Status: Very Active.


If You Run.

I was currently dancing with Lisa and Cassadee, trying to not think about Josh and John. I had become very anxious to know how it was going after leaving Josh to socialize. The song ended and I scurried over to Matt.


“Roooobbbyyynn! How you doing?” he said in an accent I couldn’t identify.

“And you’re too drunk.” I said, turning to Max who looked a little more sober.

“Max, I need you to check on Josh and John! Pleeeease Maxy.”

“Ugh, fine. I just hope they didn’t start some sort of fight.”

The color drained from my face as I thought about them fighting. “No please! They can’t fight. Oh shit, I just want them to at least be civil with each other. I just love Josh to death and I really need John too-”

“Robyn, love. I’m just joshin’ ya. Josh wouldn’t hit John, he knows how close you and him are and how much he means to you. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re fine. But I’ll go check for ya.” he calmed me down and walked out the door.

15 minutes passed and I couldn’t take it anymore. I burst through the door and my eyes landed on the boys in a heated game of beer pong, laughing. Actually laughing. I walked over and wrapped an arm around Josh’s waist.

“Hey love.” he kissed my cheek.

“Why hello boys. You’ve been out here for like 2 hours.”

“And we actually just finished our 3rd game.” John said.

“I see, so who’s the winner.”

“This guy!” John pointed at himself. I smiled at Josh, and hit John’s arm.

“No need for a sore winner.”

“What? I can’t be proud? Josh here wasn’t easy to beat.” John placed a hand on his back.

“Well, John, go enjoy the party. I haven’t seen my man all night.” I pushed John through the door.

I turned to Josh. “You’re amazing.” I kissed him.

“I could have easily beaten his ass, you know.”

I chuckled and took his face in my hands. “Oh no doubt babe.”

We made our way back onto the bus, where the party was still in full effect. I took Josh’s hand and entered the dancing. I put his hands on my hips and swayed against him. But I was spun around. Josh grinned and grabbed my hand, leading me back off the bus and towards his.

He led me to the back lounge where we previously slept. Once I laid down, I turned and faced a smiling Josh. “You have beautiful eyes.”

“Why thank you.” My cheeks turning light pink.

“And you have the cutest little nose.”

I felt my cheeks flush a deep red. “Stop, I’m blushing.” I giggled, and covering my cheeks.

“And it’s absolutely the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.” he chuckled, taking hold of my hands.

“Well, I love your hands.” I said, lift one up and tracing circles. “It’s like they’re customized to fit mine.” I said, as he intertwined our fingers.

“Well that’s because I’m meant for you.”

“You‘re so cheesy.” I smiled, cuddling into his chest.

“You know you like it.” he smirked.

“Oh most definitely… I‘m not all that tired.” I sat up.

“Me neither, want to go explore?”

I jumped up at the idea. “Of course!”

On the way off the bus, I saw Garrett and Pat walking towards us.

“Hey Guys!”

“Hey Robyn, you know it’s 3 am.” Garrett gave me a puzzling look, wondering why I was heading in the opposite way of my bunk.

“Perfect time for exploring! Come on Gare, you know I’m a night person.”

“Yes I know you’re a night person. That’s why you were always in trouble, because you and John would sneak out every God damn night.”

“Don’t act so innocent! You came with us all time!” I smirked.

Garrett simply shook his head. “Anyways, I’ll see you in the morning.”

They walked back to the bus, and we continued walking towards the road.

“You were quite the rebel, by the sounds of it.” Josh smirked.

“I just liked to have fun. I‘m sure you probably did worse.”

“Aw, I’m not sure-” Josh started but stumbled a bit.

“Here let’s go in here.” I pulled him into a pub. “Wouldn’t want to get in trouble for public intoxication.”

As soon as we walked in, my eyes went directly to the mic stand. I slid into a booth and watched strangers do karaoke. Josh ordered drinks and 10 minutes later he was well wasted.

“Robyn. I want to sing.” he slurred.

“Do you now?” I chuckled.

“Please come sing with me.” he used puppy dog eyes.

I laughed, standing up, signalling that this was actually going to happen. Josh walked up and picked a song, which I hoped I was familiar with. The bartender called our names and Josh walked onstage confidently. Once up there, he nodded for me to come up. I giggled as the song came on, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. As soon as we started slurring the words to the song, a group of girl sitting close by pulled out there phone. Oh awesome. But I was too intoxicated at the moment to care. Josh belted out the last chorus and we stumbled off laughing, as the whole place burst into applause.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on the seat at a booth in iHop, cuddled up with Josh. I felt Josh’s breathing slow, as mine did the same. Just as my eyes were closing, I felt Josh’s lips press a soft, sleepy kiss against my forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the comments and recs ! Love you giuz ! :3

Also thinking about starting a new story, any ideas who should be in it ?