Shh Daddy's Here...

Chapter One...

Gerard sat in the waiting room, running his hands through his newly cut hair. His palms were sweaty. Behind two large white doors, his life was changing….His three year Girlfriend and Best Friend Molly, was giving birth to his baby. His whole life had changed for the worse over the last nine months. He and Molly had been arguing a lot recently, mainly over the baby. Molly had never wanted to keep it, but Gerard wanted her to.

After what seemed like forever, a young nurse came through the large doors...


I noticed a nurse coming up to me. I scrabbled to my feet. She didn’t look very pleased. I hoped everything was alright.
“Gerard Way?” I nodded; I couldn’t open my mouth to speak.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news…”
I began to shake. I hate bad news.
“I’m afraid to say Miss Wells…well I’m sorry to say this, but she passed away.”
My heart felt like it had stopped and broken into thousands of pieces. My legs gave way under me and I collapsed to the floor, shaking.
“She can’t be dead….I was just talking to her before she…This cant be true” I whispered….staring at the floor. Tears began to fall from my face, and as the first tear hit the floor, I lost it.
“NO! She can’t be dead! I don’t believe you!! Let me see her!!” I made a dash for the white doors, but the Nurse held me back.
“I’m sorry Mr. Way but you can’t go threw there just yet.” She said. I collapsed back onto the floor, and began to cry harder.

10 Minutes Later….

The Nurse finally let me see Molly. I opened the door to room they had put her in and slowly stepped inside.
Molly looked so pale. I had to stop myself from shaking her. I slowly sat on the plastic chair placed next to her bed. I touched her hand; she was as cold as ice. More tears began to fall down my face as I held her hand.
“Molly I’m so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. If I’d have known the baby would kill you then I wouldn’t have made you keep it” I put my forehead on her stomach. All that was heard was my crying. I felt pathetic.
Suddenly, I heard a small noise from the end of Molly’s bed. I looked up, confused for a moment. I got up to see what the noise was. In a small bed like box, was my baby. It slowly opened its large eyes, and began to cry. I lifted it out of the bed thing, and held onto it protectively.
“It’s ok sweetheart. Daddy’s got you…”
At that moment, a Doctor walked in, clipboard in hand.
“I see you’ve become acquainted with your Daughter.”
I stared at him.
“It’s a Girl?”
The Doc smiled.
“Yes Mr. Way it is a beautiful girl. Now, you need to fill in this form, stating your new baby girls’ name.”
I took the Clipboard, carefully putting my daughter back into her “crib” thing. I stared at the form.
“You want me to fill all this in?” I questioned
“Of course. It’s procedure.” Said the Doctor, as he walked back out.
I sighed, this may take awhile…
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