

She sighed, happy to be going. Danny had rushed back to his house, and told her to pack up everything, since she owned so little.

She was ecstatic. She gets to go on tour, with one of her favorite bands, and be near people who seem to be genuine. She loved the boys, but she knew she needed to get out more. Besides school, for the past 4 years she had just stayed with them or at Tremont.

Once she'd gathered up all of her clothes, the iPod Danny had gotten for her, and her laptop [a gift from all the guys the previous year], she was ready to go. She and Danny drove back to the concert hall, in relative silence.

When they arrived, she stepped out of the car, and ran around to the other side of the car. She knew she'd miss them more than she realized now, and she wanted to get a few good last hugs before she went off.

Danny picked her up, her small frame only reaching about 4 foot 9, since she was short for her age, and just held her.

"I'm gonna miss you, kid. You've been the center of our lives for the past 4 years, and without you here half of us won't know what to do." She could tell he was near tears; big, ginormous, could've-been-a-linebacker Danny, was about to cry. She leaned back, signing rapidly.

"I love you all so much, but you especially. You took me in, and gave me everything I've ever needed, even though I'm so damaged and so much trouble. You let me see some of the greatest bands in the world for free and you love me as if I were your own. I'll be back, and I'll always be your little angel of Tremont, for as long as it stands." She finished, blinking back tears herself.

All the while, a certain four boys had been watching them. Vic and Mike shared a look, knowing how hard it was too leave family, especially when they were all you've had. Danny placed the small girl, too small for her age in Vic's mind, and they shared final goodbyes with the others. Vic and Jaime broke away from the group, to grab Elizabeth's things. They placed them in the small, yet cozy tour bus. They didn't need anything to extravagant, but luckily they did have one extra bunk.

Vic watched as Elizabeth walked towards them, carrying a small bag, and smiling. He smiled, knowing that this trip was one that would be sure to change not only the little girl, but all of them. He just hoped it would be for the better.