My Life As Garrett Willing.

Month 2, Day 2

“Garrett. has your mom been helping you in your journal writing?” My psychologist, Dr. Lovett asked. “ Yes, she said it was a good idea and that I should continue on with it”. I told her. “See, I told you it would be a good idea.” she answered full of herself, almost sounding like she was saying I told you so. “ Yeah, what other remedies do you have for me doctor?” I asked sarcastically. I honestly didn’t care. “Garrett I want you to know that I’m here for you”. She said resting her hand on top of mine, like what people do to comfort someone. I felt I looked at her with such hatred. She noticed because she pulled her hand back. “We have five more minutes of this Garrett, can you please work with me?” she asked. “ I don’t need to be here, so why would I waste my time with you?” I asked. I jumped in fear when she got up out of her seat slamming her hands down on her desk. “Garrett like it or not you’re coming to me every Monday, and Saturday, every week. A little advice for you is you put effort in your time here because I know that you don’t like what people say about you, and what you’re going through. And I would like to help you, I really would. I want to see you get better I really,really do.but pull some, if not all of your weight and help me help you. Either that or don’t show your face here again since it’s a waste of your time, why should it be a waste of mine”. She said before she walked out.

After mom and the gang came to pick me up, we went out for lunch. We went to a pizza parlor. You could smell the pizza before you open the door and once you do the delicious aroma hits you in the nose. Tara was texting her boyfriend. Claiming she didn’t want to hear his voice. They hadn’t talked in days now. “ Tara, he’s your boyfriend why don’t you talk to him” Olivia said using hand gestures like Tara was a little kid. “ When you get a boyfriend you’ll understand”. Tara said with a fake smile on her face. We sat down at the table next to the window with the restaurant’s logo on it. Which was a fat man with a mustache throwing dough in the air, surrounded by hands, which were suppose to be people begging for the uncooked pizza. Sounds stupid but actually looked pretty cool. And the funny thing is since he has a big nose, on the website or the pizza boxes, and even on the menus he’s a shadow and his big nose is suppose to be the curve on the capital “G” and his head is the ramp of it. And the dough is like an “O” so it’s like it’s saying “Go Tony's Pizzeria and Pasta”. The crowd’s arms make up the words “Pizzeria and pasta”. “So what will it be? pizza or pasta?” mom asked. “ Both” we all said. Well except Davie. But we knew he’d have what we were having. Mom picked the Garden Salad Pasta which had baby tomatoes, peppers, and vegetable pasta. And the pizza was a six cheese, pepper and olive pizza. It all looked so good. But we were all full off of our drinks so we decided to take it to go. We had the choice of drinks before or after lunch came but if we didn’t have drinks we’d be hungry. By the time we got home since we went to the store, and the restaurant was thirty minutes away from home since it was next to my psychologist’s building, but twenty five minutes from the building it was dinner time. So lunch was actually dinner. The day ended so quickly so we spent the rest of the night trying to figure out why. “ No, no, no I left to take Garrett to his appointment at 1:22 since it starts at 2:10. We got there at 2:03 because of traffic. He was there from 2:03 to 3:50 we got to the restaurant at 4:05 and left at..” Mom said trying to think of when we left the restaurant. “ We came back at 5:58”. Tara guessed, which made us laugh.” We live thirty minutes away, plus we stopped by the store”. I reminded her, she laughed and threw her arms up in defeat complaining about how it was only a guess. “ Hold on let me think..” I told them.. “ We left the restaurant at 4:35, drove past the building at 5:00 and got to the store at 5:25”. I told them “ Yes, we spent an addition of 30 minutes shopping so we got back home at I think 5:55”. Mom said. “ Good job family, so when did we eat dinner?” Olivia asked. “I got it!” Tara said raising her hand like a student in class. “ It took ten minutes to put everything up and ten minutes to warm the food up so we ate dinner at 6:15”. Tara answered. “That solves it”. I said. “ I actually wasn’t that far off.. I said 5:58”. Tara complained.