Status: Very Active.


Jaws in the Floor.

I woke up alone. I must have fallen asleep. I went out to the lounge and everyone was standing around.

“She’s alive!” Jared yelled. Everyone was playing video games, except for John who was glaring at me. I smiled, walked over and sat on his lap, giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“Lighten up buttercup.” I smiled.


“Oh, come on. I was just taunting you earlier.”

“I don’t like him.”

“I’m aware. And I really wish you did, because I would value your approval more than anyone else.”

“Well you’re not getting it..” I sighed.

“Come with me to the merch.” I said, pulling him up from the couch.

“I walked over, to start my shift selling it. John sat beside me, taking a couple pictures with fans.

“Can we go get dinner?” I whined.

“Please, I’m starving.” he said, getting up. We walked side by side until we got to a local Subway. We ordered our food and sat down at a table beside a window.

“So, tell me the real reason you don’t like Josh.” I said, chewing on some lettuce and green pepper.

He sighed. “I guess I’m just scared he’s going to hurt you, and your going to leave… me. And I can’t lose you.” he confessed, looking out the window. He was killing me slowly.

I stood up, and shuffled out from the table and sat beside him, forcing him to look at me. “John, you are the sweetest person I’ve ever met. I’m not leaving you, and if I do, you’re coming with me.”

I hugged him, and kissed him on the temple. “Now, you’ve got a show to get ready for, and I’m going to go watch You Me At Six’s set.” he groaned at the mention of seeing Josh. I got up and pulled him along with me. We walked back to the venue and to their dressing room before I said my good byes. I heard the familiar sound of ‘Loverboy’ playing on stage. I walked side stage and watched. They were so energetic, especially Josh, running around and kicking and punching the air. He looked absolutely ridiculous sometimes but everything he did made me a little nervous, but at the same time extremely comfortable. I could lay around and talk to him no problem.

Their set seemed to go fast, I found myself swaying to ‘Crash’. I softly sang the lyrics, as I noticed Josh staring at me. And not for just a couple seconds here or there, the whole song. I noticed the crowd trying to see what Josh was looking at and saw Max and Matt smirking at me. I gave them an unimpressed look and glanced back over to Josh.

The song ended and so did there set, everyone looked thoroughly tired reaching backstage, they smiled at me as they walked and I knew what they were implying. Josh was last to come off stage, he ran over to me and picked me up by the waist, holding me up in the air. I grinned down at him and cupped his cheeks, kissing him.

He set me back down. “You came!” he said, and we started walking.

“Of course, I love watching you jump around.”

We walked back to the dressing room and sat on the couch. I sat beside him, but he pulled me on his lap. I giggles at his cute actions and kissed his cheek. I laid back on his chest and he nuzzled his face into my neck. The rest of the guys walked in and sat down, as Chris got in the shower first.

“Joshua! I’m sure Robyn here, doesn’t want to be hugged by a sweaty bloke, such as yourself.” Max said, I chuckled.

“I’m sure she likes it!” he retorted.

“We’ll let Robyn decide that. Robyn?”

“Oh, well, you do smell, but I‘m perfectly happy right now.” I turned to Josh.

“See! She likes it!”

I heard ‘Identify’ starting to be played, and then I heard John’s voice fill the venue.

“Well, I’ll let you boys get cleaned up. I haven’t seen the guys play on this tour yet.” I said, shifting off Josh. He pulled me back.

“Don’t gooooooooo.” he whined.

“Come find me once you’ve cleaned up. I did promise you that sleepover remember?” I got to my feet.

“Oh how could I forget.” he winked. Everyone rolled their eyes and I leaned down and kissed him.

I walked side stage and watched. Garrett running around, I swear when that boy stands on stage, it’s as if he is a 4 year old again. They soon ended and the guys were walking off, John wrapped an arm around me.

“You look tired.” John shrugged.

“Just need sleep, day off tomorrow, so I plan on sleeping in.”

We walked into the dressing room, and John headed to the shower. I laid on the couch beside Kennedy, staring into space. My phone buzzed in my pocket, causing Kennedy and myself to jump.

“Sorry, Ken.” I said, pulling my phone up.

TO: Robyn

Sleepover time ? ;)

FR: Josh

“Josh?” Kennedy asked.

“Ya, how did you know?”

“You smile.” I punched his shoulder.

“Ow.” I chuckled.

TO: Josh

Be there in a minute :)

FR: Robyn

“Um, I’m going to go see Josh. If I’m not back by midnight, then I’m staying the night.” he nodded.

I bent in and whispered, “And don’t tell John until it’s to late to come get me.” he chuckled.

I ran out the room before John got out of the shower. I jogged to the bus door and put my arm up to knock, but someone grabbed me by the waist, from behind and pulled me behind the bus. I let out a gasp as Josh connected our lips.

“Mmmm, you’re lips taste so good.” he broke apart from the kiss, but stayed extremely close to my face.

“As do yours Franceschi.” he smirked and kissed me again, but this time with more passion, running his hand under my shirt and running it up and down my side. I bit his lip and he groaned. I giggled, and he pouted.

