Sequel: Merry webmas

Along Came a Spider

Along came a spider chapter 1

Is there a problem officer Parker? The black haired women behind the steering wheel asked. "I need to see your license registration and insurance" the blond officer replied! Sure thing the women said handing the pieces of identification over to the officer.

Sarah walked back to her cruiser and started typing in the young women's drivers' license and registration info into the laptop inside her cruiser. Typing in the women's name Alicia Ellison she waited as NCIC started running the name.

Her partner's voice came over the radio "how's it going there Sarah heard you had a speeder I'm in the area right now if you want backup"? Sarah smiled and picked up the radio to reply "Sure Amber better safe than sorry but I don't think the driver is going to be much off a problem". "I'm in route should be there in less than 5 minutes" came the response from her best friend.

Sarah smiled again as she thought about all the things she and Amber had done together, they had meet back when they were both in 3rd grade and had become practically inseparable, when Amber had decided to join the Army during her senior year of high school she had convinced Sarah to do the same thing. Both girls went to the MP school together becoming Military Police and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Amber's enlistment ended Sarah decided to resign her commission as an army 1stLt and came back home to Florida together and tested for the state police and were both hired on to work as state troopers.

The alarm coming from the laptop made Sarah's smile vanish, she started reading the information on the screen, and apparently Alicia Ellison was wanted for questioning for the disappearance of Jennifer Andrews who was an senior in the nursing program as well as the cheer captain at Florida state university, it appeared that both her and Alicia were seen together not all to far from where they were stopped now. Sarah remembered Jennifer because the two could have been sisters if not twins, both had shoulder length blond hair and striking blue eyes the only difference being that Jen's eyes also had flecks of gold in them if someone looked close enough.

Sarah had become friends with Jen last year at a university party. Anger flashed in Sarah's eyes, if this woman knew were Jen was she was going to tell one way or another she thought to herself, she made a vow then to stop at nothing to find Jen and bring her home safe. She picked up the radio again and asked Amber what her 20 was the response was immediate "right behind you" Sarah looked into her rear view mirror and saw her friends cruiser pull in behind her own and turn on its own light-bar. She watched as the cruiser door opened and her friend stepped into view.

Alicia was starting to get annoyed this was taking way to long, she had to wonder if she had been recognized when she had grabbed that cheerleader a few weeks ago after one of the schools games, she had put up a fight when she was grabbed but in the end it had been useless Alicia had been able to do a simple binding and gagging job on her in the locker room before carrying her off to her lair in the swamp near the school, there she had reverted to her true form and done a more thorough job of wrapping the helpless and terrified co-ed, who had become even more terrified at learning that Alicia was really a Drider part human part spider. She looked into the rear view mirror again at the officer sitting behind her and thought how similar the two looked. When she had first come to her window Alicia's first thought was that her new slave had somehow escaped. There was no doubt in her mind that girl was still her captive and would still most likely be struggling still when she got back. Alicia was confident that the girl would soon be having company in the near future as she saw the blond pick up the radio in her car.

Great Alicia thought to herself as she saw the second cruiser pull up behind the first her plans quickly had to change if she was going to get out of this mess, she watched the second cruiser's door open and a stunning brunette get out and make her way to the first cruiser, if she made a run for it she might be able to catch both of them in one of her many traps around her lair which was only a few miles away. The second officer made it to the window of the cruiser and was talking to the first who had pulled her over. Even if they didn't fall into her trap they would never be able to find her or the cheerleader since all the info on her license was fake there was no way they could track her that way, Alicia's smile widened it was time to put her plan into action.

Amber Johnson reached the cruiser as the window rolled down, it only took one look at her friend sitting in the drivers seat to know something was wrong "Hey girl what's wrong" Sarah told her about Jennifer's disappearance and how the girl in the red corvette might know where she is. "Ya I remember her she's that cheerleader at Florida State the one who could have been your twin right" Amber said. "Ya she's also a good friend of mine too" Sarah replied. "Well let's take her in and find out what she knows" Amber said reaching onto her belt for her cuffs. She turned just in time to see the young women disappearing into the tree line "hey get back here" both officers yelled before giving chase.

Jennifer tried once again to escape from the silk wrapped around her body but with her arms pinned behind her back the way they were and the rest of her body completely mummified from her shoulders down it was impossible to do anything but wriggle from side to side, she had long since giving up screaming that thing had gagged her with the same silk material which had sealed her lips better than any duct tape there was no way it was coming off the way it seemed glued over her mouth. A single tear fell down her cheek as she realized it was almost impossible she would ever escape on her own. She had hoped that this was only a bad nightmare but after nearly 3 weeks of this she knew the horrible truth that it was real, that she had been kidnapped by a creature out of a horror story.

