You Never Really Can Fix A Heart

Top Rated

"Aly! Please, get dressed. We have to leave in ten minutes!" I call out to my three year old.

"Kay Mommy!" She calls back and I hear her running down the hallway. I smile to myself then look down at her, sleeping, little brother. Adom, it turns out, is a blend of Blake and I. He has my skin tone, cheekbones, eye color, and personality, but has Blake's mouth, eye shape, and nose. The only thing I can't place is Adom's beautiful carmel hair, which falls in long curls around his head when I let it grow out.

"Adom." I whisper his name.

"Adddoom." I rub his forehead and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Good Morning baby." I smile at him.

"MaMa?" He looks at me.

"Hi, baby! We have to get up now. You and Aaliyah are going to visit with Kaylyn today." I tell him as he yawns.

"Kay?" He asks.

"Yup, Kaylyn. Lets get dressed!" I reach toward him and he puts his arms out. I scoop him up and stand in front of his dresser.

"How about this?" I pick out a little blue plaid button down, a white under shirt, and tan cargo shorts.

"Kay." Adom says indifferently. I shake my head a little and wonder how siblings could be so different. Aaliyah insists on picking out her own clothing and is quite good at it. She always looks nice and fashionable, while Adom would be just as happy to walk around in his pull up, but I guess every one and half year old is like that. I get him dressed then follow him into the kitchen. Aaliyah is already at the island waiting.

"You look lovely, as usual, Aaliyah." I smile at her then get our cereal bowls.

"Thanks!" She says. Aly is in jeans that flare out a little bit at the bottoms, a white under shirt, and the matching jean jacket, with rhinestones. I give them their breakfast then rush out the door. Aaliyah gripping my hand and Adom riding my hip we walk down the hallway of the apartment building and knock on a door.

"Well, hello there handsome!" Kaylyn takes Adom from me. Then looks down at Aaliyah.

"Aly! My word, you look stunning!" Aaliyah shines with pride. She puts Adom on his feet. I give them each hugs and kisses then watch as they run off to play.

"Thank you so much Kay! I really owe you." I smile handing her the diaper bag, for a just in case he doesn't make it to the bathroom insurance.

"It's all good! It's not everyday you expand the top rated fashion botique in the city." She smiles.

"Top rated? The review is out?" I almost jump with joy. It's amazing how well I've done in a year. How I've handled two small children, and a business, all while looking over my shoulder for a certain ex-boyfriend.

"Yup!" Kay thrusts the newspaper, I didn't see her holding, in my face. She's highlighted the article so it's not hard to find.

"Wow." I sigh a sigh of relief and pride.

"Good job Menat."

"Thanks Kaylyn. Today is going to be a good day. I can feel it!" I think that all the way to work, where I'm proven...not sure of my future.