Everything About You

A food called Niall

I sighed as I looked out the window of the plane, I was nearing London and the skies were cloudy and grey. Silently laughing to myself I thought ‘Just like he told you it’d be.’ The signal to put on your seatbelt lit up and within minutes the captain of the plane was going on about how we’d be landing in a half hour and weather conditions. I took a deep breath and thought ‘You can do this Annie, everything you’ve worked for has led up to this point. No turning back now.’ I was a 17 year old girl born late into the year, born and raised in Canada I had always dreamt about studying fashion in England. After working my ass off throughout high school I managed to save up a good seven grand as well as received a scholarship to a well-known fashion school in London. Soon enough, the plane had landed and passengers began leaving the plane heading towards the international baggage pickup. As I moved towards the ramp to retrieve my bag, my eyes wandered around the room scanning for a familiar face.
“Annie!” My body whipped itself around only to nearly collapse underneath the weight of another. I regained my balance laughing, “James! I’ve missed you.” My arms wrapped themselves around the figure hugging me. James has been my best friend for 5 years, he and his family moved to England a few years ago because of his dad received a really good business proposal. “I’ve missed you too! Oh my god, I have so much to catch you up on and so much to show you!” he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the baggage ramp to retrieve my bags. He kept mindlessly talking about how much I was going to love London, and how he couldn’t believe I was actually here. I let a smile linger on my face as I watched for my baggage. My mind was racing, ‘This is it Annie, you’re really here. You’re really finally here.’

After getting my last bag, we stepped outside the airport and I took a deep breath in. The air was so much different than where I was originally from. It felt cleaner, despite the incredibly large population the air felt clean and crisp. The way it entered my lungs felt exhilarating.
James hailed a cab and we headed back to his home where I’d be staying until I got set up at a nearby apartment.

We pulled up to his house where there were a few figures outside waiting for us, two of them I recognized as James’ mom and younger sister. The other I had no clue. “Annie darling!” James’ mom pulled me in for a hug as James and mystery man brought my luggage inside. I gave James’ mom a tight hug before picking up his younger sister and twirling her around. She laughed loudly and gave me a big hug. “I missed you Annie!” she beamed. I ruffled her hair and smiled “I missed you too Sylvie, you too Janice.” My eyes found their way to James’ mum who held her hand out, indicating to come inside.
I held onto Sylvie’s hand as we made our way inside, James was leaning on the kitchen counter feeding a cherry to mystery man. I raised my eyebrow, “Are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend Jamesypoo?” Oh yeah, James was gay. Well, 90% gay at least. He still had one or two things that would attract him to a female. He laughed “Annie, this is Justin. Justin, that’s my best friend Annie.” I took a moment to study Justin’s features. He was roughly 6 feet tall, his ears were stretched at least 15 mm, he had dark brown hair but striking blue eyes. I smirked knowing fully well what James found so attractive about him.
“It’s nice to meet you!” I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He gladly took my hand in his and smiled at me “Nice to meet you too!” He had a deep voice, not too deep though. It suited him, assuming he was a year younger than myself like James was. But there was something about his voice, it wasn’t a typical English accent. “James wouldn’t shut up about you. I almost wanted to shove a sock down his throat.” James threw a grape at Justin’s head. I laughed and realized that he had an Irish accent instead of the classic English accent. “Well, James hasn’t said a word to me about you!” I picked the grape off the table that James threw at Justin and threw it back, it unexpectedly hit James in the middle of his forehead. “Don’t go picking on me!” James whined. “Oh don’t worry you scenie-weenie” I winked at James. He had long blond hair that swept across his face. Back a few years ago before he had moved away he gained the nickname ‘scenie-weenie’ because people always thought that he had ‘scene’ hair.
He pouted as Justin and I laughed at him. “James would not shut up about you, especially during dinner when my cousins came over.” I raised my eyebrow at the two of them. “Oh?” I questioned.
“Oh yeah, he just kept going on and on about how hilarious the two of you were together and just a bunch of memories you guys shared and how excited he was.” Justin laced his fingers with James’ earing him a slight blush. “Hey! You can’t really blame me, I was excited!” I rolled my eyes and threw another grape at James’ head, which he unfortunately dodged. “Speaking of dinner though, would you like to join us for dinner tonight? My cousin will be there and I believe he’s bringing one or two friends along with him. Said something about wanting to meet you after this retard wouldn’t shut up about you” Justin flicked James’ head. James pouted “So not fair guys, stop picking on me!” he laughed a little bit before huffing his chest out with his hands on his hips and his best dramatic angry face on. “James you look like a llama.” I threw another grape at him and laughed. “But yes, dinner would be nice!” I smiled at Justin. “Great! Dinner will be at 6:30, and it’s not anyplace fancy so don’t worry about dressing up.” He smiled at me.
I stretched and looked at the clock, it was half past three. I decided to go rest a little bit before getting ready to go to dinner. “I’m gonna go snooze you two!” I lazily made my way up the stairs barely hearing Justin’s and James’ conversation. They were bickering and laughing, something about food and it being called Niall. I shrugged it off not paying much attention, shutting my room door behind me I realized all my luggage had been lined up against the wall. I smiled and plopped down on the bed to take a few hour nap.
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Hey guys, I haven't written a story in years so I thought why the hell not. Sorry if it's not that good, I'm a little rusty and it's also 3:30 in the morning hahaha
Some feedback would be nice as well c: xx