, and weird songs. She would remember something that happened weeks ago and laugh until she cried. She would bite her lip when she consentrated on one thought for too long, and then someone would snap out of her thoughts, and she would snap back into reality.

She could drink me under the table. She chugged a beer faster than you could process what was happening. She had the perfect aim for beer pong and the best of luck when it came to card games. It was utterly rediculous when it came to her taking shots. Four... Five.. Six in a row sometimes. She could hold her alcohol well, and she was never stupid when she drank.

She played piano. The way her fingers lingered over the keys, she would have the slightest smile on her face and then she would close her eyes and sing the words. It never failed to amaze me how her voice would put anyone in a trance. Kepping them there, paralyzed with awe. She would sing her neices and newphews to sleep when she baby sat them.

She loved animals. Cats are her absolute favorite. She would always volunteer at the animal shelter on weekends for 5 hours, cleaning cages, walking the dogs, feeding them, helping someone find the perfect pet. She could make the most skittish of animals become family pets within a month of being around them. Then she would come home and tell me all about the animals that got adopted that day, or a new litter of puppies or kittens that arrived that day.

She would cook dinner, and we would discuss anything. It was so easy to talk to her. You could pour your heart out to her and she would tell you just the right thing to make it seem so simple.

She could dance. She never showed it off, but one night after a show, we got stuck at the venue because of the weather and stayed in the venue that night. She was up all night. She had her headphones in and the lights lit up the stage, and she danced. Her hips swayed with the beat of the song. Her legs would make her travel around the stage, her arms would sway gracefully about, she would spin around and make her hair fly around her face, making it a mess. She had the biggest smile on her face when she finally wore herself out.

I loved everything about her. Her hair, eyes, smile, body, laugh, her walk, the way she sings. The way she could be laughing one moment, and then would say something completely intelligent and make you think about things from a new angle. Her love for those closest to her.

But there was one thing that bugged me.

She had a disease. A disease that took over her whole mind and made her crazy with hate and disgust. Not with anyone outside of her, but with herself. She hated herself.
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So, new story?