Status: Active....In the process of rewriting this.

The Malicious Storm


I stare at the boy in front of me, quite possibly a bit longer than necessary. He has a different style to him than the other boys I have met so far. A thin gray button up top covered his lean torso, the top buttons undone to show a bit of what was underneath. His dark brown hair flowed to the right, just barely sweeping over his eye and his strong face featured stubble from being unshaven. I thought he was breathtaking. My thoughts return to me when he lifts a perfect eyebrow in curiosity. Then I remember he said something to me.

“Yeah, it was interesting. So far that’s two assholes I have met here…You’re not going to be the third are you?” I smirk and walk towards him more.

“I’ll try my best. It’s unfortunate that you had a run in with dear old Raven there. He’s as cold as the North Pole. Most people stay out of his way,” the boy informs me. I had stopped in front of him and was delighted to see that he was at least a head taller than me.

“I wish I had known that before I asked him for directions,” I mutter. My eyes wonder down the hallways, still trying to figure out where the hell I was supposed to go.

“Are you supposed to be in Trig in room 213?” he suddenly asks. A quick glance at my paper confirms that I indeed am heading there. I nod my head and he smiles. “That’s good then. I was ordered by the teacher to come and retrieve the new student for class so he wouldn't get lost. I guess I should have gotten here a bit sooner huh?” His smile was contagious so I immediately smile back.

“It would have made my day a bit better if you had showed up before Raven,” I say. “So should we get to class? We can’t miss any more Trig than we already have.” I sarcastically remark, rolling my eyes a bit. I was never good at math, so I was in no hurry to go and attempt to learn anything. He turns down one of the hallways and we start walking to class, which I learned was on the second floor.

“Not a fan of math, I see. I’m Ben by the way,” he grins and looks over at me. My thoughts return to when Kade and Sebastian told me about who much Storm hated a kid named Ben. I figure this must be that same one. He notices my quick look of recognition. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. So you’re the guy Storm hates?” I ask, just make sure. For a minute I regret asking because his eyes flash with anger, pure burning hatred. But it went away as soon as it came.

“Yeah, I’m that guy,” he laughs a bit, though it seems more forced than it ought to be. It appears that the feelings between the two may be mutual. “How did you learn about that when you only just got here?”

“I was lucky enough to be picked up by two other students on the way here. Sebastian and Kade, do you know them?” I reply. “They sort of gave me a rundown of the situation here.” Ben gives a small laugh.

“Those two are nice enough…way better than Storm and Raven in my opinion,” he implies that those two are indeed friends.

“So I was right in thinking that Storm and Raven are friends. Their personalities fit perfectly,” I state. We reach the stairs to the second floor. I try to keep track of the locker numbers as well, hoping to find out where mine was located. It didn’t appear to be in this hallway.

“They are the best of friends actually. It’s surprising really, how such good friends they are despite their attitude towards other,” Ben says. “You never told me your name by the way.”

“Is that so? Well at least they have someone to put up with them. And my name’s Rayne,” I answer, smiling towards him.

“Well Rayne, have you seen the town at all since you moved here?” He ponders.

“Now that I think about it, no, I haven’t. We just moved in yesterday, so we drove through it, but other than that, I never got the official tour,” I say. I obviously wasn't use to small towns, so I thought it would actually be nice to go around one, see what interesting things they had, though I knew it couldn't be much different than a city. Clearly there would be fewer things to do, but I think I would manage.

“Then you wouldn't mind if I showed you around, today after school maybe?” He asks. I happen to look him right in the eye when he asked me that and I saw something odd. They flashed a different color, going from a hazel color that I saw first, to a deep red, almost black. When I blink however, they turn back to normal. I get a worried feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I brush it away. I must be seeing things because I didn’t have much to eat this morning.

“Um yeah, that sounds great really,” I manage to get out, after gotten over the odd thing I saw. We stop in front of a door, the number beside it being 213. I groan slightly at the thought of sitting through a Trig class.

“Well here we are,” he laughs lightly at my reaction to reaching our destination. He rests a hand on the small of my back before opening the door. “It won’t be that bad.” The teacher, along with the rest of the class, looks towards us as soon as we walk in. Ben removes his hand and heads toward what I figure is his seat, while I walk towards the teacher’s desk, where a very stern looking woman is standing with a long stick pointing at a projector screen. She looks from me to Ben, a mean curious look on her face.

“Thank you Ben, for returning late and interrupting class,” she sneers in his direction. When she turns back to me, I see out of the corner of my eye that Ben returns the mean look, causing me to snicker lightly. “What are you laughing at? You must be Rayne Fallon, don’t be late for my class again. Take a seat in the only empty desk left.”

