
Missed You

The airport was crowded and it had been a struggle just to get in there. So many girls were packed together, cameras and phones at the ready. Security was controlling the crowd the best they could, but I had a feeling that as soon as the boys came into view there would be complete chaos.

But for now I stood alone, a bag of freshly baked cookies in a plastic baggie clutched tightly in my left hand. I held onto them like they were a lifeline.

A few people stood near me. The people who were actually waiting for loved ones, that is. A mother held her five-year-old son’s hand tightly, so he wouldn’t wander off. She continually told him to look out for his older sister. That her plane would be arriving soon.

A few people waited anxiously with signs that read ‘Susan’ or “Mike’ and such and I wondered if I should have done the same. Perhaps I could have gotten a laugh from him.

Two elderly ladies to my right chatted on about the weather, their kids, life in general. It brought a smile to my lips as the women commented on the ever growing crowd.

They found it odd the so many girls had showed up to the airport, singing songs at the top of their lungs and jumping up and down. It was amusing, and I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation.

“Waiting for a loved one?”

I turned to face the elderly women with a smile on my face. “Come again?”

The shorter of the two woman, with gray, curly hair that was cut short gave my a warm smile before repeating her question. “Are you waiting for a loved one?”

“Oh,” I grinned, and tugged at the ends of my sweaters sleeves, trying to cover my hands. And annoying habit I do when I grow uncomfortable. “Yes, my boyfriend, actually.”

“I could tell,” the taller woman, with large bottle cap glasses said and winked. “You’re so excited, you can hardly stand still.”

I smiled, biting my lower lip as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “I haven’t seen him in a while, I guess I’m a bit nervous.”

“Coming home from trip?” The shorter one asked, her eyes growing large with curiosity. She cocked her head to the side and gave me an encouraging smile.

I laughed and shook my head. “Not exactly. He’s coming here for a visit. It’s always hard on him, leaving home. It’s bittersweet, really. On one hand we get to see each other, on the other hand he’s missing his friends and family back home.”

“Well, that’s interesting situation for one to be put in.” The taller one said, squinting her eyes a bit. “It’s always hard to be away from those we love. My son and his wife are coming home to visit. I finally get to see my grandbabies.”

“How exciting,” I said, giving her a timid smile. “I’m sorry, I never introduced myself. I’m Jessica,” I said and shook each of the ladies hands.

They both chuckled waving me off.

“I’m the one that’s sorry. We should have introduced ourselves.” The shorter one said. “I’m Alice and this is my dear friend Mary. Well, she’s family, really. Her son married my daughter, you see. So technically we both get to see our grandbabies.”

The tall one, Mary, laughed and adjusted her glasses. “They’re staying for a week. We have all sorts of activities planned out. What about your boyfriend, do you have any fun dates planned?”

“Not really,” I shrugged. “He’s actually coming here to work, so it’ll be hard to go on any fancy dates. But we’ll probably spend time with friends and just enjoy being with one another.”

“Sounds hard,” Alice said, giving me a sad look. “You finally get to see him and he has to work.”

I shrugged and gave her a shy smile. I didn’t mind much. Just being able to spend time with him was enough. “It is hard, but I don’t mind sharing him with something he loves to do.”

“How did you meet him, if you don’t mind me asking?” Mary asked me.

I glanced around the terminal before taking a quick peek up at the fight board to check his flight before bringing my attention back to my new companions. I’m a shy person naturally, and I don’t think I’ll ever get to that point where it’s easy speaking with people I don’t know.

But Alice and Mary were being polite and trying to have a conversation. And I had to admit that it made the time go by quicker.

“Friends with relatives of his friends. A chance meeting, really. He was visiting here for work reasons and I happened to be with one of my good friends who is related to one of his close friends.”

I didn’t want to say that I haven’t seen him in a while. How, even though we spoke to one another almost every day on the phone or over the computer, that I was afraid that it would be awkward seeing him again after not seeing him for so long.

