Status: Active!




Jay, you really need to call grandma. She's about to have a heart attack. Do you really want to be the reason for our grandmothers death? No? Didn't think so.” I sighed and deleted the voicemail. I scrolled through my contacts and found my sisters name. Deciding to just text her I let her know that my phone is almost dead and my car had broken down in the middle of nowhere. I sighed and sat down on the sidewalk near my car and waited for a response from her. I had to wait for 15 minutes until she sent a text back saying she called all the local towing places and the only available place wouldn't be able to make it for another hour. Sighing, I laid down on the sidewalk and waited.

“Hello there, need any help?” I jumped at the sudden voice and felt my heart stop. My grandma have a heart attack? Try myself. I sat up from where I laying down and looked up to see a brown haired girl and lighter brown hair boy, both about my age. I quickly stood up and nodded.

“My car, it's broken down and my phone is just about dead.” I replied and brushed any gravel off myself.

“Need a lift to your house then?” Another light brown haired boy asked, who was in the car that I was assuming the other two came from.

“I was actually hoping for a phone number to towing place. My sister called as many people as possible, but every truck seems to be picking up other cars and are far away.” I said and gave them a hopeful look. The guy that was in the car open his door and climbed out of it and walked up to his friends and I.

“Sorry love, we're not from around here. We're actually just visiting the States for a couple of shows,” he said and pulled out his phone from his front pocket, “we could look up some numbers for you though.”

“It's alright,” I shook my head, “thanks anyways. My sister said she called everyone within a decent amount of miles.” I leaned against my car and crossed my arms.

“What happened anyways?” The girl finally spoke up.

“I was coming home from my boyfriends house, and my car kind of just stopped working. As you can see, the car is sort of ancient.” I replied and lightly kicked my car.

“Why didn't you ask him to pick you up?” The girl asked.

“He wouldn't do that, besides, he was passed out by the time I left his house.” I sighed.

“Our offers still open in giving you a lift,” the boy from the car offered again.

“It wouldn't be a big deal anyways, we were just on our way for a bite to eat. Getting you home sounds a tad bit more important.” The first boy assured me, while I heard a loud groan from inside their car and a blonde stuck his head out.

“Speak for yourself!” He yelled out and he got pulled back into the car. I gave the empty window a weird look and turned back to the three.

“Ignore him, nothing is more important than food to him.” The girl sighed and walked back towards the car.

“What do you say?” The second boy asked.

“I don't want to be a bother. You're friend seems hungry anyways. Thanks for the offer though.” I smiled at them and opened my car door.

“How about we take you with us for food, then we drop you off?” The first boy asked, smiling at me.

“Are you guys almost done?” A curly haired boy said, now with his head out the window. “Niall's getting on my last nerve with his complaining.”

“How many people are in that car?” I asked them. The second boy walked up to me a threw an arm over my shoulder and smiled.

“Let us take you out for food and drop you off at your house and you'll find out.” He suggested. I sighed but nodded. They both smiled at me, and the first boy took my phone, purse and keys from the sidewalk they were on and walked towards the car telling everyone that I'm tagging along. The other boy took his arm off my shoulder, locked and closed all my car doors then led me to their car.
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Here's chapter one.
I wasn't going to post it until I had more chapters but I decided to at least get it started on here.