Letters to you

those nights

Dear Amanda,

I love you. I really do. you are one of my bestest friends in the entire fucking world. You are like the sister i never really had, only better.

Personally, i'm kinda happy we arent foighting anymore, and avoiding eachother. I seriously missed talking to you in those 3-4 months. There were so many days where no one was on, no one was there to talk to, and you always used to be there. You were the person who whenever i posted something, you'd be the first perosn to comment.

You were the other person in my life who really got who i was, and related to it, besides Serina. You saw me at my worst moments, and a few of my worst. You never cease to make me feel better with our Zacku and Brian chats after something bad has happened. Like the other day, at the show with Eclipse and he was being a bitch and i wanted to kill him and never see him again, i ranted for a bit, and then we ended up talking about how we both wanted to fuck Zacky and Brian so bad. I ended up laughing like a fucking idiot after that.

You are the person who is literally always there. You always have and always will, i know it. Like when my brother called before the D.C. trip, you were there for the few hours when i needed someone, and no one else was there. Not even my mother, who doesn't understand how i hate him so much.

When spain went all bitchy and went on to be a faggot and talked shit about me, you were there, and you were going to kill him. You were there. You were pissed and wanted that faggot dead, along with almost everyone else. I told you about what he said, hell i sent you exactly what he said, and i'd only sent like, 5 people that message, and not even my mother.

You share my desprate love of metal music too. I think it's how we really met, but i don't remember all that well. We love the same bands, even the same people, Zacky Baker and Brian Haner jr to be exact, and Jorel Decker too. We can both obsess over Avenged Sevenfold video's of Brian and Zacky, and stop at random moments and drool over them, which i can't do with anyone else.

You're the reason i'm still here.

We'd listen to the radio play all night
Didn't wanna go home to another fight
Through all the hard times in my life
Those nights kept me alive

foREVer and always,
♠ ♠ ♠