Shh Daddy's Here...

Chapter Two...

AGE: 30
It felt horrible writing that, especially with Molly’s body lying right next to me…
I didn’t know what to put…I tried to think of a name that Molly wanted the baby to be called. I know she wanted a boy to be called Jake, but my daughter wasn’t a boy….
I wracked my brain, thinking of the perfect name. I looked over at my Daughter, who had fallen back to sleep. She looked so angelic. She needed the perfect name. I suddenly knew what to call her…

After finishing the form (which believe me took awhile) I looked over at Molly. My heart sank again…I felt like a part of me was missing. Like a part of me had been torn away, leaving a horrid gaping wound.
“I’ll take care of her Mol, I promise you...”


The Doctors let me take Jess home three days after she was born. I felt odd taking her, as I thought she’d have to stay in there longer, but the Nurses said she was healthy so I may as well take her home. Before I left the Hospital, I called Mikey.
“Mikey it’s me”
“Oh hey Gee how’s everything? Molly ok? The baby alright?”
I swallowed.
“Well not exactly. The baby’s fine… its…well”
“Gee you’re scaring me...what’s wrong?”
I couldn’t tell him. Tears began to fall down my cheeks, and I burst into tears.
“Molly’s dead Mikey!”
There was silence from the other side as I continued to sob.
“Omg Gee….I’m so sorry.”
This made me cry harder. I hated it when my little brother went all quiet and upset.
“Don’t cry Gee...everything will be ok. I’ll come pick you and the baby up. What time you allowed out?”
At this point I had to stop crying, but it was too hard. I barely managed to tell Mikey that we were allowed out now.
“Alright Gerard…I’ll be there soon. Everything will be ok. Trust me”
How would everything be ok? My life had changed forever, and I didn’t have the one person who could help me anymore…

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mikey arrived shortly after phoning him. I met him in the Waiting room, Jessica in my arms, ready to go. I spotted Mikey and sat up quickly, almost forgetting about Jessica, and nearly dropping her.
Mikey came over quicker, hold his hand out to make sure I had a firm hold on Jess.
“Careful Gee, you nearly dropped it…..You gotta be more...” Mikey stopped there; he must have seen my swollen red eyes, or the tears that were still falling from my face. Maybe it was the face I was pulling; it must have shown hurt because Mikey stopped talking.
“Oh Gerard… don’t cry anymore. Everything’s going to be ok” At this point Mikey was about to hug me. I hadn’t been hugged since the last time I talked to Molly. I flinched away from my little brother…somehow being hugged didn’t feel right anymore…
“What’s wrong Gerard?” he asked, looking slightly hurt. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. More tears fell from my swollen eyes.
“Mikey why is everything changing? Why can’t life be like it was 9 months ago?” I said, wiping my cheek on my shoulder.
“Gerard, you know life can’t go backwards. You just gotta go forward with it”
“That’s easy for you to say,” I mumbled as we made our way to Mikey’s Car,” You don’t have a baby to look after...”
I hadn’t meant for Mikey to hear that, but he did. He stopped and placed his hand on my shoulder.
“I’ll help you look after the Baby Gerard. And Frank and Ray and Bob will probably help too.” Mikey smiled
“Besides…I am the Baby’s Uncle, it’s my Job to look after it!”
I smiled something I hadn’t done in a long time. We continued to walk to the Car.
“By the way...” said my little brother, “What’s the Baby’s name?”
I looked over at Mikey and simply said “Jessica” before getting into the passenger seat of the car.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The journey to Mikey’s place was very quiet, apart from Jessica’s cries. They were the only things bringing me back to reality, as I kept wondering what me and Molly would be doing right now. Mikey seemed tense, he kept looking over at me. I wondered why he looked so nervous.
“Mikey what’s wrong?” I asked, turning to face him
“Nothings wrong, I was just thinking”
“What about?” I questioned
“About the band. What are we going to do?”
I went silent. I hadn’t thought about that…..
“I don’t know Mikey...You guys can carry on with the band, and get a better lead singer”
Mikey stopped the Car. We were in the middle of a busy road, and Jessica was crying again. I guess the halt scared her.
“No Way Gerard!” screamed Mikey
“Mike’s were in the middle of a road...” I said quietly, hoping Mikey would start the Car again
“Without you there is no My Chemical Romance!” said Mikey. Cars passed us, honking at us to move. I was starting to get a tight feeling in my chest. I always get those when Mikey yells at me…
“Mikey please can we get off this road. I’m getting nervous and Jess won’t stop crying… You know what, lets discuss this later” the pain in my chest wouldn’t go away. Mikey sighed.
“Alright” he started the Car again. I sighed, yet the pain still wouldn’t go away. My chest became tighter and tighter, until it became hard to breathe…
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Well Here's The Second Bit...
