Everything About You


When James and I got home I immediately stepped into the shower and James went to choose my outfit and take a twenty minute nap. He didn’t need much time to get ready and had a habit of choosing my clothes. Not that I minded, the guy had pretty good fashion sense.

I stepped out of the shower and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I pinched my skin lightly and sighed. ’I’ve gained weight.’ I paused slightly before wrapping a towel around myself and stepping back into my room.

I used to be a chubby child and growing up I had lost some of it and became average. But average had never been enough for me so I worked it all off. A gap between my thighs, a tight stomach, and slim arms. I worked it off, and worked to keep it off.

“Gym soon.” I mumbled to myself as I applied a thin layer of lotion on my legs. I glanced at the outfit James had laid out on the bed for me. A simple pair of black heels and a tight black strapless dress with lacy see-through back and sides. I bit my lip and put on the dress, it hugged me in all the right places and I remember I originally bought it for one of my best friends 18th birthday at some club back home.

My hair was straight and simple and my makeup a smokey-black eye shadow with a pale neutral pink lipstick. I turned around for James to see, he clapped his hands in approval.

“Damn I pick good clothes.” He praised himself. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t get cocky now, I bought the dress and did the finishing touches okay.”

James laughed and nodded, “Right right, whatever.”

James was wearing a snapback and clothes he wore out literally every day. Must’ve been nice to be a guy, going clubbing means only the girls really dress up anyway.

I sighed at the thought, “I should’ve been born with a penis.”

“What?” James burst out laughing as we walked down the stairs to wait for the other boys.

“Think about it, my personality practically grew a penis why was I born a girl? I mean, you guys literally just wake up and you’re set to go. Girls take forever to get ready.” I pouted

“Well babe, it’s cause you make a hot girl.” An arm draped around my shoulder and I turned my head to come face to face with the one and only Harry Styles. Turns out the boys were all downstairs waiting.

“Thanks Curly-Fries, I think I’d make a pretty hot boy too though!” I stuck my tongue out at Harry
Ignoring my comment Harry turned to the rest of the guys, “So we all ready to go yeah?”

Everyone nodded and we made our way to the cars. Liam and Zayn had decided to be designated drivers despite my offers to drive, still being underage and all. However, despite my great argument the guys were set on the fact that it would be un-safe for them to have me drive. I wasn’t sure if they thought I was incapable of driving or if they just didn’t want a tiny girl driving around a bunch of drunk boys.

Liam, Niall, James, Justin, and myself were in one car and Zayn, Harry, and Louis were in the other. We were pulling up to a club with a long line up of people outside of it. I noticed two girls taking a picture of themselves in line.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be kind of bad on your reputation if you were seen going into a club with me? And what if people found out my identity and age and shit, wouldn’t you guys get in trouble? Like what if people took pictures?” I was a little anxious and suddenly felt as if the entire thing was a bad idea.

Liam shrugged, “It doesn’t really matter much, we’ll be able to get you in. Lots of those people in the line outside are probably seventeen anyway. As long as you’re near eighteen, you have a good chance of getting in. The guys here are pretty lenient towards that. As for if pictures of you with us get leaked, we can handle it easy. I mean, you’re just a friend yeah? They won’t freak out too bad.”

I sighed a little and nodded, the guys had actually thought it through. Surprisingly they weren’t a couple of idiots when it came to this kind of thing. I guess they were used to the whole media thing by now. Regardless the anxious feeling in my stomach was still there. I was never great with attention, and now I was hanging out with freaking One Direction. I fidgeted with my fingers as I thought about the countless stories the media could possibly make up about me.

Before I realized it we were all getting out of the car and heading to the back of the club where we were let in through the back door. I could see Louis and Zayn at the bar already, Louis clutching a beer and Zayn what I assumed was just a water.

“C’mon.” Niall took my hand and dragged me to the bar and ordered a round of shots for everyone, minus Zayn and Liam of course.

He handed me a shot and smiled, “Go crazy babe.”

