Shh Daddy's Here...

Chapter Four...

As we made our way back to my place, I could see the clouds starting to darken.
“Looks like its gonna rain” I said, trying to make conversation. I only got a small “hmm” from my older brother. I glanced over at him. He was looking very carefully at Jess, who had fallen asleep again.
“She’s really cute...” I said, looking back at the road.
Gerard stayed silent. Then with no warning, he whispered,
“She looks just like Molly…”
I sighed as I pulled into the driveway. I looked carefully at Jess.
“She has your nose.”
Gerard got out of the car, protectively holding onto Jessica. I made my way to the front door, expecting it to be locked. Suddenly it opened form the inside. Frank poked his head out, a grin plastered on his face.
“Where’s the new Mommy and Daddy!?! I wanna see the little bundle of Joy!!”
I pulled a face. Not only had Frank just shouted down my ear, but he didn’t know that Molly had died.

“What’s wrong Mikey?” Frank asked. I shook my head.
“You’ll find out in a second” I said as I saw Gerard making his way to the front door.
“There’s Daddy!!” cried Frank, making his way over to Gerard.
Gee smiled at Frank, his smile looked fake and unnatural on his face, yet Frank didn’t seem to notice it. He was too busy stroking Jess’ tiny hand.
“She’s so cute!! Look at her tiny hands…I bet you and Molly are so pleased. Where is Molly anyway?” asked Frank, looking at the empty car. Gerard’s eyes started to fill up with tears.
“Oh god was it something I said?” Frank backed away a little, confusion very clear on his face. I could hear Gerard mumble something to Frank, who didn’t seem to hear him.
“I’m sorry Gee I can’t make out what you’re saying.” Said Frank.
“She’s ******* dead Frank for Gods sake!” screamed Gerard, startling all of us. Jess began shrieking.
“Gee….oh my god...Im so sorry…” whispered Frank. Gerard seemed to be ignoring Frank, and was trying to get his little girl to calm down. Jessica was screaming rather loud...drawing Bob and Ray out of the house.
“Jesus Christ…for a new born she sure makes a lot of noise…” said Bob, making his way other to Gerard and Jessica. He took Jess into his arms and starting cooing at her. She seemed to calm down, and was staring up at the Bob. He was a total stranger to her…
Ray slowly made his way to Gee, and was having a quiet talk with him. I turned my attention to Frank. He had tears in his eyes. I lifted his head and saw shock.
“She’s dead?” he whispered.
“Yeah…” I whispered back, glancing over at Gee. He had his Fake Smile on for Bob. Ray was shaking his head slightly. Gee obviously hadn’t told Bob yet.
“I’m guessing Gee’s really upset about it”
“He is” I snapped “Cant you tell! He’s ******* miserable!”
Frank backed away.
“Mikey please calm down. You snapping wont help Gee… He’s gonna need us to stay strong for him…”
For once, Frank was talking sense. I sighed.
“Your right…its gonna be really hard though. This would be a lot easier if we didn’t have Jessica to look after...”
“That’s a sweet name…” Frank smiled over at Gerard “I have a feeling that child of his will help him. She’ll hopefully help him see that he has to move one”
“I don’t think he can move on yet Frankie…it’s only just happened…Imagine if someone you cared about died like that and you had to forget about it in a matter of seconds”
Frank looked longingly at my brother.
“I guess….I know I’d hate to lose the person I cared about…”
I too looked over at Gerard. Bob was still holding Jess, so Gee was just looking down at the floor and fiddling with this jeans Pocket. I could see Ray wanted to say something, but Gee wasn’t going to let him. I sighed for the Hundredth time.
“Come on guys...Im freezing my ass off here.”
We all made our way back into my House. Suddenly the thought dawned on me...
Why the hell are Frank Bob and Ray here!!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm....this chapter is shorter then the others..

