Shh Daddy's Here...

Chapter Five...


We started making our way back into Mikey’s place. I still had Gee’s baby in my arms. She was adorable. She had big green beautiful eyes, just like Molly. She just seemed like one of those perfect kinda babies. Like one I’d longed to have for years. I’ve always wanted to be a Daddy… but with me being Gay, it wouldn’t work. I had thought of adoption…but I wasn’t with anyone. I would have to look after the Child on my own…and with the Band Touring, that would be pretty difficult.
Once inside, I handed the baby back to Gerard. He seemed relived to have her back in his arms. I guess Gee was gonna become one of those “Never let their child out of their site” kinda Parents… at least the little one will be safe...
I carefully looked at Gee when he stepped under the Hallway light. He was paler then usual, and his eyes didn’t have the sparkle that they used to have. I frowned. Gee wasn’t telling me something…
“Gerard can I have a word…Privately?” I asked. Gee nodded and handed his little girl over to Mikey, who held her cautiously.
I knew Gerard thought I was gonna give him a grilling…I could see it in his eyes.
“What’s the Baby’s name Gee?” I asked happily. Gerard sighed in relief.
“I decided to call her Jessica...” he replied.
“What about Molly….what did she wanna call her?
Gerard fidgeted and looked down to the ground.
“Gee…..what’s wrong?” I asked, lifting his face with my right hand. Tears were welling up in his eyes.
“Oh my god…Gee what happened??”
Gerard began to shake slightly.
“If I’d have known this would happen… I never would have made Molly keep her...”
At this point…Gerard was crying heavily… I pulled him into a tight hug and let him cry onto my shoulder.
“She died Bob…she’s gone…I don’t know what to do now….the one person who could help me is gone forever…” Gerard cried harder. I picked up his shaking figure and sat down on the Stairs, holding him like I had held Jessica. I began to rock him back and forth, whispering comforting words to him…
After a few minutes Gerard seemed to calm down. He had gone very quiet. I looked down at him to see him fast asleep. I smiled and picked him up, walking into the Living room where Mikey, Frank Ray and the baby were.
I whispered to Mikey, “Should I put Gee in the Guest Room?”
Mikey looked up at me and then to Gee. He nodded…
“Be of the Stairs is creaky…it might wake him up...”
I carefully walked up the Stairs, tightly holding onto Gerard. He was sleeping like a little boy…it was rather sweet. Suddenly there was a loud creak. I looked down to see that I had stepped on the “Creaky Stair”. I cursed under my breath, hoping to God that I hadn’t woken Gerard. He stirred slightly. I held my breath; waiting for him to open is eyes. He didn’t…he cuddled up to me. I was very close to dropping him.
I made my way up the rest of the stairs and into the Guest Bedroom. The light Blue walls made the room look huge…but it was crammed with random rubbish…including one of Mikey’s broken Bass’.
I gently placed Gee onto the bed in the corner. I pulled the covers over him. He looked so small… I wasn’t used to seeing him like this! I was used to seeing him all happy and smiling. I was used to him constantly talking…
I slowly made my way out of the room and back downstairs. It was very quiet in the Living Room. I walked in to see Frank holding onto Jess, holding her tiny hand as she looked up at him. Mikey and Ray were quietly talking. I decided not to butt in on the conversation, so I made my way over to Frank.
“Look how tiny she is…” said Frank, looking up at me. I smiled. Gerard had promised Frank that he could be one of the Baby’s uncles. He was so happy! I guess Frank wanted Kids of his own one day…kinda like me.
I really wanted to know about what Ray and Mikey were talking about…if it was about Gerard; we ALL needed to talk about it. I mean, we’d all have to try and help him. From his crying outburst on me I realized how much he would need us. It was kinda weird… I’d never seen Gerard need help. He was nearly always so self-dependant (apart from that time where he quit drinking.)
