Status: having a little writer's block... so it may take a while :(

Hello, Alice.

Prologue 1

"I've found her, Master."

The two shadows were conversing with only the wide lit screen being their source of light inside the room in total darkness.

"Are you sure it's really her?"
"Yes, Master. She has the same color as her soul."
"Good," the other voice replied and turned around to see the face of his loyal and lowly servant, "and her status?"
"Almost at her limit, she'll be arriving at Wonderland approximately this day."
"Very good, I think my toys would be very happy with our new guest." and with an eerie voice and maniac grin, the room slowly faded into pure black.
♠ ♠ ♠

Yes, this is the shortest chapter I've ever wrote in my entire life...
Well, it's alright since the upcoming chapters would be longer than this one :)
Hope you liked it!
I was trying to create an eerie mood and i don't know if it worked so i would love to hear your opinions about it :)
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