Her sudden pull into the air pulled her from her thought and made her scream. She was slowly turned around until she came eye to eye with her captor. Alicia stroked a hand across her captive's cheek she had to admit to herself that the girl was attractive. She was still in her cheerleading uniform a red two piece with the letters FSU on the front of her top though it was hard to tell under all the silk. Maybe I'll keep her as a pet Alicia though to herself. Alicia gently reached up and removed the silk covering her mouth. "Tell me what you know about Officer Sarah Parker"? Alicia asked. "Wh ..Wh…why do you want to know about her" Jennifer asked "easy she and her partner are more than likely on there way here and I plan on trapping them like I did with you"

"NO you can't do that to them" Jennifer screamed. Alicia quickly replaced the gag and leaned close to whisper into the girls ear "not only will I do it I plan on using you as bait" pulling more silk from her abdomen she became to reinforce the bindings rolling the girl over and over again wrapping more and more silk around the already helpless girl after about 5 rotations Alicia was satisfied Jennifer wasn't going anywhere, she cut the line that held her up in the air and carried her into a area where she was sure to be seen attaching her to a wall with more threads. They would see Jennifer when they got here unfortunately they would not see the webs that were stretched over the area.

Both Amber and Sarah had their guns drawn as they slowly followed the path the women had made, it seemed like she wanted them to follow her which made both officers even more nervous. There were many places were the women could hide and since she had ran they both now firmly believed she had something to do with the abduction. Amber looked into the trees and could have sworn she had seen a large black object slip into the shadows it had looked like the girl they were chasing but it couldn't have been it looked like a giant human spider hybrid like something out of one of those online games her boyfriend was always playing. "I'm going to check this out, I'll be right back" Amber called out to her partner.

A pair of emerald green eyes silently watched the two cops split off, the eyes belonged to a young 18 year old high school senior Megan Andrews Jennifer's younger sister. She had been following the red corvette when it had been pulled over nearly a half hour ago; she had suspected the women driving knew where her sister was or who had her. For nearly the ninth time that day she pulled out the 9mm handgun she had hidden inside of the black leather pants she was wearing and checked the magazine. She loved the way the pants felt especially when she wore the top she was wearing now a short black shirt that showed most of her midsection, both the school she went to and her step farther hated the outfit, another reason she wore it so often. She always was a rebel at heart "One way or another I find out where she is today" she said to herself out loud as a round was racked into the chamber. Putting the gun back into its hiding spot she slowly started to make her way to where she had last seen the two state troopers always trying to stay in the shadows so she herself wouldn't get caught and arrested for felony possession of a firearm.

She took a few more steps and suddenly stopped her arm felt like it was stuck in invisible net. The more she struggled the more entangled she became, within a few minutes her whole body was glued to the mysterious invisible net. At that moment the sun came out from behind the clouds and Megan saw what she wished she had been able to see five minutes ago. It looked like she had walked right into a giant orb web, but that was impossible there was no spider alive on earth that was able to build a web this big and strong enough to catch a human right. She continued to struggle till suddenly she felt something large climb onto the web right above her head. What she saw when she lifted her head chilled her to the bone. It was the women she had been following but know instead of human legs there was the legs and abdomen of a giant spider. Immediately Megan remained absolutely still knowing that spiders find prey in their webs from the vibrations caused when they struggle hopefully this creature would be the same. As if reading her mind the spider women above her smiled and slowly advanced on the helpless girl.

A pair of glowing red eyes stared out from the shadows high in the trees following the brunette haired officer Alicia now learned called herself Amber slowly make her way over to the area where she had thought she had seen the large shadow. That's it Alicia thought to herself just a little further. Suddenly Alicia began picking up the vibrations of struggle in another one of her traps, maybe she had caught the other officer, no she could still see that she was freely moving around, might as well check it out she thought to herself the more the merrier Alicia thought to herself, she quickly and quietly began to cross the large web she had made high up in the trees until she reached the spot were the struggles were coming from.

Looking down on the trap Alicia saw a beautiful young girl struggle for several minutes until she was completely trapped and exhausted from the exertion of trying to break free, the girl gave another weak struggle for freedom but immediately froze when she saw Alicia's form climb onto the web. She must think I'm like true spiders and need to use vibration to know where she is Alicia thought to herself as she made her way closer to the ensnared body down below. Once she was close enough she quickly pulled the young women free and with one hand pinned her wrists behind her back while the other went over the girl's mouth. "Don't struggle or make a noise and this won't hurt you a bit" Alicia whispered into the ear of her captive. Megan managed to nod her head up and down.

