Status: Oneshot/Contest/ Complete

Graduation Day


Something is wet.
On my face.
Something is wet on my face!
I open my eyes and see Sasha, my dog, licking my cheek. “Sasha stop it. Your breathe smells like rotting flesh.” I push her away from me.
I yawn and stretch. As I stand up I wonder why I was asleep on the floor.... Oh no. I look at the clock.

9:37 am

I look around. My friends are still asleep, sprawled all over the living room. “Guys...” I whisper. “Hey, Guys...” I say a little louder. Finally I yell, “Guys wake up! It's already 9:37!” Emma and Ezra jump up at the same time with wide eyes. A typical twin moment. They look at each other and scream. “No, no, no, no. No!!! How did we sleep in? Graduation starts at 10:00! We're going to be late!” They start frantically looking around them for their phones and purses. I search with them and find all of our stuff under the coffee table.

Just Breathe.
I calm myself and try calming the twins as well.
“Listen, it's okay. We can just throw on our caps and gowns, get ready in the car, and start heading over there. But we need to hurry so don't waste any time. It will take 15 minutes to get to the school.” I glance down at my watch.

9:39 am

“Alright we have six minutes to get in the car. Let's go.” I start walking to the bathroom when I remember Alex.
I go back to the living room and see Alex's lower body sticking out of the closet. I start shaking him. “Alex, hey, Alex wake up.” He looks over at me and mumbles, “What?”
“Ummm.... we have twenty minutes to get to the school for graduation...” I look away. It takes him a moment for the words to register. He gets up very calmly and picks his phone up off the floor.
He gazes into the hall and says rather loudly, “How is it that not ONE of our phones woke ANY of us up?” I try thinking back to last night.

Oh shit.
It was my fault! I look at the ground and say in a please-don't-look-at-my-suspicious-face tone, “Who knows? Well we need to get ready so..... come on.” I try to walk past him in an I'm-so-not-guilty-way. It doesn't work. He grabs my arm and asks,
“Hailey... what did you do?” I sigh, “We don't have time right now, I'll tell you on the way.” He lets go, nods, and we go get ready.

9:45 am

As we get in the car I don't have even a second to think before Alex asks, “Alright, what happened last night?” All three of my friends turn to look at me. Emma and Ezra with curiosity on their faces, and Alex with a glare.
Once Alex starts driving I began my story.

Last Night 8:44 pm

“This is such a great party!” I hear Ezra shout over the music. All the lights are out and we have music and a strobe light going. Emma, Ezra, Alex, and I are finally going to graduate tomorrow! I knew throwing this party was a great idea. All of the exams last week were really taking a toll on our mentality. We needed a break. The party just started at 8: 30 so not much has happened yet. I look around the room and see Alex at the stereo picking out songs while the twins are dancing. I'm at the food table munching on chips when I get a great idea. I go over to my dad's liquor cabinet and take out his vodka. Walking back to the table I think about what would happen if we have a hangover tomorrow... I dismiss the idea because we have never drank before, so we shouldn't be able to have hangovers. “At least I think that is right... oh well.” I mumble as I empty the bottle into the punch.

“What were you saying Hailey?” Ezra asks. I hand him a cup of punch, “I was saying how much I love this punch my mom made.” He takes a sip and kind of scrunches his face, “What is in this?” I rattle my brain for an answer. “Ummm, some new type of sugar that is supposed to be low-calorie....?” I say suspiciously. He thinks for a second and then says, “Yeah. That makes sense.” He walks off and I take a sip of my own drink and think that it's not so bad. After everyone had a couple drinks the fun really began. We played strip poker, jumped naked on my trampoline, and then....

In the car 9:51 am

“That's all I remember.” I look down at my hands. “Oh yeah...that's what happened.” Emma and Ezra start giggling with each other as they recall last night. Alex is silent for a while before he finally speaks up.
“Hailey... let me ask you... were we having a good time last night?” I answer, “Yes.”
“Okay and then you thought it was a good idea to give alcohol to 'alcohol-virgins' who probably can't hold their liquor....” I hesitate. “Ummm yes...?”
“On the night before their graduation?” I sigh. “Yes.” Alex looks at me again from the rear view mirror. “Now what do you have to say in your defense?”
I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind, “I try to stay smart but the dumb comes out.”
Alex, Emma, and Ezra all laugh and say at the same time, “Apparently so.”
“Hey!” I grumble and fake pout.

10:00 pm

We run into the gym and sit in our seats just as we hear, “Welcome everyone to the graduation of...”

I smile as I realize don't even have a hangover.