Sequel: Blood Red Moon
Status: Warning: Currently rewriting! Chapter 1-5 are safe!

Red at Day

Chapter 2 - Life as we Know it

It feels so pleasant. Sitting in the middle of a meadow. White flowers dance back and forth around me as the wind plays with them. Large, heathy trees cover the horizon. The leaves shake against the wind. I pick one of the flowers and hold it up to my nose. Is there any way to describe a flower? They just smell so beautiful. They smell clean. I pick the soft petals one by one. The breeze carries them off into the distance. When finished, I lay the stem on the lap of the white lace dress I'm wearing. Everything feels so nice. Everything feels so calm.
The bright blue sky begins to dim and turn gray. I look up and the first raindrop falls right on my face. It falls right below my eye and rolls down my cheek. It drips off of my jaw and onto the strap of my dress. I look back down and put my hand out to catch some of the raindrops. The trees. Have they always looked so withered? A crack of thunder is heard from above and thousands of red droplets fall from the sky. They puddle in my hand and flow down my arm. The flowers are slowly painted red and a strong smell of iron fills my senses. Air becomes violent and thrashes around, trying to push anything in its way over.
My eyes snap open. Uma had been trying to shake me awake. I'm breathing heavily.
“Are you okay?” Uma asks, “You looked like you were having a bad dream.”
“...Yeah,” I say, “It was just a bad dream.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Uma asks.
“No, I'm okay,” I say.
“Okay,” Uma says, “You can always talk to me if you need to.”
“Thank you,” I say with a smile, “The same goes for you.”
“I know,” Uma smiles back. I lay back down, but I can't fall back to sleep. I don't think Uma could either. She tosses and turns through the rest of the night.
When the sun rises, Uma and I wander down the wooden stairs, each step creaking underneath our feet. It's almost the same setup as last night. Issa, Zaida, Machi, and Kali are in the kitchen. Rupert and Clara are guarding the area and making sure there aren't any zombies nearby. Everyone else is in the living room. I go into the kitchen while Uma checks on everyone in the other room.
Issa sits at the small, two person table as he types away on his laptop. Kali sits on the light pink countertop, her head leaned forward so she doesn't hit it on the wooden cabinets that hang above her. Zaida and Machi lean against the counter with their feet firmly on the yellow and pink linoleum tiles.
“How are you guys feeling?” I ask.
“As good as we can be,” Zaida answers. Her eyes are red and puffy. She must have been crying all night.
“If any of you guys need anything, you can always come to me,” I offer. Everyone just nods, not wanting to speak in fear of starting the waterworks again. Machi clears her throat.
“Clara and Rupert are on watch,” Machi says.
“I'm really glad Clara is here,” Kali says, “She was going to med-school to be a doctor so she would know at least the basics on helping me with my estrogen.”
“Do you have enough with you?” I ask.
“Yeah, I brought enough supplies to last me a little while,” Kali says, “I'm just worried about the future.”
“We won't let you run short,” Issa says, glancing at Kali for a brief moment.
“Thank you,” Kali says with a smile, “Did you find anything on that laptop yet?”
“I found lots of things,” Issa says.
“Are aliens real?” Zaida asks.
“That's classified,” Issa smirks.
“Maybe we should all talk about our game plan,” I suggest.
“Like what?” Machi asks.
“Like if we're going to stay here or not, how we will get supplies, how to distribute supplies, rules we should follow as a group,” I list off.
“Do you want us to do that in here so you can join us?” Machi asks Issa.
“Just catch me up to speed. It'll be better if I just work without getting distracted,” Issa says. We nod and walk into the living room. Rosa and Adriel sit on the old wooden floor in a corner. Adriel's arms are wrapped around Rosa as she shows him photos she's taken on her camera. Cain lays outstretched on the white fabric loveseat, sleeping without a care in the world. Bruce, Paris, and Uma sit on the matching couch. Paris sits in the middle, to Bruce's displeasure. Bruce's arm is around Paris as he and Uma go back and forth with snide remarks about each other. Paris looks like she's going to be sick.
“Is everything okay in here?” I ask.
“Bruce is being a fucking asshole,” Uma says.
“Uma, you started it,” Bruce says.
“Did not!” Uma fumes.
“You did, though,” Paris says, “You came in and started insulting him and he retaliated. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”
“I'm in the fucking living room,” Uma says, voice raising, “So you're just going to defend him because he's your boyfriend and not, you know, best friend?”
“Uma, I'm standing up for what actually happened,” Paris says.
