The Eight Swords of Malecerdin

Chapter 2

The school was ginormous, of course, she already figured it would be, considering how many kids and classes are in the building. But it was certainly impressive. The school is an ancient castle, a small one, that's been around since the Medieval Times. Home of the deranged Dragons, the entrance was adorned in ice blue and black. Amie stood and admired it for a while.
Amie glanced at her schedule, then at her map, and headed to her first class. Of which was English Honors 1 with Mrs. Jackson. She wondered if anyone she knows would be in class with her. Hopefully, otherwise she'd be alone. If not, then she'd make new friends. She smiled at the thought. Unless everyone was idiots. She frowns.
Once she reaches the classroom, she spots Romeo, and speeds over to him, sitting across the aisle.
"We don't have assigned seats, right?" she asks.
"Non, not right now anyways, if we do."
"Good." she relaxes, and looks around. There's the same idiots she's known since elementary, along with a few new recruits to the Dragon side of the county. A couple people wave and smile, and she returns the gesture.
"Boo." comes a voice from behind her.
"Meep! Oh, it's you, Alystar," she says jumping, then turning around.
Smirking a bit, he leans back in his chair, "Having fun with your boyfriend here, Amie?"
"B-boyfriend? Wh-what? No! I mean- he- no!"
Neither of them notice the surprise that flits across Romeo's face, before he smiles.
"Now now Alystar, let's not embarrass her on her first day, oui?" Romeo chuckles.
"Yeah, whatever lover boy. Sorry Amie."
"I-it's fine."
As the bell rings, the teacher walks in, and everyone quiets down.
"Since it's a new level of schooling for you freshman, I will allow these to be your assigned seats-"
Everyone cheers.
"But, I trust you to not talk while I am. You may pass notes, as long as you are still getting work done. I hope you all had a wonderful summer, and welcome to your first day of high school."
She smiles at everyone, before pointing at the names written on the board.
"When I call your name, come write your seat number beside your name.
They all nodded in agreement, and turned to each other, chattering away.
"How was your guys' summers?" Amie asks, turning to Romeo and Alystar.
Romeo smiles, and gestures to himself, "For me, it was a wonderful summer accepting the French in me. e went to France-"
"Yeah yeah, well I played video games and ate junk food, like a normal teen." interrupts Alyster.
They all look at each other, and ask "What is normal?" and burst out laughing.
Calming, Amie says, "Gosh, how I missed you guys this summer."
"More Romeo than me right?"
"Shut up Alystar!" Amie laughs, playfully hitting Alystar, while Romeo watches and chuckles.
"Have either of you seen Jackalmier?" asks Amie, once Alystar apologized.
"Yeah, he said he had Geometry with Mrs. Carson next block." replies Alystar.
"I wonder where he was all summer. His phone was off."
"Who knows."
Once class was over, Romeo and Amie said goodbye to Alystar, and headed down the opposite hallway.
"My class is down the hall from yours." says Romeo.
"Oh really?"
After a few seconds, "Anything you'd like to tell me, mon cherie?"
Amie blushes, and shakes her head, "No! Not at all."
"Whenever you're ready. I'll talk to you later, Amie." he smiles, and goes to class.
Totally confused as to what just happened, Amie walks to her own class, and looks around, taking a seat in the middle of the classroom. She notices how the others in the room are sophomores or up. She smiles, and pulls out a pen and paper, waiting for Jackalmier.
"Hey you! I know you!" says a rather loud voice, followed by the bang of a book bag being dropped to the floor.
Laughing, she turns, "Hey Jackalmier."
"I had the worst. Summer. Ever." he says.
"How so?"
"I was stuck on my uncle's farm, with no connection to the outside world. At all."
"How in the world did you survive?"
Tapping his temple, he replies, "Imagination, my dear. It helps so much. Though my uncle thought I was crazy, talking to the animals and myself."
"You're just as sane as I am, Jackalmier."
"Because that makes me feel better."
They laugh, and turn to the front of the room, as the teacher walks in. They didn't get another chance to talk till after the bell.

The rest of the day went by pretty normally. Same people clogging the hallways. Same idiots goofing off. That sort of thing. Amie smiled, and hoped the rest of the year would be wonderful. What's the worst that could happen?
♠ ♠ ♠
Written today. c: In an hour.