Status: Very Active.


Stay With Me

I felt someone poking me. Too tired, I swatted the hand away. The poking stopped for a couple seconds, and started again. But this time it was numerous fingers poking me all over. I scrunched up my face, and tried swatting them away. It wasn't letting up, so I balled up my fist and punched straight out.

“Fuck.” was all I heard, followed by everyone laughing.

I groaned, and opened my eyes. I looked down at the floor and saw Matt curled up in a ball. I went to go stand up, but was restrained by Josh’s arms wrapped tightly around me.

“Sorry Matty, I’m not a morning person.” I said, cuddling into Josh’s chest.

“Will you blokes leave us alone?” Josh mumbled groggily.

“But you’re hogging Robyn! She’s been sleeping with you for like 15 hours!” Max whined.

“Too bad. She’s mine.” Josh said with a huge smile. The boys grumbled and walked out one by one.

Once the door was closed, I faced Josh. “Good morning.” he said.

“Correction. Good afternoon.” I smirked.

“What? How long have we been sleeping?”

“Well, the last thing I remember was you kissing my neck, and that was at about 8 pm.”

He groaned. “That means I have sound check soon.”

“Don’t leeeeeeave meeeee.”

“Come with me then.”

“I would, but John is probably shitting his pants. I told him I would tell him next time I made an unexpected sleepover.”

“Well, he should just assume you’re with me from now on.” he said, as I sat up.

“He doesn’t want to believe it.” I pulled on Josh’s arm.

I got up, pulling on Josh’s jumper, and walked out to the lounge.

“Hello boys.”

“Morning Robyn.” Matt grumbled.

I made a pouty face and squeezed between him and Chris. I folded my legs and stared at him. “I’m sorry Matty. Don‘t hate meeeeeeee.” I said, still pouting.

“Oh, I could never hate a bird like yourself.” The corners of his lips turned up into a smile.

“D’aawh you’re too sweet.” I reached up and kissed his cheek.

“Charming isn’t he?” Max said.

I turned to him. “Does Maxy over here want a kiss on the cheek also?” I said, as he pouted and nodded. I reached over and pecked him on the cheek, and he grinned.

“What’s this! You’re giving my friends more action than you’re boyfriend this morning!” Josh said, coming out of the bedroom.

“Ooo! Robbbblllesss here has a fancy pansy boyfriend!” Max yelled. I felt my cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

“Oh, you know I love you the most!” I walked over and planted a big wet kiss on the cheek.

“You disgust me.” Josh said, as the guys chuckled.

“Fine then, maybe I love Max more.” I sauntered over to Max. Before I could sit on his lap, I was lift up by Josh and carried off the bus.

“You little liar. I know you love me more.” Josh smirked.



“Fine, I am a liar. I love you the most.” I confessed.

“Good, because my band mates are off limits. You can only have me.” he smiled a cheeky grin.

“Don’t worry, I love you and only you. Now, John is already going to kill me, I‘m not going to make him madder, so I‘m gonna go get this over with.” I pecked him on the lips.

“Don’t worry, blame it on me. He already hates me.”

I laughed. “I don’t want you guys hating each other.”

“It’s natural.” Josh smiled. I pecked him on the lips and starting walking to the bus.

I stepped on and saw Pat and Garrett on the couch.

“Hey guys.” I laid on top of them.

“Where have you been?” Garrett asked.

“With Josh.” I smiled.

“I thought he had a girlfriend?”


They nodded. “He’s in the back.” Garrett said. I knew who he was talking about. I got up and braced myself for what was coming. I opened the door slowly and saw John sitting on the couch. He looked up at me, but went back to his computer screen.


“Why were you with Josh?”

“Because the fight was stupid.”

He sighed. “Screwing someone over isn’t a stupid fight.”

“John, that was an ex that he hasn’t talked to. She was probably drunk. Now, please be civil with Josh. He’s really important, and so are you.”

John raised an eyebrow. “What are you getting at Robyn?”

“Well, umm… canyouandJoshlikehangout?”

“Repeat slower?”

“Can you and Josh hang out or something?”

“No.” he said simultaneously.

I pouted my lip and looked into his green eyes. “John, please?” I said in a cute, but serious tone.

He sighed loudly and dropped his head. “Fine.” he said, defeated.

I jumped up. “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” I leant down and kissed his cheek. “Now I’m gonna go see my man!” I jogged off the bus, hearing John groan.

I walked over to my merch table, where Josh was setting up my stuff. “Are you working merch tonight?” I joked, and he turned around.

“Only if you’ll sing for me.” he chuckled.

“I’m sure your fans would appreciate you more than me.” I snaked my arms around his waist.

“No way, they would love you.”

I started folding the shirts, as Josh sat down at the table. “I got you a date!” I turned to him smiling.

He frowned. “Only if it’s you.”


His face was a mixture of shock, disappointment and a bit of anger. “Oh calm down.” I sat on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me. “With John.”

Josh laughed. “What? So the guy can rip my insides out.”

“No. John is my best friend and I can’t take all the negativity on the bus. So you have to use your killer charm and win him over!”

“Killer charm, eh?” he smirked.

“Yes. Now I suggest a game of beer pong, but you have to let John win.”

“What! No. I‘m undefeated at beer pong!”

“Pleeeeease.” I whined. “If all things go well, I’ll make it up to you.”

He raised and eyebrow. “How so?” he smirked.

“It‘s a surprise.” I grinned.

“Well then, I’m up for anything. When?”

“Tonight. All Time Low’s party.”

“Will you be attending this party?”

