Spider Island

Spider Island Chapter 1

Spider Island

4 days earlier
It was supposed to have been an easy photo shoot on a new found island
off the coast of Hawaii. At least that's what Stephanie had thought.
Stephanie was a Lieutenant junior grade in the US Navy assigned to
VFA-13 Sirens as an F/A-18 pilot. She had been on leave when she had
seen the posting and had thought it would be fun to model, after all
nearly every sailor on the Aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln thought she
was hot.

At 5'6 a tan and toned body, and shoulder
length dirty blond hair she fit the part. Now Stephanie wished she was
back on the carrier instead of on this island. What the ad had not
mentioned was the island was already inhabited by giant spiders nearly
the size of a small car. She could only watch in horror as most of the
other models had been jumped, quickly wrapped in the spider's sticky
silk and carried off by the giant arachnids. She and a brunette had
managed to make it to the woods but the other model took a wrong turn
and found herself caught in a giant web, Stephanie had tried her best to
help the struggling girl escape but only managed to get herself stuck in
the same web a few feet away.

The large golden orb weaver hanging high above quickly made its
way down to the two struggling girls, grabbing the brunette first it
begins the process of cocooning the girl, pulling sticky silk from its
spinnerets it pulled the girls arms behind her back and attached a silk
line around her wrists, pulling more silk from its spinnerets it began
to spin the girl over and over coating her body it the tight cocoon,
within seconds the girl is wrapped from below her nose to her toes and
left to hang and wiggle like a worm on a hook. With the first girl
secured the spider set its sights on the young naval aviator, Stephanie
could only whimper in fear as the silk enveloped her body and turned her
into a living mummy

Satisfied that its victims were secure the spider
retreated back up to the center of its web to await its newest arrival
to stumble along and get caught in the sticky threads leaving the two
girls to sway in the wind unable to move or speak. They could only hope
someone would come in time and rescue them, before their hostess hanging
high above decided to get hungry.

Chap 1
CDR. Melissa Stone sat at her desk in the briefing room assigned to the
VFA-13 "Sirens" the only all female fighter squadron in the US navy
looking both annoyed and worried at the same time, Ltjg. Schafer had not
reported back for duty in two days and that wasn't like her, normally
she was the first one in after liberty or came back early from leave
which is one of the reasons Melissa had approved Stephanie's request to
do some cheesy photo shoot. A P-3 Orion had flown over the island and
had taken photos of what appeared to be giant spider webs all over the

Feeling that something bad had happened to the Ltjg. the
Commander had received permission to organize a search and rescue
operation along with 8 members of seal team 3. She and her WSO Lt. Jamie
Evans and her XO LCDR Miranda Andrews with her WSO Lt. Allison Carter
would fly cover in their F-18's while the seals would be dropped into
the island by UH-60 Seahawk. When they found Lt. Schafer their orders
were to get her out immediately.

The spiders luck kept getting better another one of the models had
escaped the attack on the beach only to have found her way into the web,
this one had put up more of a fight as the spider was wrapping her up so
the spider had bitten her on the shoulder to knock her out. Now her limp
body was hanging high up near the center of the web. The first girl that
had been captured with Stephanie had also been carried up as well.
Stephanie felt utterly defeated she knew what was about to happen, the
spider was about to feed and she was powerless to do anything. All she
could do is close her eyes and try not to listen as the girl began to
start screaming. She hoped that she wouldn't be desert and help would
find her.

All four officers left the briefing room together dressed in
their olive flight suits, and carrying their flight helmets, one of
their own was missing and they were going to do everything in their
power to get her back, the seal team was already in the UH-60 and
awaiting orders to take off. Jamie came up next to Allison and asked
"so what do you think happened out there" "beats me, she probably met
some guy and lost track of time" Allison replied as she finished putting
her black hair into a bun. "I'm sure that this will be a waste of time".
All four Aviators arrived on the flight deck in time to see the
helicopter lift off the deck. They each went to their planes and taxied
out to the catapults. At the catapult officer's salute both planes took
off from the aircraft carrier. "Alright ladies lets go to work"
Commander Stone said.

