Lessons For My Lover


Okay before I begin I will warn all that this is only one of the few fan fics I've written and the first one I allowed to be posted and read by other people then my close friends. So comment on anything you feel is necessary. Seriously I never take offensive to critisim (sp?) So if that means telling me how bad the story line goes or whatever feel free.

Secondly I'll feel very guilty if I do not post some sort of copyright disclaimer. The question that starts out the first chapter was a Pennsylvania State Testing question released in the year 2007. And the answer given was the true answer I handed in for a language arts assignment. Seeing as how I was writing that while writing this, I just used it cause it seemed to fit what I wanted to say.

Finally any information given above is likely to change at any time. The title is not definite but works for now and the rating is just how the first chapter was written. There is also a chance of more pairings but for now it's staying like it is.
  1. Introduction To The Unexpected
    Introduction in 3rd POV
  2. Lesson 1
  3. Lesson 2
  4. Important Please Read
    concerning story
  5. Fatal Attraction
    new story