Frank was staring at me and I realized I was day-dreaming.
“Sorry Frank” I said, smiling slightly. Frank tried to smile back. Looking down at Jessica, Frank said.
“Gerard asleep???”
“ a Baby” I replied. Frank smiled.
“Aww…here. Look after Jessie. I’m gonna go check on Gee”
“Is that a good idea? I mean, he might wanna be left alone.” I said, taking Jess.
“He’s fast asleep…he wont even know I’m there.” Frank replied, slowly walking out of the Door and up the Stairs. Mikey turned to me.
“Where’s he going??”
“Checking on your brother…” I said, going to sit down next to Ray.
“Is that a good idea?”
“I don’t know….but Gerard’s fast asleep so I guess Frank wont bother him much…”
Ray moved over slightly, giving me more room. It went silent.
Ray cleared his throat.
“Who’s Hungry?? We ordered in Pizza. It’s cold now but we can heat it up.”
Mikey sat up and went into the Kitchen. Ray turned to me smiling.
“You look so comfortable holding her…”
I was confused…what was Ray on about?
I looked down to see Jess in my arms. I’d totally forget about her…
“You forgot didn’t you?”
I nodded. Ray laughed slightly
“Your glad Gee is upstairs…if he knew you’d forget he would have murdered you...and we’d be short of a Drummer!!”
“And I don’t really think Mikey would want Dead Me all over the carpet. Alicia would have a fit as well… where is Alicia anyway??”
“Out with her Girly Friends…” Ray said, stretching his arms, “She said she’d be back in a few Hours…”
“Oh…” I said quietly. The room went silent again, so I turned my attention to Jess. She was just staring at me. It was kinda weird. Do all Babies’ just lay and stare at you??!
Ray laughed again.
“I think she likes you.” He said as he poked my nose. I looked over at him and smiled.
“Well I like her…isn’t she cute!” I went into a total “Squee! Girly Moment”. I could tell it was freaking Ray out.
“Bob calm down… you’ll scare her” Mikey emegered from the Kitchen holding two large plates. He placed them on the Table and went to get Frank.
Ray took a slice and handed it to me.
“You look like you’ve got your hands full…want me to take Jess?”
At that moment Mikey came back down, without Frank.
Both Ray and I looked up with a sorta confused look on our faces.
“Frank will be down in a sec…he’s just talking to Gee…” Mikey sat down and took a slice of Pizza.
“So Gerard’s awake? Is he coming down??” I asked.
“I don’t know…I really don’t think he will come down. I hope he does. He needs something to eat!”
Seconds later Frank came down, holding onto Gerard’s hand. Gerard looked like Death. I know that sounds kinda harsh but its true! He looked even paler. We all smiled when he walked in.
“Hey Gee!! Want some Pizza??”
Gerard shook his head and made his way over to me, I handed Jessica to him. He looked a little better holding his Daughter. He looked like a Natural Dad...even though he looked like he’d just crawled out the ground...
Gee went to sit over on the Chair in the corner…away from everyone else. Frank grabbed his shoulder and made him sit between Ray and me.
“Come on Gee sit with your two favorite people in the world!” Ray said smiling.
Gerard eyes’ went watery, but he smiled back.
“Alright...I sit with you two idiots…”
Ray pretend to sulk, making the rest of us laugh. Gee looked a lot happier… He even took some Pizza. (Mikey looked relived.)
It got dark quickly, before anybody knew it, it was 11.
Ray stood up and stretched.
“Its getting late…I’d better go. Got a long day tomorrow.” He walked over to Gerard and bent down so they were both eye-level.
“You gonna be okay?”
It seemed like a stupid question, but Gerard smiled and nodded.
“Thank You for today Ray…”
Ray straightened up and smiled back at Gee.
“Don’t worry about it…see you guys later!” With that Ray was gone.
Frank was next to go. He looked so tired. I decided to offer him a lift back home. He just nodded in reply… I had a feeling he would fall asleep on the way…
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Yay Bob's P.O.V!! ^.^

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