Alexis ran for her life, even growing up in Mississippi she had never seen spiders that size except in the movies. They had been halfway into the shoot when the spiders had attacked. Ten of the girls had been caught and wrapped right there on the beach, she and another three
models had escaped into the woods but now she was only with one of the
other girls. In the confusion three of the girls had gone in a different direction and the girl she was still with was up ahead of her about 25 feet or so. Every noise made Alexis jump thinking it was another spider about to grab her at any moment, she was too busy looking into the tree
line to notice the red headed girl ahead of her suddenly run into a single thread line and quickly disappear up into the trees. Alexis soon followed suite hitting another nearly invisible thread line, in her panic she immediately started to struggle which caused the thread to
break and immediately lift her off the ground almost like she had just
bungee jumped. She finally stopped about 40 feet in the air only swaying
from the breeze.

Alexis knew two things one struggling was useless and would
probably only get her caught sooner and two if she did somehow manage to
break the line she would probably fall to her death anyway, so she
fought thru her panic and tried her best to remain as still as possible.
Growing up in Mississippi she had often found large webs out in the
woods behind her house, there she would throw ants or beetles into the
web and watch as the spiders went to work. She did not want to end up
like all those insects.

The other girl was struggling like crazy completely consumed by
her fear she didn't notice the large black legs of the red-back slowly
begin to come out of the den located a little higher up in the trees,
Alexis caught sight of the giant spider as it slowly began to make its
way down toward the two girls, Alexis tried everything she could to try
and make the other girl to stop moving but as soon as she noticed the
spider coming down to her, she only intensified her struggles. All
Alexis could do was watch as the spider grabbed the struggling girl,
lifted her up to its spinnerets and began to coat her body in sticky
wrapping silk, after ten minutes of being rotated over and over again
the girl was nothing more than a barely moving white mass of silk. The
spider attached one last line before retreating back the way it came,
its bundle right behind.

Alexis was left to hang by herself only to wait for the spider to
return for her. Soon enough Alexis felt a tug on the line holding her in
the air. Alexis went into a state of shock as the spider started
wrapping her ankles together the wrapping continued up her legs and
stomach, at this point Alexis got over her shock and started to try to
fight back, the spider responded by wrapping her wrists tightly behind
her back, Alexis kept fighting as the spider started the wrapping
process again this time starting from below her neck down to her toes,
as the silk was wound around her body the gold colored bikini she was
wearing disappeared under the thick white cocooning silk.
Now only her head remained uncovered, Alexis started swearing as
the spider moved in to wrap "O you mother fuc-MMPH" Alexis yelled as the
arachnid wrapped her mouth tightly in silk, the spider kept moving up
her face, within a few minutes all that could be seen were Alexis's
tearful blue eyes and a few strands of blond hair that had not been
caught by the silk. Alexis was dragged up to join her friend in the
spider den.

After 25 minutes of flying the three navy aircraft had reached their
target the UH-60 came in low enough to drop off its payload of seals
while the two hornets stayed at 200 feet keeping a watchful eye on what
was happening. But they were not they only ones watching, all the noise
had attracted several of the islands large inhabitants, on the ground
several trap door and jumping spiders were watching the seals make their
way closer to where the spiders could make a perfect ambush. Up in the
trees the F-18's had caught the attention of several bolas spiders that
were already preparing their lassos and waiting for their next pass to

The attack on the seals happened quickly, right before they reached
the tree line 3 members of the team were jumped by the trap door spiders
when they accidently came into contact with the silk that was around the
spiders door, the spiders had sprung, grabbed their prey and graded the
seal kicking and screaming back down into its dark lair. The other four
seals that made it past the trap doors went on to watch as several
jumping spiders crawled out from the cover of the trees.
Seal team leader Ensign Bruce Russell tried to get a
hold of their air support and save the remaining members of his team
before the monsters could attack.

Ten of the spiders jumped at the 4 seals but as they were coming down several hundred 30mm rounds rained down on the spiders from a hornet that had dived in for an attack run, eight of the spiders were torn to shreds from the hornets cannon fire but two still found their mark landing on two of the remaining seals, the two reaming seals Ensign Russell and petty officer 2nd class Danny Miller were the only ones who reached the woods safely at least for now. The bolas spiders had been watching the hornets fly around in the air waiting for the right moment to throw their web lines, when the planes started making their attack runs on the jumpers on the beach the bolas went into action.
"What the hell was that" Miranda said as a large semi clear ball whistled past the cockpit. "I have no idea ma'am" Allison said. Another ball shot up from the trees but this one hit its mark striking the left wing, the spider yanked hard on the line yanking the plane out of the sky and towards the forest floor, both officers knew that the plane would never recover and their only choice now was to

Miranda reached up and grabbed the ejection handles, yanked
hard and sent both women out into the twilight just in time before the
hornet struck the ground, as Allison's chute opened and she slowly
drifted down to the earth she felt something moist hit her back,
immediately her decent was stopped in its tracks. She looked around
trying to find what had caught her when she was suddenly lifted higher
she heard Miranda yelling at her to look up and that's when she saw it.
A huge spider was reeling her up to it like she was a fish on the end of
a fisherman's pole, she squirmed and struggled trying to break free but
only exhausted herself. The spider pulled the line a few more times and
the 25 year old Lieutenant was in its grasp, moving quickly the spider
bit into the girls shoulder and injected a small amount of paralyzing
neurotoxin venom into her bloodstream.