We gathered around in a circle and raised our shot glasses before shoving the liquor down our throats to start the night off.

The guys got a little booth thing for us to sit around and chat and drink. I ordered a cranberry juice with vodka and chugged it down like it was nothing.

Standing up I exclaimed I was going to go dance and walked towards the dance floor. Dancing alone was certainly a new feeling, I was used to being surrounded with a bunch of friends just having a good time on the floor. Nevertheless, I began to move my body to the beat, soon enough I felt a pair of arms around me.

“Hey there.” The voice was unfamiliar to me and I turned my body to face the stranger. I could feel my face heat up almost immediately. Messy brown hair, blue eyes, and a bit of facial scruff.

“Hey.” I actually had no clue what to say, my ability to talk to attractive strangers like this was pretty much close to zero.

“Name’s Oliver, you?” He had his hands on my hips and was moving his body with mine, I managed to not stutter out my words and I could feel the hormones raging inside of me.

“Annie, nice to meet you Oliver.” I replied with a wink.

“American? You a tourist or something babe?”

“Canadian actually, and sort of I guess. Though London is my soon to be permanent residence.”

“Canadian hey? Even better. And glad to hear.” He pulled me closer to his body and ran a hand up my back and back down, settling right above my ass as if he was teasing me.

I grinned and took in a deep breath. He smelt fantastic. I ran a hand up and down his chest and laid another hand on the back of his neck as we continued to dance.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to face Harry.

“Mind if I take her off your hands?” Harry smiled at Oliver though his eyes were portraying quite a different feeling than kindness.

Oliver shrugged and nodded, “Hope to see you around babe.” He winked at me and walked further into the crowd of people, disappearing from my sight

I was going to turn around to complain a bit to Harry about scaring away that sexy beast known as Oliver when he wrapped an arm around my waist and began to dance.

“You know, you were making poor Niall freak out in his chair.” He whispered in my ear as I began to move my body against his.

“What?” I responded slightly puzzled.

Harry laughed a bit and grabbed my hand dragging me back to the table. It wasn’t till I sat down that I realized how badly I wanted a drink.

Niall held a shot glass to me, I gladly accepted it with a smile and we clinked the glass and drank. 4 drinks, 3 shots, and about a billion photos later I was well tipsy, laughing and leaning on a chuckling Niall who was taking a sip of his beer.

Harry was on the dance floor grinding away with some girls, Zayn was dancing with a few girls as well, Louis was with Harry, probably playing wingman, and Liam had apparently invited Danielle and they were off somewhere probably talking and making out. I recalled her having a few drinks with me before being swept away by her Prince Liam. Justin and James said something about grabbing a cab and going to Justin`s place and to have fun.

I grinned in a tipsy haze and kissed Niall`s cheek, he looked down slightly surprised.

``Niall babe, let`s go dance.`` I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd of heated dancing people.

I wrapped my arms around him and grinded my body on his. I could feel him shudder slightly as he wrapped his arms around my back pulling me closer and dancing to the music.

Soon enough we got lost in the music, our hormones raging as Niall lowered one of his hands to get a light grip on my ass. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down and closer to me, claiming his lips in a drunken haze. He immediately responded and the kiss became heated as we continued to move our bodies against each other.

When our lips parted, a small string of saliva connected our lips and I grinned wiping my lips slightly as he did the same. He led me back to the table for more drinks and the next thing I knew I was definitely drunk off my ass, and Niall was too. We`d kiss in between drinks and shots and Niall`s arm was tightly wrapped around my waist the entire time.

Next thing I knew, a very sober Zayn and a slightly sober Louis were pulling a drunk Harry, a very wasted Niall, and a very wasted me out of the car and into their house. I giggled the entire way and Niall had kept his hand clasped with mine the entire time as we stumbled up the stairs.
Niall led me into his room and closed the door behind us before slamming his lips on mine and we became lost in each other`s bodies.
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Sorry for slow updates, on vacation.
But hope you like this!
Also, would like to thank ElyRae and Evka483 for all the support ! (: