
Knock Out

"We need to get this man to the emergency wing now!" The doctors shouted orders at each other, it was chaos. Four doctors surrounded the stretcher as it was rushed down the various hallways of the hospital. However, on the other end of the hospital, it was not as crazy. The only sound that could be heard was the conversation between two men. The first man, a doctor, sat behind a desk. The second man was wearing a black trench coat with formal attire, complete with a matching fedora.

"So, mr..." The doctor looked up at the man.

"Cecilla." The man removed his fedora and placed it on his lap. "My name is Derick Cecilla."

Their eyes met. Cecilla had a mystery vibe about him, but the doctor did not concern himself with that. He simply looked back at his clipboard.

"So, Mr Cecilla, you were the one to bring Burney here?"

"Yes sir, carried him from the battlefield myself."

The doctor leaned back him his chair. "The field was three miles away."

"I know, was quite the workout."

"You really don't look strong enough to carry..."

Cecilla interrupted him, "Burney only weighs 125 pounds.

"Well, why did you carry him instead of wait for the medic?"

Cecilla got in a more relaxed position and laughed to himself. "I owe him a favor."

"One hell of a favor, what did he do?"

Cecilla look at the doctor for a moment, the mystery vibe instantly changed to serious. He paused.

"He wrote a letter for me."

The doctor laughed. "Surely you cant be serious!" He exclaimed.

Cecilla held up his right hand, reviling a large scar running from his pinky finger to his forearm. "It was split down to the bone."

The doctor leaned back in his chair. "Okay, I see your point. Now, please tell me what happened on the field."

Cecilla took in a breath. "It started when the alarm sounded. Me and Burney were the first ones to go out into the field. He had his sword and a long range rifle. All the Green Berets hated him because he used a semi-auto and he could hit better than those that used a bolt-action, but back to the story. We were positioned on the side of a large mountain. It took Burney nearly no time to get there, on account of his agile shape. It took me quite a bit more time." Cecilla laughed. "I spotted for him, not that he needed it, he just liked the company. He dropped five targets as I called only two of them."

"Skip to the part when he gets knocked out please." The doctor said, growing impatient with the story."

"Right, right." Cecilla said. "Sorry Doc. Apparently the enemy rigged that place with C4 explosives. Before I knew it, I woke up on a large pile of rocks on the ground. I looked over, saw Burney, then carried him here." Cecilla leaned back in the chair. "End of story." He spread his arms out, as if expecting applause.

The doctor wrote some notes in his notepad, using the illegible handwritting that all doctors seem to have.

"How long ago was this?" The doctor asked, looking up at Cecilla while still writing.

"When Burney was knocked out? About an hour ago. Maybe little less." Cecilla replied.

The doctor scribbled more notes, Cecilla looked over the desk to try to get a peek at the notes, but he could not make out the hand writting. "That will be all, Mr. Cecilla, thank you."
Cecilla put on his hat. "No problem,doc. Just make sure he lives." He said as he walked out the door.
The doctor sighed. "I'm not sure we can, this time. Sorry, kid."