At first Allison felt an extreme numbness in her shoulder blade
that was quickly spreading throughout her body in a few minutes she was
completely paralyzed not even able to twitch her fingers. When the
spider was sure its venom had taken effect it began the process of
wrapping its prey strand after strand of silk was wrapped around her
body until soon only her head remained, the spider added one last touch
adding a large band of silk that covered the helpless women's mouth
Miranda was facing a similar problem she had got her chute
snagged into a large irregular web. She tugged and yanked trying to
free her chute completely forgetting that the spiders that build webs
hunt using vibrations caused when prey struggles. The owner of the web
waiting down below sensed the vibrations and started to climb up to
investigate what was caught.

Miranda both felt and saw the black widow as it made its way up to her "No way, Not a chance in hell am I going to die becoming some giant spiders meal" she yelled. Miranda waited until the spider was almost on her before she unclipped her chute hoping that she would hit the ground and be able to run away to safety, but her hopes were dashed when she hit several more of the sticky threads spread out below her. She managed to free one of her arms before the widow made it down to her, it pulled her wrists behind her back and wrapped a few feet of silk around them and around her arms pinning them to her sides. She immediately starting to struggle trying to break free of her bindings, the spider retreated a few feet away and waited till Miranda was exhausted from her struggles. A few minutes later it returned and wrapped her legs in silk from her toes to her waist, again Miranda struggled weakly this time but it made the spider retreat again. A few more minutes passed and once again the spider returned this time Miranda had nothing left as the spider finished wrapping the brunette tightly in its silk. The spider cut the lines that held the bound and gagged women in the web and carried her down to its lair. Little did Miranda and Allison know but they would soon be reunited with their missing squadron mate soon...

Cdr. Stone and Lt. Evans watched in horror as their two
shipmates were quickly captured and secured by spiders that looked like
they were a hundred times their normal size. "What the hell is this
place?" Jamie asked. " looks like were in the damn twilight zone"
Melissa didn't get the chance to answer, with both aviators watching
what was happening below them, they didn't notice the fact that their
aircraft was losing altitude. They also never saw the large golden
colored web right in front of them till it was far too late.

The hornet struck the web and almost went through, but the
strong threads held and snapped back like elastic into their original
position taking the hornet with it. In the position the hornet was stuck
in both women could see the huge horror that was approaching way to fast
for their liking. The huge golden orb weaver had watched the attack on
Miranda and Allison's fighter moments earlier and knew that its prey was
capable of shooting out of the strange metallic shell that protected
them that was hanging right below the spider was prepared for that if
it happened. The Lt. pulled of her flight helmet and let her fire red
hair fall down to her shoulders both her and Melissa were clutching the
ejection handles waiting for the right moment to pull them "Not Yet"
"Not Yet" "Now" Melissa yelled as she pulled down on the handle.

Just as the spider reached the nose of the air craft, the top
blew off and both its potential dinner guest's shot out, Melissa's chute
cleared the swinging legs of the spider as it reached out for her but
Jamie wasn't as lucky when the nephila managed to catch her chute just
before she could make it out of its reach. She was pulled up and was
snagged into the bottom part of the web. She struggled for a few minutes
before the spider sunk her fangs into Jamie's leg. By this time Melissa
had reached the ground and could only watch as the giant cut her
unconscious friend from the web and carried her limp body up to the
center of its web, where it slowly began pulling wide bands of silk from
its spinnerets and attaching them to Jamie's body,

Melissa pulled her service 9mm and hoped she could get a lucky
shot off, Jamie's body was now covered in the golden silk up to her
waist now, the spider used to of its legs to hold the girl's arms behind
her back and continued to roll more and more silk over her body. Now her
body was covered in gold up to her neck, Melissa was still hoping for a
clean shot that she knew deep down wouldn't come, the spider was now
holding Jamie in a vertical position and this time was wrapping back
down to her toes much faster than the first layer. Jamie came to just as
her toes were wrapped, she started pleading with the spider to stop and
let her go hoping that somehow it would understand her. For a second the
spider did stop and stare at her like it did understand what she had
said, but then it continued and added a third layer this time going over
her mouth stopping any more pleading over than some small mpphs here and
there. One more strand was added and the girl was carried up into the
shadows of the woods.

