Everything About You

Curly Fries

“Hey hoe!” James slapped my arm as I walked into the living room. Niall had walked me home and I had invited him in for dinner but he declined, something about a meeting with the rest of the boys. I dropped my bag on the floor waved a hello to Janice and Sylvie who were making dinner in the kitchen and plopped onto the couch.

“So?” James sat on the arm rest next to me. I raised an eyebrow at him, “so?...” James began to poke my sides causing me to squirm in my chair.

“How was your night?” James was grinning ear to ear. I shrugged my shoulders and propped my feet up onto the table, “It was fun, watched movies.” I replied dully, a smile twitching at my lips. I grabbed the remote, turned on the T.V. and began channel surfing.

“You just watched movies? Is that all you did?” James asked leaning a little closer, with an extra emphasis on the ‘all’. I nodded and pushed him away.

“They’re a bunch of cuties though, wow I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you knew them before! I swear if I didn’t love you for introducing me to them I’d fucking curb stomp your ass.” I pouted.

He laughed and ruffled my hair, “I’d like to see you try bitch.” I shot a playful glare at him and shoved him off the armrest.

“You know I could too Jamesy-poo. Remember what I did to Chanel and Jason?” I grinned at the thought.

“How could I forget? I should’ve video-taped it, honestly greatest moment I had ever experienced living in Canada with you.” James laughed as he sat down on the recliner next to me. “But besides all of that, any of them you, y’know find extra cute?”

My lips began to twitch into a smile again, “No one particular, you already know my favourites are Niall and Liam!”

“I know, I know but like, they haven’t changed at all? Liam and Niall still the best? You have no favourite favourite after meeting them?”

I grabbed the couch pillow and whacked James in the head with it, “You’re retarded, I’ve only just met the yesterday James. Even if I did have feelings for any of them nearly all of them have girlfriends you twat.” I sighed and sunk into my seat.

“So what? GET SOME GIRL!” James whacked me back in the head with the pillow causing my hair to fall in front of my face.

I blew some hair out of my face unsuccessfully and laughed, “You’re funny.” I remarked sarcastically. “I know.” James winked and held up the peace sign. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked into the kitchen.

“Annie! Just in time, dinner is served!” Janice exclaimed as she set the last plate down on the table.

“Wow,” I smiled and sat down in one of the dining chairs “it all looks amazing Janice.”

Janice smiled and called out for James to join us and we all sat around the table. There wasn’t too much conversation, Sylvie spent a lot of her time telling us about this bird that wouldn’t stop following her at the park and how excited she was for me to be there.

“So Annie,” Janice started “are you still with that boy? The one James doesn’t like?”

I started to choke on my food a bit, and had a coughing fit.

“Mom! I told you about that already.” James nudged Janice and I could tell she was slightly embarrassed. Her face grew to a light pink and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh Annie, I’m sorr-“ I smiled at Janice and shook my head

“No, Jason and I aren’t together anymore.” I stared at my empty plate for a second zoning out recalling past memories. Shaking it off I grabbed my plate and stood up, “Thanks for dinner Janice, it was phenomenal.”

Sylvie had gotten up and followed me to the sink, I placed both our dishes in the sink and turned around only to be engulfed in a tight hug from Sylvie.

“You know, I know I never met him but I remember you being so happy back then and now I can tell you’re sad and it makes me sad but remember I love you okay?”

I was slightly shocked, and Sylvie’s words slowly sunk in. I smiled lightly and sighed pulling her into a tighter hug.

“Thanks Sylvie, I’m okay though I swear. I love you too. Now go help your mum clean up okay?”

Sylvie nodded and rushed back into the dining room.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. James came in from the dining room and placed a few dishes in the sink as well. Without saying a word he grabbed my hand and brought me outside. We made our way to a large park with a swingset and I immediately made a dash towards the swings. James sat down next to me on the other swing and we ended up having a competition on who could swing the highest. I bit my lip. I hated these kind of things, I had a beyond irrational fear of falling. Heights was only a factor. I couldn’t even stand on the edge of a clearly stable safe area of the second story of a mall. You know the kind where it’s the big opening in the middle so you can see down onto the first floor? Even standing in areas like that freaked me out.

