The Eight Swords of Malecerdin

Chapter 3

"Hey guys! You have to stay after school today with me." exclaims Jackalmier.
"Hey, keep your voice down, we're in the library." I scold.
"It's the morning though, no one's in here."
"Anyways, why do you want us Jackal?" asks Romeo, looking up from his book.
"I found the way to the basement!"
Great. One month into school and Jackalmier already found something to get us in trouble.
"I'm sure we're not allowed down there," says Alystar, "Let's explore."
Angelynna shook her head, "You guys are hopeless."
"Why, because they enjoy exploring?" asks the guy standing by the witchcraft books, hair styled and dyed like an anime character's, half spiked up and black. His ears pierced in three different places, wearing a Blood on the Dance Floor shirt and ripped red plaid jeans.
"When in the world did you get there, Drake?" asks Alystar, gold eyes meeting Drake's albino red ones.
"I've been here, dear brother."
"Anyways! You guys HAVE to stay after with me! Please?" Jackalmier's cobalt blue eyes were wide with excitement. He was giving us all that puppy dog look, and I knew he messed his black hair up this morning just to emphasis that look when he asked us.
"Damn it Jackal, that stupid look. I vote we go," says the redhead beside me. Her name is Jessique, shorter than me with a chest I'm a little jealous of. Usually the guys follow whatever she says. A couple girls too.
"How many votes is that?" Jackal asks.
"Let's see, Alystar, Romeo, Jessique, and I so far," says Drake.
"I guess I'll go too," responds Alice.
"You guys are impossible. But I don't want to not me in." says Angelynna.
They all looked at me expectantly.
"Oh my god /fine/. I /guess/."
The guys cheered, along with Jessique, and the bell rang.
"I can't believe you guys drug me into this."
"When did I ever even vote?" asks Romeo, totally confused.
"Come on, you know you both want to." replies Alystar, following behind us to class.
"I guess I am kind of curious," Romeo calculates.
"Well I'm not. I don't want to get in trouble. But I certainly want to keep you guys from doing anything even more stupid."
"That's the spirit!" cheers Alystar.
I sighed, and sat down in my seat.


After school, we all stayed after, claiming we were staying after for drama. We all decided to carpool with Jackalmier's brother and Drake. Drake has a car and license already because he's sixteen. We made our way to the door Jackal claimed to be the basement, avoiding any and all faculty members and teachers. Jackalmier opened the door, switched on the lights, and started descending.
Do you know how basements are? They seem like dungeons, right? Well the school's basement is a literal dungeon. I'm not even kidding. The school is old, so I guess it makes sense there was a possibility, but I didn't think about it. Sudden thoughts of prisoners and disease being down here at one point overcame me, and I hesitated at the bottom of the steps, behind everyone.
"Are you guys sure about this?" I asked.
Romeo smiled at me, and fell back with me.
"I doubt everyone is, but, there's eight of us, we'll look after each other, oui?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"I'm here too, don't forget." he says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and hugging me.
I blush, and nod. Jessique comes over to me, and smiles.
"Love birds."
I blush more, and shakes my head, "N-no we're not--!"
"I don't think she's accepted that yet, darling," replies Romeo.
I look at him in shock, but before I can say anything Jackalmier yells at us, "Hey look at this!"
We all followed him into one of the dungeon cells, which was full of cleaning supplies. It was obviously a janitor's closet.
"What." remarks Angelynna.
"Why is there a janitor's closet down here?" asks Jessique.
"What's that?" Alystar asks, pointing over to something on the wall Drake was examining.
"This opens up to another a set point in time." replies Drake.
"You know no one really believes witchcraft right?" says Jackalmier.
"I do. And you guys are ignorant."
"How are we ignorant!?"
Alystar holds Jackalmier back.
"Jackal, calm down. We don't know why this closet is here in the middle of the school's dungeon. This could mean something." Angelynna said.
Drake smirks, satisfied that he got someone to agree with him.
"According to the circumstances, it could be possible there was a magician living in this castle at one point," he continues.
"That does make sense," Romeo adds.
And then something happened.
Everyone disappeared, one by one, the symbol on the wall glowing. We all looked at each other as we disappeared, scared to death. I grabbed onto Romeo's hand and then every thing went black.
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sorry if the character descriptions are short, but, it'sonly chapter three so...X"D