Everything About You

Guess we'll never know

My arm was linked with Nialls, despite the fact that it was summer vacation in London there were very few people around fortunately. But hey, we weren’t complaining. Niall had his raybans on and most of his hair was nicely hidden under his cap so recognition wouldn’t be easy. The street we were walking down had a lot of different boutiques and cafes. The two of us walked into several stores and I didn’t fail to leave each one without at least one item bought.

“Holy shit.” I stopped in front a small boutique, everything they had in the window I wanted. Badly. Niall laughed, “Well let’s go in then!” he smiled at me and pulled me inside. Articles and articles of clothing and shoes were being pulled off the rack and I had about ten items in my hand and three pairs of shoes waiting to be tried on. Going through the last rack I pulled out a dress, “Wow.” I smiled. It was a really simple dress, mid-thigh length and a light peachy coral colour. Niall came up behind me and took the dress from me looking at it up and down before pushing it onto my stack of clothes. “You’re trying this dress on.” He demanded with a grin and proceeded to shove me into the changing rooms.

I tried on every article of clothing and left Niall to choose what I was going to buy and unfortunately leave behind. Out of the ten things chosen, minus the dress I ended up getting two shirts and a pair of jeans as well as a pair of ankle strapped wedge heels. I eventually tried on the dress, and god damn I looked good in it. I stepped out of the changing room and Niall wolf whistled. I laughed and blushed slightly, twirling in a circle for him.

“You’ve got to get that dress Ann.” He smiled putting an arm around my shoulders and looked in the mirror at me. I looked down at the tag and bit my lip, it was a bit over my budget. “Too pricey,” I pouted at him and walked back into the changing room. “Maybe I’ll get it next time, either way I have nowhere to really wear it.” “Whatever you say! That dress makes you like hella fit though love.” I heard him through the curtain. “Awh thanks Nialler, you’re mighty fit yourself.” I poked my head out of the curtain in between us and blew him a kiss and winked.

After I changed I placed the unwanted clothing on the rack and paid for my clothes and the two of us left. Niall had a few of my bags in his hand and I stretched. “Well where to now, Irish boy?” I smiled.

“Hmm, well why don’t we stop by that café over there? I’m kind of hungry.” Niall laughed shyly and scratched the back of the neck and pointed to a cute little café across the street. I grinned at him, I wasn’t super hungry but I could definitely go for a coffee. “Well in that case let’s go!” I grabbed his hand and we ran across the street to the café.

Once we were seated a waiter came up to us and handed us each a simple menu. I decided just to get a cranberry apple cider and a slice of strawberry cheesecake. Niall got a hot chocolate and a slice of strawberry cheesecake as well.

“So Niall, what’s it like being famous worldwide?” I propped my elbow on the table and rested my head in my hand. He took a sip of his drink and set it back down. “Hmm, well it’s great! Unbelievable really. Never did I think that I’d be touring around the world. Though the screaming girls are always something I have to get used to.” He grinned and took a bite of his cake. “Do you listen to our music?”

I paused for a moment, “I have, I remember the first time I saw you on X-Factor. Since then, I’d pretty much been in love. But I haven’t really listened to you guys as of recently.” I blushed and took a large sip of my drink to hide the flustered look on my face.
Niall got this cute little grin on his face, he wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in closer to my face. “So who’s your favourite?”

I leaned in closer to him, “My favourite,” I paused glancing into his blue eyes and smiled “SECRET!” I exclaimed loudly attracting a few odd glances from customers. Niall jumped back a bit laughing.

“It’s me isn’t it?” he winked. I playfully hit him on the shoulder, “Guess we’ll never know Nialler.”

We finished up our food, Niall refusing to let me pay for my portion stole my bill and ran to the front before I could object. I stuck my tongue out at Niall when he returned to the table to help me gather our bags. “Not fair! I’m treating you to something next time.” I pouted.
Niall grinned, “If you say so, you better have a very full wallet then!” reminding me of how much the both of us could eat combined. “I’ll make sure of it.” I winked laughing.
It was nice, how easy Niall and I could communicate. We could laugh at anything and everything and it was comfortable and fun. It was a nice change from my old boring life style back in Canada.

“So,” Niall looked at his cellphone “It’s nine, did you want me to walk you home? Or did you want to come over? The lads and I are having a movie marathon at the house if you wanted to come.” He smiled.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude on you guys.” I scratched the back of my neck, I wasn’t too good with loads of unfamiliar people, despite the fact that they were One Direction. “You wouldn’t be intruding at all! In fact the guys have heard a whole load about you and I’m pretty sure they’d be totally psyched to meet you.” Niall placed his arms around my shoulder and pouted, “Please?” he asked, “It’ll be fun!”

I bit my lip and smiled, “Alright then, I guess I’ll come.” How bad could it be anyways? I pulled out my phone and sent James a quick text ’Going to Nialls for some movies don’t wait up, I’m assuming you’re spending the night and Justin’s anyway. && thanks for the new phone chip. Love you , night xx’

“Shall we then?” I looked up at Niall with a smile, “Yes we shall, the house is just a few blocks down.” He grabbed my hand and proceeded to lead me down a series of streets.
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Okay, I'll try and have the next chapter out for tomorrow. Just that my exams are in a month and I'd like to get some work done so we'll see what happens! If it's not out for tomorrow then definitely Monday! (: