Status: Active!

***ing Perfect


"Look, I've seen her break hearts before, so no one is allowed to like her. You can not sleep with her, make out with her, or hit on her. I will kill anyone who does. Including girls." John spoke to the group of us, in a 'meeting' for the tour this summer. He had to bring his sister with him on tour and she was turning 18 on June 14th. Which was just a few days away. He was throwing her a birthday party at a club he rented out.

I didn't understand why he was so defensive over her. I get that he's her big brother and all, but she didn't seem very hot or interesting when he described her. Oh well, there are other girls on this tour.


It was the night of John's sisters' birthday party. I had on a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and a light grey V-neck shirt. My newly dyed 'skunk hair' was spiked to perfection.

I walked out the door of my apartment and Alex and Rian were waiting for me in Rian's car. I hopped in the back seat with Zack and Vinny and we were off to the club for tonight.

It was already packed with people, most of which I didn't have time to recognize because of alcohol being poured down my mouth at an incredable rate by Alex. I had yet to find John's sister to wish her a "Happy Birthday".

I stumbled to the bathrooms at the back of the club to relieve my aching bladder. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom and ran straight into someone. A girl. Short, blonde hair, a rather large chest, a curves to die for. Her face was a little red, and her eyes bloodshot. I knew she had been crying.

"I'm so fucking sorry." she said, and helped steady me. She giggled when I leaned against the wall to keep my balance.

"No, are you okay? We collided pretty hard." I knew I was slurring my words. I felt stupid for even letting Alex give me alcohol.

"I'm fine. I've taken harder hits." she laughed. "Come here. You need water."

She led me to the end of the hallway to the exit, but turned right before we reached it and walked into a locker room type place. She led me over to a fridge and she pulled out a water bottle.

"Here." She handed me the open bottle and I chugged a good amount, feeling the cold slide down my throat.

"Thank you." I said once I put the kid back on. "I'm Jack."

"I know, my brother has talked about you." she smiled at me.

"Who-" I stopped myself when I realized this was John's sister.

"Jenny O'Callaghan." she kept smiling at me, her lips were full and glossed over with make-up. Her blue eyes popped from the black eye liner and mascara she wore.

"Happy Birthday!" I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Jack." She grinned at me. "I don't know anyone out there except my brother and best friend. And they're currently fucking in her car."

She sighed and ran a hand through her straight hair.

"Kendra is your best friend?" I asked, appalled. "How are you friends with her? You're so pretty and reserved, and she's so-"

"I know," she cut me off and laughed. "I've known her for years, and honestly, I can't really hate when all she does is be kind to me and let me live with her for free."

I nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

"What have you gotten for your birthday?" I asked her, sitting at the table in the room. She sat across from me and cracked her knuckles.

"Well, I got a new piano. A PS3, a few games. A sound system for my car, a few miscellaneous items. Some clothes. John got me a puppy!"

"What kind of puppy?"

"It's a Fennec Fox. He's so cute. I named him Dobby." she gushed, a smile plastered on her face as she showed me the picture on her phone.

"Did you name him after the house elf from Harry Potter?"

"Duh." She giggled. "I love Harry Potter. I've seen every movie atleast a hundred times. I read the books every January."

I laughed at how excited she was. "So, about those 'items' you mentioned earlier. What are they?"

Her face turned a bright red and she looked down. "Kendra got me some, uh- new friends." She put quotes around the word "friend". It took a moment to realize what she meant. But when I laughed, she looked up.

"Don't laugh! It wasn't even my idea!" she laughed as well. "She just wants to make sure I'm satisfied. As all best friends would."

I laughed even harder. "I know how that goes." I trailed off remembering I left Alex at the bar.

"Speaking of best friends, I need to go check on mine." I stood up, still wobbly. Jenny helped me back to the bathrooms when she was pulled aside by someone. I continued on my journey to find Alex.

Of course, the poor boy was surrounded by fan girls trying to seduce him to the restrooms to fuck him. I of course, had to save the damsel in distress.

"Sorry, ladies. He's taken tonight." I winked at the girls, who squeeled as I kissed Alex's cheek and led him to the dance floor where he and I grinded together for the rest of the night.

I couldn't help but think back to Jenny. She was gorgeous. Sexy. I can't even describe how I feel about her.

I can't wait for Warped.
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So, I know John doesn't actually have a sister. but let's pretend, shall we? c: