‹ Prequel: Along Came a Spider

Merry webmas

Merry webmas chapter 1

Jackie and Megan playfully rolled around on the ground attempting to free themselves from the silk wrapped tightly around their wrists and ankles while the camera continue to flash above them so far it had been a very fun thanksgiving photo shoot both girls had arrived a few hours earlier and had found the two outfits Alicia had set out for them. Right away Megan wanted the two piece Indian outfit, and Jackie agreed to wear the two piece pilgrim outfit. Within 10 minutes both girls had changed into their outfits and where waiting as Alicia walked into the room carrying a camera. “Alright girls are you ready?” Alicia asked as her eyes turned from blue to red.

“That should hold you for a while” Alicia said as she finished wrapping both girls back to back, both girls could only grunt through their gags in response as Alicia stepped back to admire her handiwork “this will make a great end to the photo shoot girls” the girls looked up and posed again as the camera flashed a few dozen more times. “great job girls” Alicia said as she set her camera down “I’ll be back in a few hours to untie you two after thanksgiving dinner is ready, try not to have too much fun now” Alicia said as she looked back over her shoulder and smiled at the two helpless model’s.

Both girls did their best to untie each other but with no luck they were left tied to each other for several hours until Alicia finally came back and freed them then all three sat down to enjoy a thanksgiving feast Alicia’s final words to both ladies was she was planning a Christmas shoot and both were invited to join she also asked Jackie to inform her fellow state troopers Sarah Parker and Amber Johnson to join them in the shoot. “No problem” Jackie replied “count me in” Megan said “And if its ok I might have another friend who will be interested in modeling too” Alicia smiled “I think we can work something out for her as well, also ask your sister Jennifer for me as well” Megan hesitated for a few seconds before responding “Sure I’ll ask her but I don’t know if she will come she is still a little freaked from the last time, she actually just ended a relationship she was in with a guy that tried tying her up” Megan said sadly “And I really liked him too”

“How unfortunate” Alicia replied “well ask anyway and your friend can come with you as well, I can guarantee you all will have a very, very fun time and will enjoy every second of the shoot” Alicia smiled with a mischievous grin on her face. Both Jackie and Megan looked at each other for a second before both of them looked back at the dark haired women with large smiles on both of their faces. For Megan this was around her 12th or 13th photo shoot with the drider she knew Alicia was telling the truth she always had fun. She couldn’t wait till the Dec photo shoot.

Sarah and Amber sat in their cruiser on 95 waiting for speeders to come by “so has Jackie talked to you yet?” Amber asked as she looked at the radar for the thousandth time that day, “About the photo shoot coming up Ya, she mentioned it”. “I don’t know I might just skip this one, I’m sure you and Jackie will be fine without me going” Sarah said “O come on please you have to come it won’t be the same without you Sarah please come don’t make me have to beg, pretty please come” Amber replied giving her best friend the sad puppy dog eyes “fine I’ll go if it will mean you never do that again” Sarah replied with a laugh just as a speeder flew by “Here we go again” Amber laughed as Sarah hit the lights and speed off after the SUV
“hey Jackie” the dispatcher called as the red headed trooper walked through the entrance “ a women came by and dropped off a few packages for you Amber and Sarah, I put yours on your desk for you” “thank you Erica” Jackie replied as she walked past the dispatcher station and headed toward her office finding a medium sized box sitting on her desk, She knew on touching the wrapping who the women was who had drooped of the packages at the station she had felt a more stickier version of it, the package had been wrapped in Alicia’s silk. This time Jackie had no problem in breaking through the silk and opening the box underneath to see an extremely sexy two piece Miss Clause outfit with a note attached unfolding it Jackie read what it said dear Jackie I hope you find the outfit to your liking I look forward to seeing you all next week at our Webmas shoot your friend Alicia Jackie folded the piece of paper and looked at the outfit with a smile she could only wonder what the other girls may have gotten.

The two girls walked from store to store looked for Christmas gifts for family and friends walking past the Santa stand Megan giggled as she saw the two women dressed as elves “so Heather you still interested in being a model in the next shoot coming up” the dark haired girl walking next to Megan looked up from her list for a second and smiled at her friend “you better believe it” she said with a British accent “nothing can keep me away” she said with a laugh “I do have one question what about outfits will the photographer supply them or do we need to get our own ?” “Don’t have to worry about that” Megan replied with a hint of mischief in her voice both mine and yours came to my house yesterday, You can pick yours up tonight if you want, My sister got one too but I doubt she will show up” Heather could only smile as the girls walked into another store.

Jennifer stared at her cell phone her sister was calling her again no doubt trying to convince her to go to the shoot again, she looked over at the package sitting on her desk with a look of disgust she still had nightmares from when she was first abducted back then Alicia made it seem like she was going to eat her or something, even after learning she meant her no harm she still felt uneasy, Jen was the only one from the group that had never gone back for another shoot. Letting the phone ring a few more times she finally answered “Hello” she said annoyed there was a pause on the other end before the voice responded “hello Jennifer I was just wondering if you had received my package” Alicia said how the hell did she get my cell phone number Jenifer thought.

As if reading her mind Alicia answered Jenifer’s question before it was even asked “you can blame your little sister” Alicia said with a slight laugh “she figured since you turned her down so many times I might have better luck” I’m going to kill her Jennifer thought to herself as she held the phone from her ear for a few seconds before finally answering the women who had terrorized her over almost 3 weeks “look I did receive the package but I really don’t know if I will make it tomorrow night I’m sorry but I’m still freaked out from the last time sorry but right now my mind is made up I’ll think about it” after another long pause Alicia finally responded “well I hope to see you there Jen”. Hanging up the phone Jennifer stared at the package before finally picking it up and tearing away the silk wrapping to finally gaze on the two piece outfit set out for her in the shoot if she chose to come. What the hell might be fun Jennifer thought as she put the outfit back in the box.

“Can we go now?” Heather asked “come on where going to be late” Megan walked out of the bathroom quickly hearing that putting her hair into a ponytail as she ran “all set sorry about making you wait just getting my outfit right” she said with a smile on her face Heather stood in the doorway already wearing her red strapless dress with the Santa hat holding both their coats as Megan came over her outfit was a green two piece elf outfit that fit her curves perfectly “wow nice outfit” heather said as she handed her friend her coat and both girls headed out for what the expected would be a fun filled night.

Sarah, Amber, Jackie and surprisingly Jennifer had all shown up and had changed into the outfits they had been giving a few days ago Sarah was dressed in a leopard print bikini with a matching Santa hat and little Amber was also dressed in similar style wearing a red and white bikini top and skirt with black boots that nearly reached her knees, Jackie wore an outfit that reminded Sarah of a Christmas little red riding hood since her outfit consisted of a short red top with a hood and short skirt and stockings, and finally Jennifer who wore a green bikini type, skirt and leather belt as black stockings and shoes.

“Hey Jen you look thrilled to be here” Sarah tried joking with her friend who sat in silence as the other girls talked and waited for Megan and Heather to arrive. “O yeah just loving it, normally I wouldn’t do this but my sister was begging and I really could use the money” Jenifer replied as Alicia walked into the room still in human form wearing a red top and black leather pants a camera around her neck “just got off the phone with Heather they are almost here we can wait or get started its up to you” Alicia said with a smile on her face as she noticed Jenifer was in the group as well she gave a slight nod to reassure the timid women that everything would be fine. “No need to wait” came a voice from the entrance all the ladies looked to see both Megan and Heather removing their jackets “sorry about being late we took a little longer getting ready than we expected” Heather said “that’s no problem” Alicia said “if you’ll follow me will get started”

The six women followed Alicia as she walked into the next room where two chairs had been set up there were also two poles in the room as well “so who’s first” Heather stepped forward before Megan got the chance “I will I guess” she said Alicia nodded then waved her hand out to the various chairs and poles in the room “take your pick” Alicia said Heather thought for a moment before asking if she could be hog-tied “yes of course I can do that for you” Alicia said with a devilish smile on her face.
Heather grabbed a mat setting it up next to one of the chairs and layed down on the ground and crossed her wrists behind her back it only took a few seconds for Alicia to assume her true form and quickly pull out a few sticky ribbons of silk wrapping them over the girl’s slender wrists “How does that feel?” Alicia asked as she finished tying Heathers wrists behind her back “yes of course I can do that for you” Alicia said with a devilish smile on her face. Heather grabbed a mat setting it up next to one of the chairs and layed down on the ground and crossed her wrists behind her back it only took a few seconds for Alicia to assume her true form and quickly pull out a few sticky ribbons of silk wrapping them over the girl’s slender wrists
“How does that feel?” Alicia asked as she finished tying Heathers wrists behind her back “it’s not too tight is it?” “No it feels good” Heather replied with a slight giggle as Alicia wrapped her ankles together then ran a finger over her foot after removing her shoes. “O good you’re ticklish” Alicia said with a grin as she brought Heather’s ankles up to her wrists and wrapped them together with a few silk strands. At that point Heather knew she was in trouble for letting that detail slip but was now powerless to do anything about it. With Heather secured the way she wanted Alicia turned to the other girls “Alright next” she said with a laugh

Megan bolted for the chair next to Heather leaving the other girls with stunned looks on their faces “she loves this way too much” Jennifer said under her breath as she watched her sister get wrapped into the chair tightly. Megan had a huge grin on her face as Alicia wrapped the last bands of silk over her then waited patiently for what Alicia would do next. Alicia returned the smile as she looked at the other women who were still free raising an eyebrow. No words were needed and Amber stepped forward this time choosing to be wrapped to the pole, next Jackie chose to be hogtied as well leaving only Sarah and Jennifer.
Jennifer gave Sarah the option of going next and she choose the last chair. Alicia looked over at Jennifer as she slowly made her way toward the last remaining pole and crossed her wrists behind her back. “don’t worry Jen it won’t be as bad as the last time I promise” Alicia said sincerely as she started to wrap the trembling girls wrists together then proceeded to walk around the girl layering her body to the pole with more silk. During the whole process Jennifer kept her eyes tightly closed and trembled as she felt the silk against her skin the things she did for her sister she thought to herself for the twenty time that night. After the last layers of silk were wrapped over Jennifer Alicia stepped back to admire her work “ok ladies its gag time I wanna try something different this time she said as she scurried over to a locker and opened the door grabbing what looked like a large roll of white colored duct tape.

“Oooo” Megan said as she saw the roll “can I try it first”. “again you love this way too much” Jennifer said quietly getting a slight giggle from the other girls. Megan opened her mouth as Alicia placed a wad of silk into her mouth and then smiled as Alicia placed a few pieces of the silk tape over her lips, “have to say that looks good on you girl” Alicia said as she applied the same gag to Jackie, Sarah, and Heather leaving only Amber and Jennifer with free speech as Alicia was about to tape Amber’s mouth she asked to me OTM gagged instead, although disappointed Alicia granted her wish and quickly applied her old style gag to the officer’s lips.
Walking over to Jennifer she felt pity for the trembling girl and gave her the option of remaining ungagged but attempting to face her fear she opted to be OTM gagged as well finishing her task Alicia went back to the locker and set down the roll of tape picking up a camera, “Ok girls it’s show time” Alicia said with a smile as she held up the camera and started taking several shots of the girls as they squirmed and made faces as if they were terrified of their predicament. For several hours the camera continued flashing till Alicia felt she had enough to make a good holiday set for her website, setting the camera down she looked over at both Heather and Megan with a sly look in her eye.

“Now since you two were so late what do you think I should do with you ?” Alicia asked as a smile spread across her face “oh-Oh” Heather thought to herself as Alicia approached. Heather tried to roll away but Alicia was too quick and easily grabbed her bare feet with one of her hands “well since you and Megan seem to have something else in common perhaps that will be your lesson” Mmph mo” both girls tried to plead as the others snickered under their gags. Alicia immediately gave all the others a stern look letting them know if that happened again they would be joining both Megan and Heather in the ultimate tickle torture session, all the girls got the message and could only look on as both Megan and Heather were tickled nearly to death for over thirty minutes.
After Alicia was done she easily untied all the girls starting with Jennifer and ending with the very annoyed Sarah who Mmmphed to be freed immediately “keep it up Sarah and you’ll stay like that till new years” Alicia joked as Sarah gave her a dirty look and growled through her gag. “O your no fun” Alicia said as she started to unwrap the girl. After all the girls were freed Alicia thanked them all and paid them for the shoot then offered them all to join her in celebrating the holidays with a warm meal and Christmas carols. All the girls sat at the table enjoying the food as well as thinking about what the future would hold with shoots

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season
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what does the holiday season hold in store for Alicia and the girls read and find out