“Come on LOVERBOY. Pun intended.” he laughed at my lame joke.

“You’re cute.”

“Am I now?”

“Yes. Very actually.” I pulled him onto his own bus.

“Oh look who came to join us!” Max yelled, from the back. Josh groaned.

“Indeed, what will we be partaking in?” I asked, pulled Josh took the back and plopped my self on the couch. He just picked me up, sat in my spot and rested me on his lap.


“Oh yay!” Josh said, sarcastically. I hit his chest and rested my head against it.

They put in a random movie. I nearly jumped out of my skin, when my phone rang, scaring both me and Josh. I pulled it out and saw John calling. God damn it.

“I’ll be right back.” I excused myself from the room, shutting the door behind me.

“Yes Jo-”

“Where are you?”

“Didn’t Kenny tell you?”

“He didn’t need to. I want to hear you say it.” I sighed.

“I’m watching movies on Josh’s bus, and it will be too late to walk over, so I’m staying here.” I heard him sigh.

“Okay. Good night, love you.”

“Love you too!” I hung up and skipped back into the room. All eyes fell on me, I looked around confused. What’s going on? I noticed Josh gone.

“What happened while I was gone?” I asked, directing myself to Max.

“Do you have a boyfriend? Why did you lead Josh on like that?”

“What! No! Why would you think that.”

“Well, we all heard you say ‘I love you’ and like we’ve said before, Josh fancies you.”

I can't even believe I'm being accused of this. After they told me numerous times not to lead him on and such. “That was just John, he didn’t know where I was. So wait, everyone just decided to eavesdrop? And if people haven‘t noticed I fancie him also.” I said, rather bitterly.

“Shit, we didn’t-” I walked to the door and shut it behind me. I noticed Josh sitting against the bus. I would never lead Josh on if I had a boyfriend. It was late and I was nervous just walking to the other bus, which wasn’t far. I reached the door and turned my head to see Josh looking at me.

“Don’t jump to conclusions.” I slammed the door. I walked up the stairs and everyone was sitting in the lounge talking, they stopped and looked at me.

“Robyn?” John questioned.

“That would be my name.” I walked over to the bunks and got in, shutting the curtain. I put in my headphones and ’Always Attract’ came on. I’ve been listening to You Me At Six lately, I guess Josh’s voice soothed me. I felt someone slip into my bunk, I turned around and saw John.

“Robbles, what happened?”

“Josh thought I was talking to a boyfriend when you called.”

John looked at the ceiling and wrapped an arm around me. “Sorry, I guess this is my fault.”

“No, they eavesdropped and jumped to conclusion.” I sounded bitter.


“Yes the whole fucking band, and the sad thing is. I still wish I was with him right now.”

“Well you’re probably better off here.” John went back to the stubborn little thing he is.

“John.” I sighed.

“What, you’re complaining about them and you still wish you were there. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Well maybe love doesn’t make sense!” Fuck. Did I just say that. Shit.

“Did you just say LOVE?” his eyes wide. I gulped.

“No. Please just drop it.” I looked down.

“Okay…” John slipped out of my bunk, kissing my forehead.

I couldn’t sleep, I actually looked forward to sleeping beside Josh. It gave me a sense of security no one could provide. My phone vibrated.

TO: Robyn

I’m sorry for being a douche. I just have this voice in the back of my head telling me not to trust anyone, I’ve been screwed over before. I’m not quite sure what we are, but I feel protective over you. And I just didn’t want to believe that you might have had a boyfriend. Please forgive me, I won’t be able to sleep until I know you’re not pissed at me. Xx

FR: Josh

My heart started to beat faster.

To: Josh

I would have been pissy too if I found out you had a girlfriend. It’s all fine. But I do miss you, and I can’t really sleep.

FR: Robyn

To: Robyn

Can’t sleep either, wish I was there with you.

FR: Josh

TO: Josh

Well, you could always come and accompany me while I sleep.

FR: Robyn

TO: Robyn

Be there in about 30 seconds.

FR: Josh

I smiled and jumped out of my bunk, some people had fallen asleep but Kennedy and John were still up. They are really going to think I'm bipolar. Going from mad to being in a lovely mood. I opened the door and Josh stood there ready to knock. I smiled at his face, as it lit up. He was adorable. I scrunched up his shirt and hurried to the bunk. He slid in after me and he pulled his shirt off. He wrapped an arm around me tightly and I cuddled into his side, staring back at him.

“Can we never fight again, please.” he broke the silence. I just leaned up and kissed him. He pulled me on top of him and I laid there, nestling my face in the crook of his neck. Taking in his sweet scent, that I could never get enough of. Did I love him? We had just met less than a week ago and I was going crazy over him.

“All good relationships fight.” I murmured. He rested his head against my arm, kissing it lightly. I felt his breath even out and get lighter. His mouth slightly drifted open and a faint snore came out. I cuddled into him and felt myself slowly doing the same.
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Hope you enjoy :) I love feeedback ! xx