Status: Very Active.


This is the First Thing.

“Robyn! You should come!” My friend Violet yelled over the phone.

“Umm, no. I don’t fit in at parties.” I said.

She sighed. “Just one! I don’t want to go alone…” she pleaded.

“Then don’t go.”

“Please, I don’t ask much…”

“Ugh, fuck. I guess.” I hung up, and went looking through my closet.

I didn’t know a lot of people because I just moved here, Michigan. I met Violet in a coffee shop, when they mixed up our orders. She was really the only friend I had here. I used to live in Tempe, Arizona. But my parents decided to pack up and leave. And I decided not to go to uni, and I had a shitty part time job. So moving with my parents was my only option.

We pulled up into the parking lot and proceeded to get out. I love partying. One of my favourite things to do back in Arizona. But it was only fun when I was with my friends. I was a stranger here.

I planned on driving home, so I stayed pretty sober. I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I looked at the name ‘John’. I ran out the closest door and answered.



“Oh fuck John, I miss you guys!” I said.

“I know! It’s not the same…” he said.

“Oh it’s so good to hear a familiar voice. How’s the Maine?”

John sighed. “It’s amazing, but we’re having a hell of a time finding a merch girl…”

“Oh ya?”

“Ya…” he said.

“John, what’s on your mind?” I questioned.

“Robyn.. Tour is in 4 days and we wondering if you would be our merch girl? It's going to be so much fun, it's with You Met At Six and All Time Low and-” he spit out.
I was sorta relieved. “Of course Johnny! I would do anything for the Maine, plus I hate it here…” I said.

I heard Pat scream in the back. “John Cornelius O’Callaghan the fifth! Did you put me on speaker?!” I said.

I heard everyone chuckle. “Indeed I did, robbless! Everyone misses you.” John said.

“Ugh, I can’t wait to hug you guys! When should I come out to Arizona?”

“ASAP!” Kennedy said.

“Okay, I’ll get on a plane late tomorrow!” I said.

“That’s absolutely perfect!” Garrett said.

“Wait, who’s house am I going to stay at for those couple days before tour?” I asked.

“You can stay at my apartment.” I heard John.

“Thanks John Oh! I need to go home and pack and get some sleep. I can‘t wait to see you guys tomorrow!” I said

“Night!” everyone yelled.

“Love you guys!” I said and hung up.

I ran back to the party to find Violet passed out. Oh well, she’ll get a drive in the morning. I sped back to my parents house. My parents were watching TV.

“I got a job. I’m going to tour with the guys for the next 4 months. Got to go back. Plane tomorrow.” I said and ran to my room. I didn’t care what they said. I’m going.


Finally. We were landing. I was walking when I was picked up off my feet on hugged very tightly. I knew those arms.

“JOHN!” I said, hugging so tightly.

John has been my best friend since Grade 1, when I moved to Arizona.

“ROBYN!” Garrett, Jared, Pat and Kennedy yelled, joining the group hug.

“Fuck I love you guys so much!” I mumbled.

They released me from the hug and we walked out of the airport. Damn, I missed this sun. I missed Arizona, every last thing about it.

The guys took the van, and John drove me back to his apartment. I walked down the all to familiar hall. And burst through the door.

“Ugh, I missed this place!” I confessed.

“I missed you.” John said.

“I’m never leaving again. After tour, I’m moving back.”


It was almost midnight and I was exhausted. I changed into some sweats and ran to John’s bedroom. I threw myself on his bed and hid my face in his pillow. John laid down beside me.

“Who are we touring with again?” I asked.

“All Time Low and You Me At Six.” he answered.

“Cool, it’s going to be so much fun.”

“I know! Now let’s get some sleep.” he said and I had no object to that.

John took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in just his boxer. Nothing was weird though, we’ve been best friends for so long. I knew everything about him and he knew everything about me.

“Night,” I murmured.

♠ ♠ ♠
NEW STORY! I literally am in love with this story! I can't wait for you guys to read more! Oh and You Me At Six will be coming in the next chapter! I love you guys! Update coming soon! Xx