Save Me


Today was the day.
Brian would see his old friends, and Jenn hoped that evrything would be fine.
There was no reason for things to go wrong after call. Brian could have a kind of crisis, but she will be able to handle it.
Plus, there was Sam's drawings. Jenn was sure it would show Brian's sensible part.
That was her plan. She wanted Brian to come back to reality, to stop thinking the bad way.

Mr. Baker and Mr. Sullivan were with her, in her car. The silence was comfortable, but the tension was high too.
Jenn could see her hands shaking.
She only had to get Matt, and then head to the hospital.
She parked her car in front of Matt's house. The said Matt was waiting in front of his door, smiling.

"Hi, doctor!", he said, climbing in the car. "Hi, guys!".
Zack and Jimmy responded with a polite smile.

"So, now we're ready to go to the hospital...", Jenn said. The three men nodded.
She took a deep breath and drove silently.

She parked her car, and asked the three men to remain silent and to follow her. An argument with the receptionnist, and several minutes later, they were at the good floor.
Jenn adressed Tedd a smile, and asked once again to Zack, Matt and Jimmy to follow her.
She stopped in front of Briab's room.

"Okay, I'm gonna talk to him a little bit, just to be sure he's not angry today, or something like that. Okay?"

"No problem.", Zacky said.

Jenn entered the room. Brian was sat on the floor, his back against the wall.

"Hi, Brian.", she could hear her voice shaking.


"Is everything okay?", she asked. Something was obviously wrong.

"Why didn't you come to see me earlier?", he wanted to know.

"I was busy with some... stuff, I'm sorry. But I'm here now.", she smiled.

"Oh, you were busy, sorry. I'm just a stupid nearly dead man, nothing too important.", Brian answered sarcastically.

"Don't think that way, Brian. You know you're wrong. Plus I have the right to have my life."

"What's his name?", he smirked.


"You were obviously busy with you new man or something like that. So, what's his name?"

Jenn smirked. "Actually, I was busy with three men."

Brian's eyes went wide. "Oh, I didn't know it was your thing..."

"Yeah. And their names are Zachary, Jimmy and Matthew."

Brian frowned.

"Oh, maybe you want their full names! Zachary Baker, Jimmy Sullivan, and Matthew Sanders."

"What... You... How... The fuck?"

Jenn laughed a little bit. "I went to see your friends, because I wanted them to come to see you."

"Good try. They forgot my existence.", Brian said looking at the floor.

"Once again you're wrong Mr. Haner, they're right behind this door.", she smiled.

"You're not kidding me, right?", Brian asked sceptically.

"No, I assure you I'm not."

"Wow. Just... wow."

"But before you see them, I have some things to show you.", Jenn said, with a serious tone.

"Kay, go on."

Jenn handed him his son's drawing. "They've been made by your son, Sam."

Brian looked at the drawings wide eyed. He couldn't believe it. A few tears started to grow into his eyes.
Then he started crying for real.

"I'm sorry.", he said. He wipped his tears and looked at Jenn. "How did you do that? How is my son?"

"I just met your son accidentally when I came to see your friend Matt. And Matt suggested that your son could draw your some... stuff."

Brian nodded slowly.
"You're amazing, Jenn."

"Thank you Mr. Haner, but I'm just doing my job."

Brian got up and came closer to Jenn.

"Then you're the most talented psychiatrist I've ever met.", he winked.

Jenn couldn't help but laugh and blush a little bit. "Thank you, it means a lot. Especially from you."

Brian opened his arms, and Jenn didn't hesitate. She gave him the hug he espected.
"Damn, that feels so good.", she said to herself.
They stayed like that for a few minutes.

Jenn reluctantly pulled away. "Well, now it's time for you to meet your friends, if that's okay?"

Brian nodded and Jenn opened the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's been so long since I updated. But I have to say that all your comments made me conscious that I had to update. Thank you to everyone, for you support. You mean the world.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Please tell me what you think!
And thank you for you patience!