Status: Very Active.



“Robbbblllllesssss!” Pat shook me awake.

“Paaaaaat!” I groaned.

“Help me wake up everyone else! They won’t listen to meeeee…”

“Okay, Okay… What time is it?” I got up slowly.

“9 am, Tim said sound check was at 10” he said.

I reached up into Garrett’s bunk and plugged his nose. His eyes popped open and Pat and I burst out laughing. Garrett got out and gave me a glare.

“Aww, Garebear! You know you love me!” I said, hugging him.

“Ya, ya.”

Everyone started to get out of their bunks. I guess our laughing woke everyone… except John.

“John! Wake uppppp!” I wined, sitting on top of him.

“No.” he said not even opening his eyes.



“Then I guess I’ll go home…” I lied, getting out of his bunk.

“No fucking way. You’re not leaving.” he grabbed me.

“I’m just kidding.” I laughed.

“That shouldn’t even be a joke. You don’t know how much things changed for me when you left. It was horrible.” he got all serious.

“I know. It sure was hell for me too.” I said, kissing his cheek and going into the bathroom.

After I freshened up, I walked out to have some breakfast. I had some lucky charms, but mostly ate the marshmallows. As I was throwing out the bowl the guys came on the bus.

“Where were you?” I asked.

“Scoping out the venue. Now we’re going to sound check.” Kennedy answered.

“Okay, I guess I should go set up the merch table.” I said, walking off the bus. I found the other bands merch people and we helped each other get out the tables. I started to put some shirts on the wall, when someone caught my eye. I looked over at You Me At Six’s merch table and saw Josh talking to their merch guy. Then I felt someone’s breath on my neck. I turned around and saw Max.

“Max, what’s up?” I said, hanging more shirts up.

“Oh, nothing. How‘s the merch?”

“It’s fine, did you already sound check?”

“Ya, just got done. So... Josh?” he said.

“So Josh, what?”

“Do you like him?” he asked.

“Well, considering I just met him yesterday..”

“Okay, just wondering.” he said, walking over to his own merch table.

What the fuck was that? Ya, Josh was good looking. But I haven’t even had a real conversation. Why would he ask that? I haven’t even shown signs of liking Josh.

As I was turned around, fixing the shirts on the wall, someone cleared their throat.

“Hi.” I said, seeing it was Josh. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I was never nervous around boys? I hated that he made me nervous.

“Hi, I’m Josh. We met yesterday.”

“Ya, I remember.” I said, taking shirts out of boxes.

“Have you had lunch yet?” he asked.

“No, I was actually going to go get some soon.” I answered, putting the last of the shirts out.

“Mind if I join?” he flashed his grin. My stomach was doing flip flops.

“Of course not. I don’t really like to be alone anyway.” I said, coming out from behind the table.

We walked for a couple minutes, an awkward silence was coming. But it’s only awkward if you make it awkward. So I broke the ice.

“So do you like touring?” I asked.

“Of course! I love meeting the fans and playing live… and meeting new people. So how did you score this job?”

“John is actually my best friend and so is the rest of the band. We grew up together.” I said, walking up the steps of a local diner.

“I’ll have chicken nuggets and a strawberry milkshake.” I told the waitress.

“I’ll have a hamburger, fries and a coke.” Josh said. The waitress walked away and I felt my phone vibrate in my poket.

TO: Robbllessss

All Time Low is having a party on their bus, to celebrate the first night of tour. You’ll come right?


I looked up at Josh, who was already looking at me.

“Are you going to the party tonight?” I asked.

“I didn’t even know there was one.” he chuckled.

“Well, it’s on All Time Low’s bus…” I said.

“Are you going?” he asked.

“I was thinking about it..” I replied.

“I’ll go if you go.” he said, flashing me that grin, that made my stomach fill with butterflies. I felt my cheeks go a light pink. I quickly texted John back, saying I was going.

“You look cute when you blush.” he said, looking into my eyes. This only made me blush more. We started to laugh until the waitress came back with our food.

“So what do you like to do for fun?” Josh asked, with a mouth full of food.

“Well, back home, we go to parties, take road trips to god knows where and just hang out.”

“Oh, you’re a party girl?”

I laughed. “Only when I’m with friends. If I don’t know hardly anyone there, it’s not fun.” He nodded.

“We better get back soon. I’ve got to sell merch, and I’m sure there will be some horny teenage girls looking for you.” I said. Josh choked on his drink.

“Ya, I love them but sometimes there a little… intense.”

“Ya, I’ve seen it happen with John. He’s such an awkward little thing.” I said, remembering our days in high school. He would get so nervous when talking to a girl, other than myself and his mom. But he’s definitely changed.

We were walking back to the venue when Josh stopped me.

“Umm, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked. I was a little taken back by his question.

“No, do you have a girl-” I was cut off by his lips attached to mine.

I didn’t even hesitate, everything felt so right. More right than anyone. He slid his arm around my waist and I put one around his neck, pulling him down a little. I didn’t want it to come to an end but, all good things must. I pulled back, we were both in a little daze. Which led me to believe he felt the same way as me. I laced my fingers with his and started to walk again. I’m surprised my legs actually worked, I felt like a bowl of jelly.

It was time for me to start selling merch so I said my goodbyes to Josh and kissed him on the cheek. Tonight was going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, Josh and Robyn are soooo cute :) Next chapter was fun to write, I'll post it in a couple days ! Love you peopless! Xx

Also, if you want to read my John Oh fanfic, it's right here :) ~
Thinking Of You