We've Got Unfinished Business

Saying Goodbye

Hello there, what remains of my readers. 11 months have passed since I last updated this fic. Between the stress of school and struggling with my depression (which, just to update you, has evolved into comorbidity with anxiety), I just haven't been able to keep up. I realized recently that, within that amount of time, I have lost touch with the All Time Low world, specifically the Jalex feature of it. Alex getting married is one of the main reasons for that, I think; I respect him highly, and imagining him with someone that isn't his wife just doesn't bode well for me.

I love the All Time Low and Jalex community with all my heart. By all means, continue shipping them and writing fanfiction if you must. But my happy daydream ends here simple because it personally does align with my own beliefs. Alex is happy with his wife, and Jack is happy with his girlfriend.

Writing is an old dream, fueled by this fic. It still has a special place in my heart and I will probably forever regret not finishing it. But I need to let go for my own personal reasons. It had a long way to go before being finished, and I had so much in store for you all.

Layla knows this. She's known for longer than me, I guess. She's off somewhere writing smut, if I'm not mistaken. If you know where she is, go support her.

Thank you for understanding, and thank you for the love you've given me in the last 5 years. I truly do appreciate the support you gave me, and am sorry I never got to reciprocate it fully.

Below is a run down of what happens in Jack and Alex's future in this fic, for whoever seeks closure. I'm doing it for my own closure.

Thanks for the love.


Cassadee and Rian end up happy, at least. The main problem that they were facing was that Cass' mother didn't approve of them being together. Rian fights, of course. His drinking gets a bit worse because of the stress, but Jack ends up confronting him about it for Cass' sake.

"Cass can't fight two battles here, no matter how much support she gets," Jack said.

Rian gets himself together, and eventually goes to Cass' mom halfway across town to ask her about it. He wins. Of course he wins. They win. Like I said, they end up happy.

Jack and Alex also end up happy. They get to start a band, and they have sex in the room on the roof. Jack bottoms, Alex rides a lot. They love the tub.

Jack goes to Lebanon for a while after graduation, and his father hates that he'd rather be in a band, but he warms up to it in the end. Alex follows because he can, then they both travel to Britain, funded by Alex's mom. Because they're happy and have graduated. That's how that shit works here.

They didn't go to senior prom. Jack thought Alex went, and Alex thought Jack went, but they were in some deep shit. Not even Cass and Rian went. Here's why:

My poor Matthew had been struggling with suicidal tendencies this whole time. No one knew. No one ever knows in this sort of thing. His friends abandoned him for their relationships, and he just couldn't vibe with it that much. He has problems at home, too.

Anyways, so he tries to kill himself a couple of weeks before prom. Overdose, most probably. His mom found him in his room. He didn't even lock the door. They got him straight to the hospital, and he was revived. He was fully aware a week after. Jack feels bad for it, and talks to Matt. Matt asks him to choose between him and Alex.

Fuck the world, right?

Jack doesn't tell Alex. He doesn't tell Matt he didn't tell Alex. He just shut himself in at home. He avoided everyone. He sent a text to say he was alive and not to worry from time to time.

Mae comes home, and that was Alex's in. Jack went down to open the door and sees Mae standing at the open door next to Alex. He runs off; Alex follows. He saw him go up the roof, but he wasn't in the room; he was sitting on the edge. Jack tells him everything, Alex said he'll support whatever decision.

"I want to tell you to choose me. I want you to choose me; but I think Matt wants you to choose him, too," Alex said softly. They were incredibly far away from each other. "I want to be selfish, I really do. What Matt is doing is toxic. Him almost killing himself doesn't make it valid, but it makes it understandable."

"I can't be the reason he kills himself, Alex" Jack said, feeling the darkness loom over him again.

"He's thinking in extremes, lo--Jack. It really doesn't have to be that way. You can choose both of us. I'll understand if you want to hang out with your friends more. I'll be here anyways. I'm not going anywhere, remember? No matter what." They sit in the silence. "But I can't ask you to choose me and leave him completely. I'll understand if you choose him and leave me. I really will. And I'll be here until... if you want me back." Alex opts against any form of physical contact and stands to leave.

Jack takes his hand as he begins to walks away. "Love," he said, sighing.

"What about it?" Alex asked.

Jack sighed again and looked at him, red eyes and all. "Love," he repeated. "You called me Jack. Love."

Alex smiled a little. "You called me Alex."

"I'm hurting, I have the right to." Jack stands and kisses him softly on the lips before pulling him in for a hug. "Sorry."

"We're good, love," Alex whispers into his shoulder. They stood like that for a moment. "So are you breaking up with me? Is this a last hug sort of thing?"

Jack moves his head, and Alex can't really tell if it was a nod or a shake. "I'll talk to Matt. I can't lose both of you."

They end up happy, I promise. Jack talks to Matt about it, and hangs out with him more. It doesn't feel forced; it feels more like a revelation. Matt ends up happy, too. They find a way.

The year-end project happens, and they kill it, obviously. They get an offer. They travel. They're happy.


Again, thanks for the love. This website is a big part of my life, and this fic is, too. It's time to say goodbye.

All my love,