Melissa felt both furious and utterly defeated as she watched
the young officer pulled into the trees, she yelled up to where she had
last seen the girl telling her she would not leave her behind and that
in a few days this would feel like nothing more than a bad dream, she
holstered her sidearm and removed her flight helmet revealing her
shoulder length blonde hair. she cautiously made her way into the woods
hoping not to run any of the local wildlife and that she would find her
friends. Unknown to her that her last statement had only managed to
catch the attention of two giant orb weavers that had been searching for
a present to give to their queen, they began to stalk the beautiful
officer waiting for the right moment to strike.

Stephanie slowly woke up, she had just had the weirdest dream of her
life, she had dreamt that she had been kidnapped by a giant spider and
held hostage bound and gagged on an island out in the middle of nowhere,
she went to stretch out her arms and suddenly realized they wouldn't
move, suddenly her reality came back like a slap in the face. The dream
wasn't a dream at all, she really had been captured. She tried calling
for help but only manage a few mmphs that wouldn't be heard from 6 feet
away. Realizing that strategy was out the window for the time being she
took in her surroundings to see if there was anything she could use to
aid in her escape. It appeared that she was now lying on her stomach in
the middle of a clearing although no longer in a web she wasn't going
anywhere soon, her wrists had been bound behind her back with silk as
same as her ankles but know a wide band of silk had been passed in
between the two so she was in a tight hogtie.

After a brief struggle the only thing she managed to do was roll onto
her side and work up a sweat, that's when she noticed she wasn't the
only one in the clearing 15 of the original 20 models where there as
well, some had there arms tied over their heads attached to the tree
branch's some were wrapped completely and hung on the webs along the
outside of the clearing, and then Stephanie noticed the three other
girls sharing the same hogtie predicament as her weren't wearing
swimsuits, but naval flight suits with the mermaid sitting on a rock
patch of VFA-13, her shipmates must have tried a rescue and were
captured. Her hopes were not completely crushed after noticing that her
CO was not among the captured group. "At least not yet anyway" Stephanie

Melissa cautiously made her way though the tree's trying not to make
attention to herself, unaware that she already had two of the giant orb
weavers closing in on her from behind. Leaning against a tree she wiped
her hand across her brow getting rid of the sweat and a few blonde hairs
that had gotten into her eyes. "its way to hot here to keep wearing
this suit" she said out loud, moving slowly she started to remove the
garment off her body revealing a skin tight short red shirt that exposed
her midriff and shiny black pants. Just as she had finished tossing the
suit to the side she suddenly heard a clicking sound coming from above
her. She looked up in time to see a giant yellow, black and white
colored spider try to jump on her from above.

Only with sheer luck did she manage to move out of the way of the
ambush and she managed to duck behind another tree when the spider went
on the attack again shooting a thick web line in the young 29 year olds
direction. Moving on sheer instinct she ran for a few miles before
having to stop for the last half a mile it seemed like she had lost her
pursuers since she hadn't heard them or had to dodge any webbing sent
her way. Letting out a breath of relief she turned and came face to face
with a large brown spitting spider that was hunched over the body of PO2
Miller. "O SHIT" Melissa said a little too loudly, the spider stopped
what it was doing and stared at the beautiful blonde standing in front
of it "good spider nice spider your going to stay right there while I
run in a different direction" Melissa said taking a few steps back. The
spider hissed at her and took a few steps in Melissa's direction, "O
shit" Melissa said as she turned to run.

She didn't make it very far before a large line of silk was sent in her
direction from the spider taking out her legs and sending the girl to
the ground. With her legs already going numb from the venom inside the
silk holding her ankles together Mellissa mumbled to herself "great
can't see how this could get any worse now". No sooner did the words
escape her lips than the orb weavers came down from the tree and were
instantly on the helpless girl. She tried to fight back but the spitting
spider sent one more line of silk at her trapping her arms at her side
and her wrists behind her back. Now with her defenseless the orb weavers
started were the spitter left off picking her up off the forest floor
and holding her vertical between the two of them and began to slowly
turn her over and over all the while covering her in tight conforming
wrapping silk, the silk slowly made its way up her legs and soon covered
up to her slender shoulder blades.