I raise my eyebrows at her rude attitude and turn away from her, grumbling about rude teachers. My seat is located right in the middle of everyone else, but unfortunately too far from Ben for me to talk to him. I take a seat and notice that the girl in front of me is sporting pink hair. When the teacher turns her back to the class to write something on the board, I take the opportunity to tap the girl’s shoulder. She turns half way and looks right at me and smiles.

“Don’t mind the teacher, she’s a royal bitch. She is always on my back about everything,” she quickly assures. I laugh and smile at her. “I’m Chandra by the way.”

“I’m Rayne. And most math teachers are bitches, especially the ones from my old school,” I mutter, smirking slightly at how disruptive I use to be in their classes.

“Where are you from?” she asks, her attention diverted completely from the teacher, who thankfully didn’t notice.

“Tampa…I went to a rich private school, but that just means the teachers are even more rude and self-centered,” I reply. That wasn't entirely true, a handful of my teachers were nice and helpful, but I can count the number of those on one hand. The only teacher I even got along with was my elective medicine class teacher. I frown slightly at the thought of not being in her class, she was the only adult I could go to for my problems and help with school. She was the only living person I looked up too and I would miss her dearly.

“Wow, this must be a big unwelcome change then,” Chandra exclaims, eyes widening slightly. I notice that her eyes are a powdery blue but they had a certain shine to them. Those eyes mixed with her pale and flawless face must make her really popular with people around here; she is gorgeous.

“It is, but after meeting a few nice people, it doesn't seem so bad,” I say, smiling slightly.

“Would you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch today?” she asks. “I sit with two boys and another girl actually; I hope that wouldn't be a problem.” I shake my head.

“No, that’s just fine,” I assure. I wasn't even sure if I would see Sebastian and Kade before lunch and now that I think about Lakin, I wasn't sure if I would see her either. And while Ben was nice when I met him, I had a feeling that I don’t even want to sit with him. For an unwanted moment, my thoughts move to Storm. I give a slight smirk when I think about what his reaction would be if I ask to sit with him at lunch. Chandra seems to notice to my expression.

“Something funny?” she chuckles lightly.

“A little; you know Storm Alcott right?” I question. Her face morphs into confusion, as if wandering why I would ask about him.

“Yeah I know him; I sit with his little sister at lunch. Have you met them already?” she tilts her head.

“I live by them. I like Lakin, but Storm made it clear he didn’t like me,” I grumble, still a bit anger by the way he had acted. Chandra nods her head, like his attitude isn't something new.

“He’s cold-hearted most of the time, but he’s nice to me…though I doubt you wanna hear that,” she laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her neck, as if he was ‘nice’ to her in different way. My chest pangs with jealousy at the thought of Chandra being more than just friends with Storm. I push the feeling away when I hear the bell ring. Thankful that the class was finally over, I pick my bag up and turn towards Chandra. She quickly mentions what class she has next and a quick look at my schedule reveals that I have the same class. We head off to the class together, her talking about the next class.

The rest of the morning passed by quickly and I was currently at my locker, which Chandra kindly helped me find. She had all but third period with me, but I had been delighted to find Sebastian sitting in the back of the room in my third period Anatomy class. I found out that he and Kade are actually friends with Chandra as well and that they all sit together at lunch. Right after the late bell rang for the start of class, a familiar black haired boy waltzed in late to class. I quickly recognized him as Raven, the boy from the office in the morning. He sat a few seats to my left. Other than a quick glance and scowl in my direction, he didn’t bother to say anything to me.

Sebastian had asked me what the look was about and I informed him of what had happened after I got my schedule. He whistled lightly, telling me that I was lucky just to get away with a rude attitude because most of the time Raven just knocked someone into a locker if they bothered to approach him. I had nervously looked over towards him, thankful that he had been a little nice to me. I wonder slightly if I could find out how the two became friends, thinking maybe I could ask Storm.

“Hey Chandra,” I mutter as I close my locker. She looks back over at me, turning her attention away from a boy down the hall. “Do you know where Storm sits at lunch?” She seems a little shocked that I asked. I myself was too, I had no reason to talk to Storm and since I also knew that he sat with Raven, it would be better for me to stay away from that table altogether.

“I know where he sits. Why do you ask?” She asks.

“For some odd reason, I want to talk to him,” that wasn't a total lie, I was curious about his friendship with Raven, but in reality, it was unnecessary for me to ask and to know. I would probably just get shoved into a trash can for asking about Storm’s life. Chandra just shrugs at my answer.

“If you say so; I’ll point his table out to you when we get there,” she agreed and we headed off towards the cafeteria.
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Rewritten Chapter 4, two new characters, last one willl be introduced in next chapter :) [I dont own any pictures I put up, they belong to whoever is in them]

