Everything About You

You're a wizard, Harry!

So here we stood, in front of a two story building which probably had about 5 rooms or so, “Well come on then!” Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. “I’m hoooooooome!” Niall shouted, his voice practically echoing around the house.

I could hear the sound of chatter and laughter coming from several rooms as well as music being played and someone singing at the top of their lungs. Soon enough two figures were running down the stairs, a certain curly haired boy on top of the back of another.

“Who’s the pretty lady Niall?!” Harry asked excitedly as he propped himself up higher onto Louis’ back. “Is she your girlfriend?!” Louis ran over to Niall, dropping Harry off his back and jumping into Niall’s arms. “You never told us you had a girlfriend!” He shouted loudly in Niall’s ear making him cringe. I suppressed a laugh.

Niall dropped the bags in order to support Louis’ weight better. “No she isn’t my girlfriend,” Niall looked really flustered, “She’s James’ friend, y’know the one he wouldn’t stop going on about.” He pushed Louis off him and smiled at me. “Annie, this is Louis and Harry.”

Louis immediately pulled me into a hug, “I’m Louis!” I dropped my bags and awkwardly reached up to return his hug, patting him lightly on the back. “Nice to meet you.” He pulled away grinning widely before pushing me in front of Harry, “And this is Hazza! I mean Harry!” Harry shook my hand before pulling me into a light hug.

After he released me I took a small step back, “Nice to meet you both! I’m Annie.” I smiled a little and bit my lip.

“Off to the TV!” Louis jumped back on Harry’s back and they both ran off into a nearby room. Niall began picking up the bags and he looked up at me.

“Well then! I’m gonna bring the bags up stairs. You’re free to join Hazza and Lou now if you want.” I shook my head, “No It’s okay, I’ll help you.” I picked up the bags I dropped and followed Niall up the stairs.

He led me into a fairly large room with a few clothes scattered around the floor, several posters plastered to the walls, and two beds. “Sorry about the mess,” Niall placed the bags in a corner and scratched his head. “I share this room with Zayn and well, five guys living together doesn’t exactly mean prim, proper, and clean all the time.” Niall let out an awkward laugh and smiled sheepishly at me. “I hope you don’t mind.”

I set my bags down in the corner next to his and smiled at him taking his hand, “I don’t mind! A little embarrassing to admit but despite being a girl doesn’t mean my house is always the cleanest either.”

Niall grinned at me and squeezed my hand a little, “Tour then?” I nodded and he led me out of the room. Pointing at two doors on our left he said, “The one open is Liam’s room, he’s out with Danielle still yeah but he should be back soon.” He gestured to the closed one, “That one is Hazza’s and Lou’s.” he paused for a moment, “I dunno where Zayn is, but if he’s out he should be home soon.” Niall pointed to the last two doors, “Bathroom and guest room.” He then led me downstairs.

Not going to lie, I didn’t pay a huge amount of attention to his house much. I was way too mesmerized by the way he spoke. I could listen to him and his cute little Irish accent all day. I bit my lip realizing that his hand was still holding mine. Niall was adorable there was no doubt about that. Just a friend, Annie. Just a friend

“And that’s the kitchen! Shall we put on the movie now then?” I nodded at Niall and we entered a room where Harry, Louis, and Zayn sat with a large bowl of popcorn. Niall and I plopped down on a couch and he put his arms around my shoulders, “Zayn, this is Annie. Justin’s boyfriend’s friend.” Zayn nodded at me and I smiled. “Anyways, what’re we watching?” Niall reached out and stole some popcorn from Louis.

“TOY STORY!” Liam burst through the doorway with another bowl of popcorn. He plopped down on the floor in front of Niall and grinned at me, “Hey there.” I smiled at Liam, “Hiya.”
“Liam you’ve seen Toy Story like three times this week, something else!” Louis complained going through a pile of movies on the floor. “Ann, come here and pick one.” He took my hand and pulled me off the couch and onto the floor next to him.

“Er,” I sorted through the scattered movies until something caught my eye. “HARRY POTTER!” I shouted excitedly. “This is the greatest fucking movie series to ever come to exist on this world.” I noticed Liam opening his mouth to disagree. “And don’t you dare disagree or I’ll throw a pineapple at your face.” Liam quickly closed his mouth and I smiled at him triumphantly.

“Well, all in favour of Harry Potter? We haven’t seen it in a long while.” Harry grabbed the DVD and popped it into the DVD player as everyone nodded in favour in fear of getting a pineapple thrown at their face.

I plopped back down in my spot next to Niall and he put his arm back around me, I leaned slightly into his chest as Liam got off the floor and sat next to me, setting the big bowl of popcorn in my lap so we could all share.

“Meep! I haven’t watched the first one in forever.” Harry Potter was easily one of my most favourite movies of all time. “You’re a wizard, Harry.” I quoted. I nudged Harry in the back lightly, he turned around and I grinned. “Hear that? You’re a wizard Harry.” I winked at him. Harry laughed and threw a piece of popcorn at me, earning him a light slap on the arm from Zayn. Zayn looked at me and asked, “What’s the spell for shutting up a Harry?” I laughed and shrugged, “Maybe we’ll figure out one day Zayn.” We all redirected our attention back to the movie.

I spent a lot of the movie quoting lines here and there. No one really seemed to notice though seeing as they were really into the movie. Except Niall anyway.
Niall giggled and whispered in my ear, “You really love this movie don’t you?” I nodded, “It’s amazing. Every midnight book premier and midnight movie showing.” He poked my side and threw a piece of popcorn at me making me scrunch my face at him. He laughed silently, “You’re adorable.”

“Oh,” I wasn’t really sure how to respond to that at all. I became flustered and my face was a light shade of pink. I was really awkward and had no idea how to take compliments. “Thank you? I think. You’re adorable yourself Irish boy.” I bit my lip and closed my eyes for a moment. Without realizing I drifted off to sleep.
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Hey! I wanted to have this out earlier but nevertheless here it is now. (:
Not sure when I can get the next chapter out. I have exams in a few week and a crap load of tests this week but I'll try!
Awh I love every single one of you subscribers & readers. Thanks c: <3