“Tell us about this young man of yours.” Alice encouraged, looking genuinely interested in what I had to say.

I shook my head and let out a chuckle. “Oh, I don’t want to bore you.”

“Oh please,” Mary rolled her brown eyes. “There’s nothing much else we can do here. Might as well tell us about this boy of yours.”

“Oh,” I chuckled nervously and glanced around the room. “He’s sweet and always knows how to make me laugh. He’s adorably cute and I can’t seem to say enough nice things about him. He’s my best friend, really.”

“Well, he sounds lovely.” Alice said with a nod of her head and looked like she was going to pat me on the head for being a good girl and answering their questions.

I ginned and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “He’s amazing.”

The old ladies smiled at my words and looked at me like how old people do to everyone. That they know something you don’t. How they are wise beyond their years.

“Young love,” Alice started with a sigh and looked at Mary. “I remember that, don’t you?”

“Oh!” I shook my head as I could feel my face heating up and I was sure it was turning red with embarrassment. “I don’t quite think it’s love yet. But I’m sure -”

I couldn’t help but stop mid-sentence. I glanced towards the escalators where a few people were coming down and walking towards family and friends.

“Sorry for that,” I said turning back towards Mary and Ginny with an apologetic smile. “I just heard his laugh.”

Mary raised her pale brows and looked like she was holding laughter. “You could hear him? You recognized his laugh?”

I grinned as girls started screaming and flashes started to go off a around us. It startled poor Mary and Alice, who both jumped from the sudden outburst. “It’s my favorite thing about him. I adore his laugh.”

“And you say you’re not in love.” Mary scoffed, shaking her head, but a smile remained on her face.

I gave them a polite smile and glanced towards the crowd, spotting a certain blond haired boy. He caught sight of me and smiled before waving his hand at me. I waved back shyly.

“I’m sorry ladies, if you’ll excuse me?” I asked, itching to get away. Suddenly it didn’t matter if things were going to be awkward. Because I knew they weren’t going to be. My fears and anxiety washed away with just the sight of him.

“Of course,” Mary said waving me off.

“Thank you,” I replied before catching his eye again. I glanced towards Paul, making sure he saw me before I did anything. The last thing I needed was for Paul to mistake me as a fan going rogue trying to get to the boys.

I smiled and nodded my head towards Paul in greeting before catching sight of my boyfriend again, the butterflies returning instantly.

He threw his arms open, a grin on his face. “Jessie!”

“Niall!” I called before running through the crowd, trying not bump into people.

I took a leap into his arms, wanting him to catch me like in the movies. Leaping towards him just to have his arms around me again. Just to hug him once more. The hugs that I’ve missed so much.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his shoulder and neck. My legs locked around his waist.

Unfortunately the leap didn’t go as planned and we went crashing to the ground, his things sprawled around him and us a tangled mess.

Camera’s went off and I could hear Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry laughing at us from somewhere near by.

Niall laughed loudly and I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. Not wanting the moment to end but knew it had to.

He grinned and I rolled off him. With his help we stood up, him still laughing like the goofball he is.

I smiled brightly at him, my cheeks hurting and I knew I couldn’t be happier. I grabbed the bag of cookies I had made from the ground and held them out for him. “I knew you’d be hungry.”

“Yeah buddy!” He laughed again and swiped the bag from my hand and wasted no time taking a cookie out to eat it.

Niall grabbed my hands, intertwining our fingers. He lent forward and kissed my cheek. “I’ve missed you.”

I couldn’t get the goofy grin off my face and decided it was best not to fight it. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed happily. “I know. I‘ve missed you too.”
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Please go and subscribe to this amazing Zayn Malik story. You wont regret it, it's going to be awesome.

I hope you enjoyed this little one shot. I was very nervous about writing it and I'm not exactly that great at romance, so hopefully I didn't completely ruin it.