"You fucking bugs let me g..MMPh" Melissa yelled before the silk was
wrapped over her lips. She was dropped on the ground and left to
struggle by now the silk had dried on her body and she went from looking
like a white worm to looking like she had been wrapped in plastic wrap
from her mouth to her feet. The larger of the two orb weavers attached
one final line at Melissa's feet and dragged the defiant and struggling
officer out of sight deeper into the woods. No one was there to noticed
as a slim female figure stepped out from the shadows and smiled.

Lieutenant General Mike Schafer stared at the phone for what must have been the hundredth time that day. His daughter hadn't called in almost a week now, normally she would call once a day just to see what was going on, they had always had a close relationship through the years. Right now his instincts were telling him something terrible had happened to
Stephanie and he wasn't going to stand by and let it happen, he picked
up his phone and started dialing numbers. Bruce watched from his hiding place as Melissa was wrapped head to foot and dragged off by the large arachnid. "Damn it not another one" he
muttered to himself. Believing that if he could remain hidden then maybe
he could track were the spiders were bringing their helpless quarry and
with any luck he would find the rest of the captured squadron as well as
his girlfriend Stephanie who he had been secretly seeing for the past
few months due to the navy was against a junior and senior officer
having a romance and secondly he knew who her farther was the CO of
camp Pendleton Lt. General Schafer who was not someone you wanted to
annoy. Once he learned it was Stephanie who the missing pilot had been he really didn't have any choice but to go. He slowly crept out from his hiding place under a fallen tree and began to follow the spiders.

Stephanie had been working on getting free for what felt like hours now,
unlike rope or tape that she had some experience with from ex boyfriends
and that one night in college the spider silk that was wrapped around
her wrists and ankles didn't have any knots she could pick with her
fingers and was way more sticky than any tape so she could not simply
twist her wrists and try and pull free like she had in the past. The one
time she had made any thing close to being considered progress she had
caught the attention of the widow spider that had quickly reinforced her
bindings to the point where now all she could do was roll a few inches
to the left or right. MMph mmbody melp me, Stephanie looked on as
another one of the models who Stephanie thought was Alexis get carried
into the clearing by a giant red back spider. The spider forced the
struggling girl into a chair that had been left at the edge of the
clearing and then after pulling more silk from its spinnerets began to
put the already hopelessly helpless damsel into a tight chair tie.
More and more of the spiders silk was wrapped over the girl pinning her
arms to the chair, silk was then would over her waist making sure that
she couldn't stand up and try and hop away as a final touch the spider
wrapped several feet of silk around her ankles and one the chair legs.
Satisfied that Alexis wouldn't be able to free herself the spider left
her there to struggle in her bindings the spider left to check on the
other girls.

Stephanie tried to help her terrified friend by offering Mmphs of
reassurance to let her know their fate wasn't sealed just yet, it did
seem to relax the panic stricken girl's struggling. By know it seemed
that every one of the large spiders had found their way into the
clearing, some had their eight eyes set on a particular girl but most
were watching the entrance to the clearing as if they were waiting for
someone or something to show itself. Two large orb weavers entered into
the clearing dragging along another victim for the larder, all four navy
officers watched and hoped that it wasn't Cdr. Stone in that bundle
being dragged along the path; their hopes were quickly dashed as Melissa
was shoved against a pole and quickly secured.

Trying not to show her fear Melissa angrily cursed at her captors as
they turned and walked away, at this point every girl who was not
unconscious began to struggle with each passing second it became clear
that the spiders really were waiting for something to happen and were
getting more and more excited as time went by. What ever was going to
happen it was coming soon. Suddenly a young black haired women walked
out of the woods and into the center of the clearing, all the girls
watched as the spiders seemed to move out of the way of the stranger
without attacking "why aren't they attacking" Stephanie thought to
herself, shouldn't she be like us by now? "Mpphh" Stephanie said through
the silk gag over her mouth hoping that maybe this was the big rescue
she had been waiting for. "What was that" the stranger said as she
reached down and tore the gag off of Stephanie's mouth "I didn't hear
you the first time you were saying something"? The women said with a
slight smirk on her face. Stephanie coughed from being gagged for so
long, when she finally managed to get the words out she asked "who are
you"? "I've gone by many names" the women replied "Anansi , Maya,
Lilith" "but not know I go by the name Alicia" she said taking a few
steps away from the hogtied girl and looking at the other helpless
captives "I want to thank you all for answering my ad that I posted for
this shoot" "and you four for making an unexpected visit" she said to
Melissa, Jamie, Miranda and Allison "the more the merrier, my babies are
always hungry" Alicia said.