Being high on a swing was just as worse, going really high up made me feel like I had zero control and it scared me. Nevertheless, James and I still had our little competition and of course he won. But in the end he somehow ended up face first in sand.

I began laughing really hard and my swing was thankfully slowing down to a complete halt and the only swinging was slight between however I was moving my feet. I snorted slightly at James’ sand coated face and clothes.

“Shutup.” He whined getting up and patting sand off his clothes. I kept laughing and held up my phone to snap a picture.

“I feel like a fucking beach.” James groaned as he kept trying to get the sand off his clothes.
I grinned, “and you’re about the size of one too.” James glared at me before grinning. “What are you grin-“

I was cut off by someone forcefully grabbing me and carrying me over their shoulder, I let out a scream before I heard really obnoxious laughter and I realized I was staring straight at a very nice ass. I lifted my head slightly to see James, Liam, and Niall laughing at me. I blushed slightly before I started to kick and squirm around.

“Oh no you don’t!” I saw a bush of curly hair grab my hands and a flash of stripes grab my legs. Which meant Zayn was probably the one holding me.

I groaned loudly, “Let me down please!” I began to squirm around again, a little more forceful than before.

“And why should we?” Harry got right into my face and I stuck my tongue out at him
“Well if you don’t I’ll never cook for you again!” and just like that, I was immediately dropped on my ass. I got up sighing and patted some sand off my ass. “You know, a lighter drop would’ve been nice.” I playfully glared at Zayn.

He chuckled slightly and gave a sheepish smile, “Sorry Ann.”

I smiled and jumped up and ruffled my hair, “S’OKAY ZAYN!” I immediately dashed towards Niall, Liam, and James. Zayn’s hands flew to his hair in desperate attempts to fix it. I hadn’t even done that much damage to it, whatever that man uses to style his hair it worked.

After Zayn fixed the ‘damage’ that was done to his hair he dashed towards me and I wrapped my arms around Niall. My god he smelt amazing, I tried to not blush and shook the thought out of my head

“You can’t hurt me Zayn! Not without going through your darling Niall!” I shouted.

Niall laughed, “Don’t put me in the middle of your mess Ann!” he removed my hands from his waist and pushed me towards Zayn.

“Traitor!” I yelled and jumped on Liam’s back. He seemed slightly shocked and almost fell over but regained his balance and wrapped his arms around my legs to support my weight.

“Run away Liam!” Liam started to lightly jog away as Zayn decided he was bored and plopped down on an empty swing.

Liam and I made our way back to the group and lightly dropped me back down onto my feet.

“So, what are you guys doing here anyway? Stalking me?” I laughed lightly.

Harry snorted, “You wish babe, Niall texted James asking what you guys were doing so we decided to come along.”

“That means you’re stalking me Curly-Fries!” I pointed my finger at him accusingly.

“Curly Fries?” Zayn asked

“Uhm, I don’t know actually. His hair’s curly and I was thinking about fries and for some reason they kind of reminded me of curly fries and curly fries are kind of good so y’know. Curly fries.” I was rambling.

Harry rolled his eyes, “My hair looks nothing like curly fries you bloody Canadian! And they’re called chips!”

I picked up a handful of sand and threw it at Harry who jumped back immediately to dodge my ‘attack.’

“ANYWAYS,” Niall interrupted quite loudly, “We were wondering if you would like to go clubbing!”

“Niall darling, I’m still 17 until October. Even back in Canada I still wouldn’t be allowed in a club for a few months! Either way, Jamesy over there is 16.” I pouted.

“Oh babe don’t worry about that one bit, we’ve got our connections. We’re One Direction remember?” Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a cheeky grin.

I sighed, “Well I wouldn’t mind having a little fun, as long as you guys aren’t going to get in trouble! What do you say James?”

James grinned, “Uh duh! If Justin’s coming of course.”

Niall grinned, “Of course my darling cousin is coming!”

“Well that’s that! We’ll come by and pick you guys up in an hour we’re all going to have to go home and get changed I suppose.” Harry grinned.

We all nodded in agreement and made our way back to our houses.
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SO SORRY THIS ONE TOOK FOREVER TO COME OUT. I finished my exams and began to write this and had the biggest writers block for the longest time I ended up having to scrap it and re-write the entire chapter. I'll try and post more regularly as of now but yeah lasjdflkajsfdl. SORRY AGAIN.