Everything About You

C'mon Irish boy.

Chapter 2
I sat up groggily looking at the clock, it was 5:30. I sighed pulling out my phone to check messages, it was on airplane mode and running on wi-fi so I wouldn’t get roaming charges. I groaned remembering how I’d have to get a new phone chip if I wanted to contact anyone. I sat in the bed for another 10 minutes before walking to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, my fingers running through my black hair which was styled in loose wavy curls and was slightly messy. My eyes were a dark brown, nearly black. I sighed tying my bangs back and turning on the tap. Appearance wise, I was nothing special. I washed my face and applied a thin layer of foundation, I applied a light creamy champagne eyeshadow, lined my eyes with eye liner and applied mascara. I let my hair down and put on clear lipgloss. I walked back into my room and put on a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, a cream coloured cardigan and light grey scarf. Glancing at the clock which read 6:00 I noticed a small package sitting on the table with a note. I picked up the package and read the note “I took the liberty of getting you a new phone chip xx – James” I grinned, grabbing my iphone I popped open the SIM card tray and placed the new chip in.
I walked downstairs to see James and Justin snogging on the couch. Sylvie and Janice were nowhere in sight. I coughed loudly and Justin and James broke apart looking slightly embarrassed and flustered. “Shall we?” I smiled winking at the two of them. Justin let out an embarrassed cough and looked at the time, “Yeah we should get going or we’ll be late.” James and Justin stood up, lacing their fingers together. We made our way to Justin’s car and exited the driveway.

“Hey, where’s your mum and Sylvie?” I questioned looking out the window admiring London’s scenery. “Hmm, oh they went to the store to pick up some groceries for the week.” James dully replied scrolling through his phone. “Ah.” The rest of the car ride was silent mostly, except for the slight teasing back and forth between James and Justin. I felt a buzzing sensation in my jean pocket, I pulled my phone out ’You ok? You’re so quiet )):’ It was from James, I rolled my eyes and responded ’I’m fine, still really fucking exhausted is all.’ James looked down at his phone before turning around and smiling at me. I smiled back

“WELL WE’RE HERE!” Justin exclaimed loudly. He turned the car off and we all got out. I grinned as I saw the restaurant sign above us. We were at Nandos, I had only been to a Nandos a few times in Canada but it was delicious as hell. I snapped a picture of the restaurant and sent out a tweet. ’Nandos w/ @ jjjames_ & @JustJustin’ We headed inside where people in the back booth frantically waved at us. We made our way to the booth where two people sat across from each other. I had to stop myself from letting my mouth hang open. The two figures sitting at the booth were gorgeous and most definitely familiar. On one side, Liam Payne sat with his cute little neck mole, big brown eyes, his hair underneath a grey beanie. He grinned at me as Justin and James squeezed in next to him which meant I was situated next to the one and only Niall Horan. I took in a deep breath as I sat down next to Niall studying his features. His bleach blonde hair with his brown roots coming through was also somewhat hidden underneath a red cap and his bright blue eyes were even more gorgeous in person. He flashed a toothy smile and I had to stop myself from melting. God Niall was gorgeous. ’C’mon Annie, it’s not every day you meet two famous gorgeous boyband members. Especially the ones that happen to be your favourite. I’m going to kill James for not telling me.’ I groaned to myself and James giggled seeing the look of distress on my face.

“Liam and Niall, this is Annie. The friend James wouldn’t shut up about.” Justin introduced us and I couldn’t help but grin widely. “Hello there love, I’m Niall.” He held out his hand and I bit my lip placing my hand in his shaking it lightly. “And I’m Liam.” I turned to face Liam he had a smile lingering on his face as we reached over the table to shake hands. “It’s nice to meet you two,” I grinned “ and as I suppose you both know, I’m Annie. “ I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly sent a text to James under the table. ”I’m going to fucking kill you! Why didn’t you tell me?” . I shot a glare at James and kicked him lightly under the table. He read my text and giggled, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and opened the menu.
A middle aged waitress came over to take our orders and once she left I slumped down in my chair letting out a yawn. “So what brings you to England?” Liam asked me. I sat up slightly “Fashion designing scholarship. I’ve always wanted to come to England. Not quite sure how to explain what attracts me to this country though. Most people think it’s so original and would rather go somewhere more exotic than England but I think it’s beautiful.” I replied. “I’m surprised James never told you why I was here, considering he was apparently talking about me non-stop.” I raised my eyebrow at James. “Don’t look at me, I’m innocent!” he exclaimed, dramatically throwing his hands in the air causing us all to laugh. “Well Annie, maybe you could design us some free clothes sometime!” Niall grinned putting an emphasis on ‘free’. I playfully hit his leg, “I’ll make sure to put an extra charge on your clothes.” I joked winking at him. He pouted slightly and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by our order arriving.

“Sorry for the wait!” our waitress exclaimed as she and two others carried out our order. My eyes grinned at the amount of food present. We all decided to share instead of ordering our own meals and I could feel my mouth water at the dishes of chicken being placed in front of us.
“Oh god, she’s got that look on her face!” James exclaimed, I stuck my tongue out at him “Shut up, I’m hungry okay!” I grabbed a drumstick and immediately started biting into it, everyone else began to do the same. Within minutes Niall and I cleaned off plates and I looked up to see Liam, Justin, and Niall looking at us. James just casually kept on eating. “Where does it all go?!” Justin asked as he reached over to start poking around my body. I slapped his hands away and reached for more food shrugging my shoulders. “Well shit, we’ve got a female Niall with us!” Liam exclaimed laughing slightly. I looked over at Niall who grinned at me blushing slightly. I smiled back, “I bet I can eat more than you.” I winked at Niall. He gasped dramatically, “You’re on!” he yelled reaching for more food. And thus, our competition had begun.

About twenty minutes later, the plates were cleared and I sunk into my chair pouting and extremely bloated. Niall huffed his chest out and grinned, “I win!”. Liam, Justin, and James just rolled their eyes and laughed slightly. “Next time you’re going down!” I whined in my defeat.

We got up and split the bill, the guys refused to let me pay for my portion so they split it four ways. I felt slightly bad because well Niall and myself ate the most but hey I wasn’t complaining, free food was good food. We left the restaurant and I stretched, taking in a deep breath. “Well, I’m going to go to Justin’s place. Do you want us to drop you off at home Ann?” James asked me. I gave him a grossed out look, knowing fully well what he was going to be doing at Justin’s. I shook my head, “I think I’m gonna walk around for a bit, I saw some cute shops on the way here.” James nodded with a smile and he and Justin waved goodbye to us and drove off.

“WELL! That just leaves the three of us then, are you guys heading off now too?” I turned to look at Liam and Niall. Niall shook his head as Liam looked at his phone, “I’m actually gonna head out to see Danielle now.” He had a grin on his face, “You gonna be alright Nialler?” Niall nodded and smiled shooing him off. “Alright, I’ll catch you too later!” Liam ran off and Niall turned to me, “Don’t mind if I join ya, do you?” I grinned widely, “Nope! Show me around Irish boy!” my arm linked around his and we began walking across the street towards some shops.
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Second chapters out! I'm pretty sure I spent a few hours trying to unclog my writers block at some points hahah. But yeah, I'll probably get onto writing the third chapter now so you can expect it either tonight or tomorrow ! xx