All the other girls started Mmphing in worry over that last statement
while Stephanie asked "what do you mean your babies?" Alicia just smiled
at the now frowning girl and "said I'll show you" as the women watched
in both awe and horror Alicia lower body began to change and become that
of a large spider. With her transformation done she began to pull her
own silk out and began to work towards Stephanie. "I think you have been
making to much noise my dear" Alicia said as she held up the wide band
towards Stephanie's mouth "no please don't Mmmph" Alicia quickly tied
the silk over her mouth forming a tight over the mouth gag "there that
should do the trick" Alicia stepping back to admire her work. Stephanie
just glared at her with venom in her eyes. "Have fun" Alicia said to all
the spiders in the clearing as she started to walk away
Bruce had made it to a vantage point for the best shot looking through
the scope of his M82 rifle. He felt a twinge of pain as he saw his
girlfriend in a tight painful looking hogtie. It quickly turned to anger
when the creature responsible for her predicament showed itself his
finger tightened on the trigger as the sights landed right between the
women's eyes he slowly let his breath out as he put pressure on the
trigger, MMMPH the sound of Stephanie screaming made Bruce quickly
switch targets from the spider women to the large orb weaver closing in
on Stephanie its fangs dripping with deadly venom. He once again slowed
his breathing lined up the sights and pulled the trigger.

Stephanie screamed in terror as one of the orb weavers that had dragged
Melissa in set its sights on her as it was getting closer its fangs
began to click with anticipation and drip venom right before it could
sink its fangs into her a loud shot rang out and the spider exploded,
Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief as the spider fell to the ground
dead, she might have been safe but most of the other girls weren't so
lucky as one by one they were chosen by a spider and quickly wrapped
tighter and then injected with venom. Bruce fired several more rounds
stopping the spiders going after Melissa, Jamie, Allison, Miranda and
Alexi's dead in their tracks. Alicia hissed as Bruce made his way down
to the larder holding the rifle at the ready, "alright bitch your next"
he said as he leveled the rifle. He pulled the trigger but nothing
happened, "looks like your out of ammo" Alicia said taking a few steps
toward the seal "think again" Bruce said throwing down the 50 cal and
pulling out his M11 Sig Sauer P228 handgun and pumping several rounds
into the creature.

Alicia howled in pain and slinked back into the safety of the dark
woods. Bruce let her go for now to rescue the remaining survivors using
his kabar he eventully managed to free the girls. Alexis, Jamie, Allison
and Miranda left the larder under orders from Melissa who stayed behind
to help free Stephanie they got her ankles free but before they could
free her wrists or remove her gag the red back noticed them. "MMMMph"
Stephanie screamed as she saw the red back coming, "GO" Bruce yelled at
Melissa as he pulled the pin from a grenade and threw it in the spider's
direction. Bruce picked up Stephanie and carrying her over his shoulder
followed Melissa out of the larder as the red back was caught in the
blast of the grenade. They still weren't out of the woods yet as the
made it to the beach the black widow came out from the trees in hot
pursuit. Before it could reach them several bursts came out from the
sand dunes and ripped into the spider dropping it. At last they could
all breath in safety.

Bruce quickly freed Stephanie's wrists and gently removed the silk
gag from her mouth. Finally safe and in the arms or her boyfriend
Stephanie broke down in tears of joy "thank you so much for saving me
Bruce" Stephanie sobbed "you know I will always be there for you" Bruce
replied. "Sir Ma'am" both officers looked up to see a marine recon staff
sergeant standing over them "we need to move" both officers nodded stood
up and made their way to the landing CH-53E

A few days later both officers stood on the side of the aircraft carrier
watching as the sun set below the horizon "Stephanie there has been
something that I have been planning to do for a while know" Bruce said
nervously "what is it Bruce?" Stephanie asked with a small glint of
mischief in her eye, "well I talked to your dad already and got his
permission Bruce said as he dropped to one knee and pulled out a jewelry
box and opened it to reveal a diamond ring "Stephanie Schafer will you
marry me?" As soon as the shock wore off Stephanie quickly and happily
said "yes yes of course its yes" Stephanie said as she slipped the ring
onto her finger. Both officers held each tightly and watched as the last
glow of the sun disappeared beneath the waves
♠ ♠ ♠
Photo shoot goes wrong for a navy LT and several other models when they find the Island is'nt deserted after all