Save Me

I hate you. I miss you.

The ride to Huntington Beach wasn’t as long as Jenn expected it to be. Her GPS leaded her to a simple house. She parked her car, and approached the front door. She pressed the door bell and waited.
A few minutes later, a black haired man appeared at the door. He had emerald green eyes and snakebites.

“Hello…?”, he said hesitantly.

Jenn smiled to him. “Hello Sir. I’m Jenn Vegan, and I’m a psychiatrist. Can I talk to you, please? It won’t be long… Or maybe it will… In fact I don’t know.”

Zack looked at her amused and told her to come in. He led her to the living room.

“Do you want to drink something?”, he asked politely.

“No, thanks.”, she smiled.

They both sat on the couch. “So, what do you want to talk about, Dr. ….?”

“Vegan. Dr. Vegan. In fact, I would like to talk about Brian Haner Jr…”, she said, looking intently at the green eyed man sat next to her.

The said man tensed. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Finally, he looked back at her.

“You’re his psychiatrist, I guess?”

Jenn nodded. “Well, I’m in charge of his case for a very short time. But I have to tell you something important…”

She explained him that Brian had two months to “heal”, otherwise he was a dead man.

Zacky was now wide-eyed. “They want to kill Brian?”. His expression was a mixture of shock, fear, and rage.

Jenn nodded slowly. “Only if him and me don’t manage to make progresses.”

Zack took his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe it. It has been years since he has seen Brian. A part of him hated the guy for what he has done, but he couldn’t help but miss his friend terribly.
When he finally looked back at the doctor next to him, he had tears in his eyes.

“Tell me he’ll get better. Please. I can’t lose him. Sam can’t lose him. We can’t lose him… We can’t..”.

“I can’t promise anything, Mr. Baker. But I’ll do my best, that's for sure. Can… Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, sure.”, Zack shrugged.

“Would you come with me to the hospital to see Brian?”, Jenn asked.
Please say yes!, she kept thinking in her head. She wanted Brian to see that his friends and family are still caring about him.
She expected Zack and Jimmy to be the easiest ones to convince. The hardest one would probably be the girl called Valary.

“… I don’t know if I’m ready for this…”, Zack confessed.

Jenn could swear her heart stopped for a second.

“But… I think it would help him. A lot. I think he needs affection. It’s obvious that he feels guilty, ashamed, and detested. He needs to see that he’s not alone. Please Mr. Baker…”, she was almost begging him, but she didn’t care.

“Why me?”, he asked.

“Brian told me what happened… the day his girlfriend died and according to him, you were the first one to… how could I say that… notice what happened…”, Jenn explained. “So I thought it made sense to come to you first.”

Zack nodded. “It does… So, … Brian told you everything?”

“It took him some time but yes, he did. I was very proud of him for that.”

“He never explained it to us, to me…”, Zack said with a pained chuckle.

“Like I said, he feels ashamed. Plus, it’s really hard to explain. I think he didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t want to live this scene over and over again. I think he thought not to tell what happened was a way to forget…”

“If you say so… Hmm, so I’m the first person you came to see? Do you plan on asking the others to come to see Brian too?”, the green eyed man wanted to know.

“Yes, of course. The next person on my list, if I may say, is Mr. Sullivan. Then Mr. and Mrs. Sanders.”, the psychiatrist explained.

“What about Brian Haner Sr, Brian’s father?”

“I’m nervous to face him, to be honest. And I didn’t ask Brian his father’s address so I don’t know where this man lives…”

“Hmm, I can drive you there if you want.”, Zack suggested.

“Really? Oh.. That would be very nice of you… But I have to see the others persons first…”

“No problem, I’ll give you my number phone. Call me when you want to go to Mr. Haner’s place. Or come to my place, or… as you prefer.”

Jenn thanked him again and took his number. They said they goodbyes and Jenn climbed in her car.
According to her GPS, Jimmy Sullivan’s house wasn’t too far from here…
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello guys! I finally updated this story. I know this chapter was kinda short :/ I hesitated to make a big chapter in which Jenn would meet everybody. But I preferred to make a chapter for each person. Do you think it’ll be boring? Do you prefer a big chapter than several small ones?
Please tell me ^^
And if anyone is willing to make me a cute banner for this story, I'll love him/her until my last day haha ^^
Have a nice week-end everyone, and thanks for reading!