Every instinct Megan had was telling her to scream her head off or start struggling and kicking wildly when the dridder had removed her hand from her mouth and started to bind her wrists behind her back, but she knew it would have been useless and she remembered the last thing the women had said and for some strange reason actually believed her. With her wrists now finished Alicia began wrapping the rest of the girl in a tight form fitting cocoon Megan could only watch as her legs disappeared under the white silk then her midsection and shoulders followed. Now only her head remained, forming a ball of silk in her hand Alicia ordered Megan to open her mouth wide, which she obediently did. Alicia stuffed the ball of silk into her prisoner's mouth and wound more silk over her mouth toughly silencing her. Alicia promptly cut the strands still holding Megan's mummified form and carried her up into the trees and then over to the cave Alicia had dug into the landscape several months ago. There she was dropped next too her sisters struggling form. One down two to go Alicia thought as she speed back up into the trees to wait.

As night fell Alicia was beginning to think she would never be able to capture the two women on the ground below her, so far they had managed to avoid all her traps by sheer luck or instinct. It was only when Alicia had finally giving up on the idea of what it would be like to have all four ladies bound, gagged and helpless at her feet that Amber managed to just barely graze one of the last traps Alicia had set up but that was all that was needed. "What the hell" Amber yelled dropping her flashlight onto the ground in surprise her left arm seemed to be caught in a giant cobweb, holstering her sidearm Amber tried to pull her trapped arm free she managed to step back several feet before the web snapped back into its original position taking the twenty four year old officer right off her feet and getting her stuck completely in the web, "hey Sarah wait up I need your help getting…MMPH" those were the only words Amber managed to get out before a hand covered her mouth from behind, just like with Megan before her Alicia went to work on binding the officer, but this time her quarry but up a fight going for her sidearm as her hands were pulled behind her. She managed to get the weapon out of the holster and almost was able to get a shot off before Alicia knocked it out of her hand. Quickly Alicia sank her fangs into Amber's shoulder delivering powerful knockout venom into her blood stream. Amber dropped down into her captive's arms as the powerful toxin went to work, within seconds the young trooper was out cold. Alicia quickly decided that it would be better to secure Amber up in the safety of the trees and scurried back up the silk dragline Amber in tow.

No sooner had she put the 'finishing touches' up on Amber then Alicia heard the second officers angry response. "O shit" Sarah yelled she had come back to the spot where she had last heard her friend call for help only to find her flashlight on the ground next to what looked like a very big spider web and her sig 40 several feet away in the bushes something very bad had happened here "Amber where are you" Sarah yelled at the top of her lungs. Sarah began to search the area and suddenly noticed the cave entrance, shining her powerful light into the cave she could just barely make out what looked like three bodies wrapped up like mummy's on the ground all three were very familiar to Sarah "O shit" she said again she started making her way over to the cave when she tripped the final trap, hitting a trip wire that dropped a web down onto the twenty five year old.

Pinned under the net Sarah immediately put her sig into her holster as best she could and went for her backup, lifting her left pant leg to reveal a boot knife, Sarah desperately tried using the blade to saw through the net but it was like cutting through steel. Suddenly she went very pail as she remembered something from a class she had taken in college spider silk is just as strong as steel cables of the same thickness, that sudden realization made her realize it was hopeless to try and cut her way out, she could saw away the rest of the year and it wouldn't have made a difference. "Somehow I don't think I have that long" Sarah said out load. A second later there was a whizzing sound and her knife was pulled from her grasp, immediately she went for her gun but there was another whizzing sound and her holster was covered by a layer of silk. Sarah heard a laugh come from the direction of the cave opening "Shit Shit Shit" Sarah cursed, "My my such bad language coming out of something as pretty as you" came Alicia's voice "I might have to silence that mouth of yours". "O I'd just love to see you try" Sarah said. There was another laugh closer this time off to her right, Sarah aimed the beam of her flashlight in the direction of the laugh but saw nothing, another line of silk suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere and pulled the light from Sarah's fingers. "All right I've had enough of this hide and seek crap show yourself Alicia" Sarah screamed.

A pair of eyes suddenly appeared from the entrance of the cave red like the last burning embers of a campfire "What's wrong" said Alicia "I thought everyone loved hide and seek just like everyone I've talked to said they loved playing cops and robbers as kids". "You want to know my favorite part of that game is it's when the cop gets caught and tied up" said Alicia as she advanced on the stunned trooper holding a thin coil of silk the thickness of clothesline in her hand. "O no way is that happening" Sarah said pulling at the net that held her in place, some how she managed to squirm her way out just as Alicia was on her and started to book it in the opposite direction, as she ran she worked feverishly on freeing her 40 from its holster. There is no way I'm becoming a giant spider's dinner Sarah thought. Had she not been so preoccupied on freeing the gun she would have noticed the black widow style web she was about to run into.