“I thought we were friends,” Uma huffs, then runs upstairs. The room becomes silent and awkward. Machi leaves to retrieve Clara and Rupert. I go upstairs to see how Uma is doing.
Uma lays in our bed in the same spot she did last night. Her back is to me, but I feel the rage seething off of her.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.
“Paris is supposed to be our friend,” Uma mutters. I sit on the bed next to her.
“Yeah,” I say, “Bruce is driving a wrench between her and everyone...”
“You told her not to date him!” Uma says, bitterness spitting from her lips, “She is supposed to be my friend. She should take my side on this!” Uma sits up and turns around to look at me.
“Being a friend doesn't mean always agreeing with you,” I say softly, “I don't know what happened in there while I was in the kitchen-”
“Bruce was being a dick!” Uma snaps.
“I wasn't there,” I continue, “But as for Paris' relationship with Bruce, we have to understand that she's in a tricky situation. She has to mediate between her friend and her boyfriend. I don't like that they're dating either, but we have to accept it if it makes her happy. Yes, you are her friend and she shouldn't be against you, but that doesn't mean she should blindly follow you because you're friends either. All we can do is play nice and try to be there for her should anything happen.”
“Something will happen,” Uma huffs, “He's only dating her because he wants to date me.”
“And we will be there for her should they break up or he hurts her,” I say. Uma looks at me, her eyebrows furrowed together, then lays back down.
“Did you want to go downstairs and help us come up with what to do next?” I ask.
“I guess,” Uma mumbles, “And thanks for checking on me.”
“What are friends for?” I chuckle.
The living room is filled with laughter and small talk that gives off the feel of nostalgia. In the days before this, we would all comfortably sit together and vent about our worries while making each other feel better. This home is old and worn, but brimming with hope and safety. One can only imagine how it was for the previous owners and what stories the walls have yet to tell us. I think of this whenever I looked at the pictures that hung on the walls. What are now pictures of us were once those who lived here. My favorite was probably Kayak Man. He was, of course, in a kayak in the photo and he was smiling. He has on this green Hawaiian shirt, white shorts, and sunglasses. He honestly looks like the rich guy from the show The Nanny, but with white hair. I always wondered where he was and if he was out there somewhere kayaking. Why did he leave this house? Would he be okay with us living here? But everyone in the living room becomes quiet. The easygoing atmosphere is shattered when Uma and I enter the room. The harsh reality of why we're here has asserted its presence. Uma squeezes herself onto one of the sofas and I begin.
“So, we need to think of what we're going to do as a group,” I say to everyone, “Who here is waiting for their families to find them?” Uma, Zaida, Rupert, Clara, Cain, and Adriel raise their hands.
“And do you guys think we should stay and wait for them, or should we continue moving?” I ask. Rosa snaps a photo.
“I think we should stay for a week and then move on,” Machi suggests.
“Me too,” Clara says, “That gives everyone plenty of time to get here. We should move somewhere quiet before the zombies spread out and start knocking on our doors.”
“We should stay here,” Rupert says, “This place has adequate housing. We would benefit greatly by staying here. The only risks would be supply runs.”
“Plus this place is kinda our home,” Cain says.
“Home or not, we're too close to the city for comfort,” Uma says, “Even if we are in the woods.”
“I couldn't agree more,” Bruce says. Uma glares at him.
“We can't just leave our families behind,” Zaida urges.
“That's why we wait a week,” Rosa says, “After that, we have to do what's best for the people right here who are alive and hope that they're still our there or accept that they're dead.”
“I can't accept that,” Zaida says, her bottom lip trembling.
“Lets have a vote,” I say, putting my arm around Zaida, “Who wants to stay?” Rupert, Cain, Adriel, and Zaida raise their hands.
“And who wants to wait a week to leave?” I ask. Machi, Clara, Kali, Rosa, Uma, Bruce, and Paris raise their hands. The vote is seven to five.
“Then we wait a week and leave,” I say.
“Unacceptable,” Rupert says.
“I'm sorry?” I ask, not really knowing what else to say.
“We should be staying here,” Rupert says.
“We voted against it,” I say, “I'm sorry, dude. There's nothing else we can do.”
“As your leader, I think we should stay,” Rupert says.
“There is no way you're our leader,” Uma says.
“I'm the most qualified,” Rupert says.
“You said you wished you were American so you could vote for Trump,” Clara says.
“It shows I can make a tough call and handle things when they're not in my favor,” Rupert says proudly.
“Not when there are only two white men in this group,” Kali says.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Cain asks.
“Everything,” I say, “We made a group vote and we stick by it. Later, we can vote for a leader.” Rupert turns a shade of red and mutters under his breath something about stamina.
