Status: Currently under revision.

Bruises On the Soul

Drinks on Kaner

" I'll be just a second," I assured Jon as I left him standing outside Pat's door. 

I ran in quickly, heading to my room and pulling out a nice pair of dark skinny jeans, a light blue long sleeve tshirt, my knee high black heel boots, and my gray peacoat. I threw it all in a bag and grabbed my white scarf on the way out the door. 

" That was quick" Jon muttered, taking the bag out of my hands. 

I thanked him. 
" I told you I wouldn't be long." I said. 

He laughed lightly, face still reserved," Yes, but usually when girls say that, they still take forever. "

I shrugged, stepping into the elevator with him. 

" I'm not most girls. "

" No. You're not. " he muttered. 

I turned my head to see him staring at me intensely. 
I blushed,grateful that at that moment the elevator dinged, doors opening. 

I walked out of the doors with Jon trailing behind me. 

" So, Captain Serious, tell me about yourself. " I asked as we left the building. 

Jon groaned," Oh I don't know. I'm really not that interesting. "

I rose an eyebrow, pulling my long blonde hair out of its pony tail so it fell down my back. 

" Oh really? Because I hear you're quite interesting. 

He stopped in his footsteps, turning around. 
" What did Sharp tell you. It's a lie, all of it" he assured me. 
I bust out laughing. 

" I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I just wanted to see how you'd react!!" I giggled. 

Jon shook his head, a small smile on his face as we got into his car. 

" What do you do, Josie?" Jon asked curiously. 

I sent him a confused look. 

" Like your job? What do you like to do?" he added. 

I bit my lip, shrugging," Well, nothing. I don't have a job. I never that sounds bad."

He shook his head, pulling onto the highway. 
" No. It's fine. Some people just don't need to work. It's fine. "

For some reason that comment angered me. 

" I'm not some bratty little rich kid, Jon. I don't depend on my daddy. I make my own money." I snapped. 

He huffed," That's not what I meant....and how do you make money then?" he rose an eyebrow. 

I rolled my eyes," Stocks. I have a lot invested in the stock market.  I'm pretty good at it. "
I answered. 

Jon looked surprised," Really? I wouldn't have take you to be a financial or economy guru. "

I bit my lip, shrugging," Well I am. I've always been good at making financial decisions. And I'm good at math. I took a lot of government and economy classes in high school. It just stuck with me. "

Jon was smiling a bit as he pulled up to a closed gate community on the edge of town. 

He leaned out the window and punched in a few numbers into the access pad. 

The gates swung open and he drove through. 
" That's pretty impressive," he finally said,"Not a lot of people can really profit from the market like that. You must be pretty smart. "

I blushed, looking out the window. 

I wasn't used to such compliments. 

" Yeah I guess I am. Valedictorian at Cadaburton Prep. " I admitted. 

Jon laughed, elbowing me with his free arm. 
" If you're such a super genius, how are you friends with Kaner?"

I frowned, shrugging. 
" I don't know. He's just always been my best friend. "

There was a silence as he pulled up to an impressive two story brick house with a two car garage. 

My eyes widened as I leaned forward, gazing at it. 

" Nice place" I said, stepping out of the car. 

Jon grabbed my bag, carrying it as he led me to the door, unlocking it. 

" Thanks" he chuckled, leading me inside.," It's home. I had to get my mom to decorate for me though"

I laughed." Of course"

Looking around, I smiled. 
It suited him. 

Dark wood floors spread out through the house, and down the hall I could see a stainless steel kitchen, with burgundy walls and marble counters. 

The living room had black leather couches, and a big recliner. A huge flat screen was displayed on the wall, and trophy cases opposite it. Jerseys were hung in shadow boxes, and newspaper articles framed. 

A big staircase went off to the right, leaded upstairs. 

" I like it" I complimented. 

He shrugged. 

" Uhm, upstairs, the bathroom is down the hall, to the right, if you want a shower. And there's a guest bedroom next to it, so you can get dressed." he explained, pointing up the stairs. 

I nodded, walking up the staircase. 

It led to a hallway, similar to the one downstairs, with dark wood floors and white walls. 

I found the bathroom, and quickly stepped in, locking the door. I sighed, leaning against the counter, before stripping, and climbing into the big, walk in shower. 


Twenty minutes later, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a big, fluffy black towel. 

It was then I realized I left my bag downstairs with Jon. 

" Shit" I cursed quietly, before running a hand through my long wet hair, wrapping the towel tighter around me. 


