Status: If you like please tell me and I will continue

Dancer Love


I couldnt believe it. I stood there in shock for a minute. Then I realize that the guy I have liked for a year just asked me out. It was amazing. I hadnt been asked out in forever so I didnt know what to do. I figured I should get ready. I wore a loose t-shirt and tied it in an 80's fashion. I threw on some short shorts and my teal and white Vlados. Just for the sake of things I also put on some teal eyeshadow with some lip gloss. I was ready. It was an hour later that he picked me up.But I didn't care it was Madison.
"where are we going " I said as we walked to the car
"like I said my friends party"
"And where would that be"
" some where" he said. He seemed to start to get annoyed so I stopped. I didn't want to question anything else. We had almost spent an hour in his car trying to get to his friends party. And we still werent there. I began to get worried. Were we really going to his friends party or what.
"are we lost" I said with worry
" No"
"Then where are going"
"Somewhere" I really started to get worried why was he so different from how he used to be.
" Why can't you tell me" i asked
" Because it would ruin the suprise" he had a smirk on his face it was sexy and creepy
" Well are we close at least"
"yup were here"
I looked out the window and was amazed at what I saw. I was at K-fest. I had wanted to go to k-fest since I was little. But could never go for so many reasons. Then he started to pull somehing out of his pockets. IT WAS BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!!! I was so happy. I hugged him so tight. Then we got out of the car. I kept thanking him. It was just so weird. Like it was untrue. But it was all true. It was amazing. I saw Neon hitch, Flo rida, gym class heros, Chris Rene, and all these amazing people. And since we had back stage passes we got to meet them too. I was so amazied I was crying. It was the happiest night of my life. When it was over, Madison drove me back home.
"had fun" he asked
"ya best night ever. Thank you so much"
"no problem" he sounded happy. Happy that I was happy.
"how did you know" I asked
"know what"
"that I wanted to go to kfest
" idk i just did" He was smiling now a soft smile. A warm smile.
When we got home I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. And to top it all off he kissed me.