“So do we think of rules now?” Kali asks.
“Yeah,” I say, “I mean, no killing, stealing, and such are already applied. Is there anything else anyone wants to add?”
“No hitting on another guys girl?” Bruce suggests.
“I mean, that's a social issue that is already implied,” I say, “If there needs to be a rule about flirting with your partner, then that person isn't a real friend or your partner isn't a true partner.”
“We should use guns as a last resort,” Clara says, “Not only does it waste ammo, but the noise of the gun will attract zombies. I think we should use our knives first, then use our guns if we have to.”
“Wait, so what if this other group of humans is trying to kill us?” Adriel asks, “I feel like there are some things that are circumstantial, like using the gun.”
“All I can say is use your best judgment, dude,” I say, “Do no harm, but take no shit. Clara did also have a good point.”
“Yeah, but what if someone in our group is bitten,” Adriel asks.
“Then we can either kill them before they turn or tie them up and wait for them to die,” I say, “But depending on the situation and what that person actually wants, the outcome will be different.”
“I think it should be okay to kill someone,” Rupert mumbles.
“Check all newcomers for bites!” Rosa exclaims.
“Should someone be in charge of rations?” Uma asks.
“I can,” Machi offers.
“I'll help,” Paris offers, “Especially if we end up cooking for everyone, it could get overwhelming.”
“Thank you,” Machi says with a smile.
“If we have a lot of supplies, I can store them in my van,” Bruce says.
“My parents also packed a lot of guns and food,” I say, “I'd be more than happy to give some out to make sure everyone has a means of protection.”
“I can pass the guns out to the men,” Rupert says.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Well,” Rupert begins, “It is the mans job to protect the women. Plus we have a little more experience in these things than you guys.”
“And what would be the women's job?” I ask matter-of-fact like.
“To make sure the house is clean, laundry is done, men are fed,” Rupert lists, “And if this really is the apocalypse, reproduce.”
“Would you say we're in a new world?” I ask.
“Definitely,” Rupert answers.
“Then since we're in this new world,” I say, “We don't have to abide by the rules of the previous one.”
“The old system worked,” Rupert says.
“The old system was built on the suppression of women, people of color, different religion, LGBT plus, and more. It was made to cater to a specific group of people,” I say, “So no, it didn't work. We will make a system that does. Now, if anyone needs a weapon, follow me to my car.” I leave the living room and check outside before leaving the house. Everyone except Issa and Rupert follow me to my jeep. In the trunk and backseat areas lay fifteen knives, four pistols, three revolvers, and three double barrel shot guns. There is also a bunch of ammo and lots of food. Uma and I still hold onto the weapons we took yesterday. I take a pistol and knife for Issa. Clara, Paris, and Adriel take the leftover pistols and they each grab a knife. Machi, Kali, Rosa, and Zaida take the revolvers while Bruce and Cain each take a double barrel shot gun. We all load our guns, then conceal them and our new knives.
“While we're out here, should we put anything in my van so we don't have to rush to put it away later?” Bruce asks.
“If you want to,” Adriel says.
“Up to you,” Cain says.
“Alright,” Bruce says, walking to his white van. I've always felt uneasy about his vehicle.
“Could three people go on watch while we load up?” I ask as Bruce unlocks the back.
“That's fine,” Clara says, tossing Machi the keys to her car. That car is Clara's baby. I don't think anyone besides her ha driven it. Machi unlocks the trunk to Clara's car and reveals piles of dried food that will last us a few months. Clara also stored up some guns and ammo. Kali helps Machi store the supplies into Bruce's empty van.
“Can I just take a nap?” Cain asks.
“No,” I say, lugging a box of ammo to Bruce's van, “Go on watch if you have nothing to do.”
“I'd rather take a nap,” Cain sighs.
“I'll go on watch too,” Uma offers. The two disappear, keeping the house safe. Adriel takes the only box of canned food from his and Rosa's car that they brought. Rosa takes a photo of everyone working.
Half the van is filled when we finish putting everything away. All we would have to pack now are personal belongings and backpacks which could easily be stored in each person's trunk.
Back inside, I give Issa his weapons and everyone does their own thing. Machi and Paris prepare dinner in the kitchen while Issa encroaches on the information he is looking for. Clara sits across from Issa. She doesn't know how to cook, but loves watching her beloved partner create another masterpiece. Rupert, Adriel, and Kali switch to take watch outside after a few hours. Bruce and Cain sit in the living room. Rosa wanders the outdoors, taking photos of the area, while Uma, Zaida, and I take a short nap.