I sat on the couch, legs propped up on the coffee table, watching Sportscenter as I waited for Josie to get out of the shower.

Just the though of her up there, alone, and naked, set me on edge. 

All of the sudden I heard light footsteps down the stairs. 

I turned my head and then froze, eyes wide. 

Josie stood there, dressed in nothing but a black towel, long blonde hair thrown over her shoulder. 

Her skin was flushed. Either from the shower, or from standing in front of me like this. 

I could only imagine what lay hidden beneath the towel, the smooth naked skin. 

Her big blue eyes stated at me. 
" I-I left my bag down here" she stuttered. 

I nodded, gulping as she walked past me. 

I could smell the Old Spice shower gel on her as she passed, and I stiffened. 

Think about something else. 
Think about doing drills, or Ovechkin, or something else equally as horrible. 

I ran a mantra through my head until she grabbed her bag, running back upstairs. 

I stood shakily, walking down the hall to my bedroom. 

Shower time. 
And it'll have to be cold. 


Josie POV
>>>>FFW 1 Hour

I ran my fingers my now blow dried hair, leaving it in its natural soft waves. 

I checked my makeup one last time, checking for errors, and when I found none, slipped on my boots. 

With my coat,hat, and scarf in hand, I walked down the stairs, dressed this time. 

Jon was no where in sight, but I heard movement in the kitchen, and followed the noise. 

I entered the kitchen and cleared my throat. 

Jon stood in the open door of the fridge, water bottle in hand. 

He wore a pair of tight fitting deal wash jeans, a long sleeve dark green shirt that showed off his impressive physique, and slip on gray shoes. 

He had a gray hoodie on over it, scarf loosely wrapped around his neck. 

Damn he looked good. 

He smiled, " Hey. You looked beautiful" he complimented. 

I blushed, shrugging" You ready?" 

He nodded, closing the fridge door. 

I slipped on my goat, scarf and hat as I stood by the door. I picked up my purse and watched as John slipped on a Blackhawks beanie on his head. 

" Alright, let's go. " Jon said gruffly, opening the door and letting me out, locking the door behind him. 

The ride to the bar was quiet, but not awkward. 

It was nice. 

We shared a smile as he parked the car outside of 50/50. 

He opened the door for me, and followed behind as we entered the noisy sports bar. 

Some random guys cheered when they saw Jon, and he grinned, waving. 

" Captain! Finally!" Sharp yelled from the back of the bar. 

There was a big long table, and probably half the team sat there. 

" Hey Josie!" Sharp greeted, seeing me behind him. I grinned nervously, waving. 

" You went home with Jon?" Patrick asked me, glaring at his captain slightly. 

I rolled my eyes. 

" Leave it alone, Patrick." I seethed, setting my jacket and scarf down over a chair, pulling off my hat. 

Duncs whistled," Looking good, Josie!" 

I giggled, " Thanks. I'm gonna go get a drink. Anybody want anything?"

A got a few orders, and ignored Patrick's stare as I walked to the bar. 

A twenty-something man stood behind the counter, drying a glass. 

He had muscular arms, and curly brown hair. 

I grinned. 
" Hi. "

He looked up, and I saw a pair of green eyes. 

He smirked," Hey. What can I get you "

I licked my lips, leaning forward. " I need four shots of Patrone, two Guiness, A Double Jack, and a shot of Everclear...please"

He winked at me," Sure thing, princess"

He tuned around an started putting together my order, 
I sighed. 

Soon he handed over a black tray covered with our drinks. 

" Tab?"

I thought, and then smirked,"Put it under Patrick Kane"

He rose an eyebrow," You here with the Hawks?"

I nodded. 

He smiled," Lucky girl. "
He handed me the receipt and the tray. 

I thanked him and walked back to the table, setting the tray down and sitting between Jon and Seabsy. 

" I saw that" Jon whispered in my ear. 

I rose and eyebrow and shrugged, tossing back a shot of Patrone. 

" Whoa, my kind of girl" Corey Crawford called from the end of the table. I giggled. 

I could feel Patrick's gaze on the side of my head. 

So I grabbed one of my Guiness as took a swig. 

" Drinks are on Kaner." I told them. 

They laughed, grabbing things off the tray. 

Patrick got up from the table, storming out the bar. 

" What's his problem?" Brent asked from beside me. 

I shrugged, drinking my beer. 

" No clue" I lied.

I felt Jon nudge me and he gave me a confused look. 

I shrugged. 

Pat's not my brother. He can't tell me what to do.