After hitting the treads the trap line snapped and lifted the screaming girl a few feet into the air. Both hands had been caught and know all Sarah was able to do was kick uselessly in the air and watch hopelessly as Alicia closed the gap. As a last ditch effort Sarah threw a kick at Alicia's head, only to have it blocked and get both her feet caught. Sarah sobbed as her legs were bound together in the thick wrapping silk then her chest disappeared. Alicia attached another line to hold Sarah in the air and freed her hands long enough to pull them behind her back and tightly secure them; Alicia added one more layer of silk from Sarah's shoulders down to her feet before stepping back to admire her work. Sarah could only glare as she struggled to free herself. "Any last words Sarah before I use these?" Alicia asked holding up a silk ball and what looked like a silk scarf. "Ya I have a few how about Go FuMMPH" Alicia promptly stuffed the ball between Sarah's teeth and wound the other piece of silk over her mouth cutting off all two way conversation of any kind. "I thought I told you about that mouth of yours girl". Sarah could only glare angrily over the gag as Alicia finished adding a third and final layer of sticky silk.

"There that should hold you for awhile" Alicia commented. In response Sarah uttered a low growl that was barely heard from under the silk that sealed her lips shut again she tried every thing she knew to escape struggling until she was exhausted and couldn't move anymore. "One more thing left to do" Alicia said opening her mouth in a wide smile to reveal the two fangs. Sarah would have laughed at the fact of how much the image made her think of Dracula if she wasn't terrified beyond belief, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her arm and realized that Alicia had just bitten her, immediately she felt the effects but it wasn't what she expected she felt warm, safe like nothing bad was going to happen as she fell into a deep sleep.

O my head is killing me Sarah thought as she came too. Her first thought was that it had all been a dream, the traffic stop, searching the woods, being bound and gagged by a giant spider creature. A second later she realized that it wasn't a dream she appeared to be lying on a bed she was still tied up but know she was in a hogtie, even worse she realized she had been stripped down to her black bra and panties. Managing to roll onto her side she saw Jennifer and her sister Megan had been bound to chairs, but where's Amber Sarah thought? A moment later her question was answered as her best friend was brought into the room and secured to a pole near the center of the room with several yards of silk. "I have two questions what are you and what do you want with us"? Sarah asked. "She's a drider" Megan said "but it doesn't make sense they are characters in a online role playing game I play, they shouldn't exist in real life" Alicia was surprised for a second "your right on one I am a drider, but my kind has existed for centuries deep underground perhaps the creator of the game you speak of meet one of my kind and decided we would make a good characters". "You still haven't answered my second question what are you going to do with us"? Sarah asked again.

"Well I have an offer for you all" Alicia said you've heard of the website right I know all four of you have memberships to the site since I run it. None of the girls denied that they were members of the newest bondage site to hit the net. "how would you four like to model for the site"? "of course you will be paid for it as well" Alicia asked, in the present condition all the women reluctantly agreed to the offer. "wonderful" Alicia said holding up a digital camera. Over the next several hours the girls were put into various positions of hogties, chair ties, ball ties using everything from rope and duct tape to Alicia's silk for the final shoot were all four were wrapped together back to back as well as various different outfits.

After the women had been unwrapped Alicia had two questions herself "How was it and would any of you ever want to do it again". They had to admit it was kind of fun once they had realized they weren't going to be on the menu they all said they would think about it. "well you know were to find me ladies" Alicia said with a devilish smirk on her face all the girls laughed.

A week later all the girls were sitting outside of Jennifer's dorm room discussing the last weeks events. "Would you ever go back and do another photo shoot"? Amber asked "I already did" Megan said "how about you Jen"? "I don't know, maybe it was kind of exhilarating being the damsel in distress for a while and we all made good money from the first shoot" "your telling me" Sarah said "I put almost $2500 away just from that one day, I might be taking a few vacation days want to come Amber?" "you know it" Amber said with a smile. Suddenly the sound of a siren caught all the girls attention, they looked as a familiar red corvette come flying down the road with another Florida state trooper hot on its heels. All the girls smiled and hoped the red head driving the patrol car would have the time of her life in the next few days too come.
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The start of Alicia's fun kidnapping and wrapping up cute girls from cheerleaders too a few Florida state police Officers