Status: Active but Experimenting if People Like it

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 1

“Hey look who it is... Gaskank.” Margret sneered the moment Jasey walked through the doors of the school “You know... That’s what they called your father when he went here. You never know how many brothers and sisters you have around the world because of your dad’s sexual escapades.”

“Shut it Maggot. Atleast my dad is open with his “activities” unlike your dad that goes behind your family’s back.” The girl answered her rival. Margaret’s facial expression changed.

“My dad is a business man. He would never do that.” the blonde girl flipped her hair across her shoulder and smirked.

“Really? Cause I’m pretty sure that I saw him come in to the shop yesterday with a woman that wasn’t your mother. They were pretty close.” Jasey replied nonchalantly.

“Hey Jasey!” A voice exclaimed and an arm wrapped around the girl’s waist.

“Hey Evan.” Jasey turned to look at the tall boy who was standing next to her.

“Aww Isn’t that cute. Your boyfriend found you.” Margret mocked. “Are you going to knock her up and leave for tour with your shitty band too? Cause I’m sure this is the school’s tradition.” she continued, venom dripping off each word.

“Uh... I play guitar but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m in a band.” Evan was confused by Margaret’s words. “Besides I’m going into medicine. And another thing why would I get Jasey pregnant? Just shut up Margaret and use your cranium before you use your oral cavity.” Evan snapped.

Margaret looked dumb stricken and gaped at the tall boy.

“Let’s go Jasey, We’ll be late for class,” Evan said and the pair started to walk towards their first period class.

“What did she say this time?”he asked as they sat down in their desks.

“Don’t worry about it.” Jasey shook her head.

“Jase, listen. You can’t just keep living like this. She puts you down everyday. How can you stand it?” Evan asked placing his hand on hers.

“Evan, I’m used to it. Just don’t worry about me. I don’t want to pull you into my crazy mess of a life.” Jasey smiled weakly.

“Jasey Rae. You are beautiful and you can’t be put down because you’re dad isn’t present in your life. You have your mom, and Lily, you have me and my family. You don’t need to take Margaret’s bullshit.” Evan gave Jasey a hug.

“Thanks Evan. But I just wish I saw him at least once. Just once will be enough.” she replied returning the hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek before the teacher started teaching the lesson.
Lunch came around and Jasey met Evan at their lockers.
“I guess we’re loners since Lily decided to ditch us for the nice weather in the Dominican while we freeze here,” Evan chuckled as they got their food and headed to the cafeteria.

“Okay Evan Let’s not exaggerate we’re not completely freezing. We’re just chilling,” Jasey rolled her eyes and laughed. Evan wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

“Where’s Oli? I haven’t seen him all day?” he asked.

“I have no idea” Jasey replied. “He’s probably crying because Lily’s gone for the week,” she joked

“He’ll show up eventually,” Evan chuckled at the girl’s comment.

“So what are we gonna do after school today- It is Friday after all. We should go see a movie or something?” the tall boy asked before taking a bite out of his sandwich when the pair got to their table.

“I was going to stop by the shop to see if mom needs any help and then I thought we could just chill at my house watching movies and shoving our faces with pizza,” Jasey suggested.

Evan thought of the idea and nodded in agreement. “Sounds like the perfect plan,” he added.

“Thank you I thought of it myself,” Jasey beamed.

“You’re a genius Jaey.” the blonde boy shook his head and rolling his eyes he laughed.

“Hey! Don’t roll your eyes at me!” the girl warned her boyfriend but smiled. She could never get angry at him.

“Because what? What would you do,” the boy teased.

“I’m gonna... I don’t know,” Jasey started but then stopped and giggled. “What if we go look for Alex?” she said all of a sudden.

Evan spat out his drink. “Hold up! What?” he asked in disbelief.

“What if we go look for Alex? Like my dad? We have spring break in like a week, we’ll go and look for him.” Jasey repeated herself.

“Jasey we can’t just leave... Do you even know where he is?” Evan asked sounding concerned.

“I have Twitter. Alex or Jack always post where they are,”Jasey shrugged as she stood to leave.

“Yeah but won’t your mom care?” Evan rushed to catch up with her.

“Listen Evan, I haven’t seen Alex in like 11 years or even more. The last time I saw him he said he would come visit me or at least call,” Jasey’s eyes started to tear up.

“Awee baby’s crying?” a voice mocked the two from behind.

“Shut Up Margaret!” Evan turned to the bleach blonde haired girl.

“Evan... I want to go home,” Jasey whispered looking down at the ground.

“And she has you wrapped around her finger. You can do better than that Anderson,” Margaret shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“Miss Johnson class now,” a hall monitor snapped at the girl. Margaret made a face and scampered off with her clic in tow.

“Okay Jasey We’ll go home.” Evan wrapped his arm around the girl and they left the school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I'm going to try and update this story every Tuesday (and maybe insert some random updates throughout the week)

Thank you:
long leather wings
sound of fire

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