“Maybeeeeee.” I smirked.

“Well, save me a dance.”

“Oh I will.” I smiled, as Alex approached the tent with a girl.

“Oh my! A female! Finally!” I yelled.

Alex and the girl laughed. “Guys, this is Lisa my girlfriend. She’s staying for the rest of the tour.”

I stood up. “Finally! There’s too much penis on this tour!” I yelled, as Josh covered my mouth with his hand and picked me up.

“Well, she has quite the mouth. We’ll see you guys tonight.” Josh said, still covering my mouth, and walking away. Just as we started walking, I sunk my teeth into one of his fingers. “Fuck!” he yelled.

He set me on my feet quickly. “Did you bite me?”

I giggled and nodded my head. One minute I was standing on my feet and the next I was thrown over Josh’s shoulders. “Where are you taking me?” I asked, laughing.

“Teaching you a lesson.” He started running. Before I knew it I was in front of fence.

Josh pushed me up against it and I just giggled. “I’ll scream if you touch me.” I grinned and he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh you will you now?” I nodded my head and he instantly started tickling me. I opened my mouth to scream, but started laughing. I started to run out of breath and Josh stopped. But the second he did, I screamed as loud as I could. Josh instantly covered my mouth with his hand. I stopped, and took this as an opportunity to bite his hand again.

“Motherfucker!” he dropped his hand. I started running, but was picked up from behind. “No, no! Let me gooooooooooo.”

“Nope.” Josh said, popping the ‘P’. He put me on top of his shoulders and I rested my hands on his head. I reached my hand down and picked up the finger I bit, and kissed it.

“Do you forgive me?”


I pouted and lent down and kissed him on the cheek. “Do you forgive me now?”

“Kinda, but I’m still mad.” he pouted.

I bent down as far as I could and kissed the corner of his mouth. “What about now?”

“Yes.” hee playfully grinned.

“That’s good. Now you have to go get ready for your show, and I have to go sell merch.”

“I’ll take you there first.” he said, walked in the direction of a already huge line of fans.

Everyone turned when they saw us, mainly because we stood out, me being on his shoulders and all. All the girls ‘aww’ed and Josh chuckled. He walked behind the table and I slid down his back.

“Have a good show.”

“Will you come watch me?” he pouted his lip.

“I’ll come as soon as I’m done here.” he smiled.

“I love you.” he kissed me, causing the girls to ‘aww’ again.

“Love you too, see you soon.” I said, as he started walking to the dressing room.


The last couple girls were picking the last of the merch. Thankfully, they finished and I ran to side stage where You Me At Six were in the middle of their set. I smiled at Max, who looked over. I watched Josh jump around and belt out the lyrics to Bite My Tongue. It wasn’t until Crash, did he look over and see me. He grinned like an idiot, and I stood there blushing like an idiot. I felt a presence beside me and saw Lisa.

“Hey, so, how you liking tour so far?” I asked.

“It’s amazing, I haven’t actually lived on tour before, just visited.”

“Me too, I used to stay with The Maine for a week or so on tour.”

“I guess the guys are having a party. You’re coming right? I want you to meet Cassadee, she’s staying for a couple weeks.”

“Ya, I am going. I’m so glad there are more girls now, I was starting to go a little insane.” I chuckled, as the guys started making there way off stage. Josh wrapped a sweaty arm around mee and hugged me to the his sweaty body.

“I want to be grossed out right now, but you’re to god damn cute.” I said, smiling up at him.

“he’s not that cute.” Max added.

“Oh I beg to differ, we’re the cutest couple out there!” Josh defended.

“I’ll let you guys get cleaned up, I’m gonna go watch the guys. I’ll see you tonight. Look nice, but casual for your man date by the way.” I smirked, exiting the dressing room and headed back to my place. I spent pretty much the whole time watching Garrett jump around, he was sweating so much. Between songs he ran over to me and used my shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. I slapped him on the head.

“Gare, that’s disgusting. Go sweat on Tim.” I said, as he laughed and ran back on stage.

After the set I walked beside John. “Now, you’re going to be nice tonight right?”

“Of course! Unless he’s an ass.”

“He’s not an ass. Please, I want you to at least be acquaintances.” I said, as we plopped down on the couch.

“And smile!” I added.

“Like this!” John said, putting on a huge grin.

“Perfect!” I said, standing up. I walked out of the venue and back onto the bus. I scrambled through my suitcase until I threw on an outfit I thought looked nice. There was a knock at the door and I saw Josh walk on.

“Hello!” I smiled, reaching up to give him a kiss.

“Ello love.”

“So, are you excited for your man date!”

He groaned. “Do I have to? I think John will always hate me.”

I smiled, cupping his face. “No, no. John’s just being stubborn, it’s impossible to hate you! You’re too adorable!”

He chuckled. “Not as adorable as you!”

“You’re too sweet.” he smiled and attached our already close lips. “Now let’s go to your bus, I miss Maxy!”

“You do love him more!” he threw his hands in the air.

“Would I do this if I love Max?” I asked, reaching up and kissing his lips softly.


“Then would I do this?” I reached up and kissed him hungrily, twisting my fingers in his hair. Our tongues fighting for dominance, he slid his arms up and down my waist before hoisting me up, where I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist.

“Maybe you do love me.” I heard him mumbled against my neck.

I got back on my feet, smirking up at his dazed face. “I definitely do.” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the bus.

Tonight is going to be wild.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooo ! Thanks for all the comments and my 4 recs ! I love you all so much ! Anyways I'll update soon ! xx