Save Me

Born Vilain

Jenn parked her car where all the employees of the hospital did so.
It was her first day here.
Well, it the first time she came in California. She has always wanted to come to Los Angeles one day but she didn’t imagine it would be in these conditions.

She took her purse and exited her car, making her way to the elevators.

The receptionist smiled to her.

“Hello, excuse me, I’m Dr. Vegan, I have an appointment with Dr. Grey…”

The receptionist looked at her computer screen.

“Yes, I see your appointment is in 15 minutes. I’ll call the Doctor.”

“Thanks.”, Jenn forced a smile.

Less than five minutes later, a tall, old and thin man exited the elevators.

“Dr. Vegan I presume?”, he smiled.

“Absolutely. Good morning, Dr. Grey.”, she smiled back.

“Come on, let’s go to my office.”

Once they were arrived at Dr. Grey’s office, Jenn sat on a chair, and waited for Dr. Grey to start.

“Well, Dr. Vegan…uh…Can I call you Jenn?”, he asked.

“Of course.”

“Fine, call me Todd. Well, I guess you know why you’re here…”, he looked at her.

“ I got a few details by my boss, but I’m not totally sure I know the whole story.”, she admitted.

He put some documents on the desk and showed them to her.

The first document was a picture of a man, about 27 years old.

“Jenn, this is Brian Elwin Haner Jr. And he’s our desperate case.”

Jenn looked at the others document. She discovered how Brian was sent to asylum after committing a crime on her girlfriend. Since his admission here, he almost killed a nurse, and severely injured three employees. He was suffering from a change of behavior. He could become violent in less than a second. He was quite schizophrenic, in a way. But that was more complicated than this.

“Well, this Brian Haner is…”, she started.

“…About to receive a lethal injection.”, Todd cut her off.

Jenn gasped. “What?!”

“The government decided it was better for the Economy to kill the desperate cases like Brian. Because you know, each person who’s here in this asylum cost a lot to the government…”, Todd explained.

“…But, those men are mentally sick. It’s not fair to kill them! Even if what this Brain did is horrible, I’m against death penalty!”, Jenn almost shouted.

“I know, Jenn, and so I am. That’s why I asked you to come. You’ve got two month to help this Brian.”

Jenn looked at him in disbelief.

“Jenn, you’re the best psychiatrist in the whole federation, all my friends, who are also psychiatrists, recommended you. I don’t want our patient to die, because I know that everybody can heal, even Brian Haner. I need your help, Jane. Brian Haner needs your help.”

Jenn nodded. “I understand. But I can’t warrantee the fact that I’ll manage to help him. But I’ll try.”

“That’s all I wanted to hear, Dr. Vegan.”, he smiled. “Now… I think the best for you is to meet this Haner guy. But be careful, he has the habit to mess with all the persons who enter his room. And when I say mess, I mean he tries to beat them, or he threatens them. You think you’ll have the courage to try it?”, he asked.

Jenn was terrified. She had never been confronted to such a guy before, and it scared her. But she had to be strong. It was her mission, and she hated to fail.

“Yes, Todd. I’ll be okay.”, she said, determined.

“Okay then, follow me…”

They exited the office.
Jenn could feel her heart beat faster and faster.

She was about to face a monster.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey so this is the first chapter of my new story :)
Tell me if it's worth it to continue.
Please, excuse me for all the mistakes I could have done. (I'm French and my English isn't fluent :'x )

Bye <3
