Save Me

I've Lost A Friend Before

Jimmy Sullivan's house was the same type as Mr. Baker's house.
Jenn parked her car, grabbed her purse, and waited at the front door for the said Mr. Sullivan to answer it.
She was greeted a few seconds later by a very tall smiling man with blue eyes.
He seemed a bit surprised, but friendly nonetheless. Jenn smiled back at him, but her smile fade away when she remembered the reason why she was here.

"Hmm, hi Mr. Sullivan. I'm Jenn Vegan and I work as a psychiatrist as the asylum of L.A.", she introduced herself.

She saw Jimmy smirk. "And you came for me because someone told you I was a lost case haha?", he joked, his smile never leaving his face.

Jenn cleared her throat discretely. She had to find a way not to sound too harsh. "Actually, Mr. Sullivan, I came to talk to you about you friend Brian Haner Jr."

Jimmy's face fell. He was now very pale. Jenn bit her lip. She felt terrible on the moment.

"Brian...? Oh... My God. Did... did he do something wrong?", Jimmy wanted to know.

Jenn shook her head. "No, Mr. Sullivan. It's a long story. May I come in?", she asked politely.
Jimmy nodded.
Just like Zacky did a few moments ago, he led her to his living-room and offered her something to drink.

"So, what's this long story you were talking about?", the blue-eyed man finally asked.

Once again, Jenn explained the new decisions on the government about "lost cases" in the psychiatric hospital of the U.S.A.
When she finished speaking, Jimmy was paler than ever and almost shaking.

"You're saying that in two months, Brian will be probably dead?", his voice was shaky, and his tone anxious.

Jenn nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact with the mat sat in front of her.

Jimmy remained silent. He couldn't say anything. Brian was his best-friend. He always had been, and will always be. The simple idea of him being dead could almost make Jimmy sick. He remembered the first time he met Brian. It was at the park, when the two of them were four years old. Jimmy was alone, and Brian came to talk to him. The both of them probably needed a friend to play with. As time passed, they became closer and closer. They spent their childhood together, and even if they made new friends, nothing could come between the two of them. That's what they thought. To be very honest, Jimmy didn't expect Brian to do such a thing, that he could be a murderer. Jimmy couldn't deny the fact that he had never been Michelle's biggest fan. But she definitely didn't deserve to be killed. The raven-haired male had been disappointed when he discovered what Brian had done. The Brian he knew wouldn't have done something like this. But Jimmy couldn't forget all the good moments he and Brian had shared. He had to admit that he had missed their closeness, during those two past two years. The thought of visiting Brian never crossed his mind. He thought he had lost his best-friend forever. But he wouldn't have imagined that a doctor would come one day to announce him that he might indeed lose his best friend in less than two months. What Brian did was unforgettable. But he shouldn't be killed for that; that was what Jimmy was thinking on the moment.

"Is he often speaking about us?", Jimmy asked.

Jenn took her time to answer. "He told me about you and the rest of his friends only because I asked him to. He doesn't speak a lot about his past. It's really hard for him. He misses his life before...before he did that mistake.", she explained.

Jimmy nodded. "I still think about him a lot, you know? I'm so nostalgic when I remember all the funny moment we had together, with the guys, or just the two of us." He paused.
"I'm acting like he's already dead, like I'm never gonna see the Brian I knew again...But I never expected to be confronted to that possibility. With you saying this to me today, it becomes more concrete, you see what I mean?"

Jenn nodded knowingly. "I totally see what you mean, Mr. Sullivan, but let me tell you one thing: Brian isn't dead. The Brian you knew either. The Brian I met is making huge progresses and I will never lose the faith I have in him. I trust him, he can do that. We can do that."

Jimmy smiled as the doctor spoke to him. She was a determined woman. The blue eyed-man couldn't help but think that Brian was between good hands.

"So, the real reason why I'm here today is that I want to ask you if you would come with me to the hospital to see Brian.", Jenn confessed. She paused but spoke again, before Jimmy could have the time to protest. "He needs it. He needs to see that people still care about him and won't considerate him just as a monster. Please, Mr. Sullivan..."

Jimmy thought about it. What was the worst that could happen? He missed Brian terribly so it was a good opportunity to see him.

"Yes.", was all Jimmy said.


Jenn took a deep breath. The hardest was to come. She was now standing outside Matt and Valary Sanders’ house. The persons who hated Brian with all their heart.
She was really anxious and stressed. She was afraid that Matt and his wife would kick her out or just refuse to help her.
But she had to do it.

She pressed the doorbell and waited. She heard noises on the other side of the door, and then a petite blonde opened the door.

“May I help you?”, the blonde said.

Jenn forced a smile and licked her lips. “Hello madam, I’m Jenn Vegan, at work at the mental hospital of Los Angeles. I’m a psychiatrist.”

The blonde raised her eyebrow. “Okay… what can I do for you?”

“Is your husband home?”, Jenn asked.

The blonde nodded. “Yes, come in.”

“Thanks.”, Jenn smiled.

Okay Jenn, try not to fuck everything up… You can do that.

“Please, take a seat. My husband is in the music room, I’m gonna get him.

Jenn did as she was told, and a few minutes later a tall dark-haired man entered the room, with the blonde woman on his heels.

The man extended his hand. “Hi, Matt Sanders. My wife told me you wanted to talk to me?”

Jenn nodded. “Actually, sir, I would like to speak to the both of you, if that’s possible.”

Matt and his wife exchanged a look, and Valary told Jenn it was okay.

“So…”, Jenn started. “Have you heard about the new law about “lost causes” in mental hospitals?”

Matt and Valary took a minute to think about it, and finally shook their head.
Jenn explained to them this new decisions, and the married couple listened to her attentively.

“That’s horrible.”, Valary said. “But what’s the connection with us?”

Jenn placed her hands in her lap, closed her eyes for one second, and finally made eye-contact with Matt.

“Your friend, Brian Haner, has two months to prove that he’s not a lost case. Otherwise, he’ll be killed by lethal injection.”

Matt and Valary remained silent.

“At least, there’s a justice!’, Valary finally said.


“What, Matt? He killed my sister! He deserves to die!”, the blonde answered with tears in her eyes.

“Shh, Val, calm down, babe…”, Matt spoke softly. He looked at Jenn. “So, you’re saying that Brian has two months left?”

Jenn shook her head. “Not exactly, Sir. If Brian doesn’t manage to make progresses they’ll kill him. But if he gets better, he’ll be released.”

“That man cannot heal. He’s too fucked up for that. He’s never gonna try to convince them that he’s sane, cause he’s not.”, the hazel eyed man answered.

“Actually, he already made progressed. He’s on the good way, Sir. I promise.”, Jenn assured.

“Okay, if you say so… But why should we care about him? Okay, in two months he’s either released or dead. And then what?”, Matt asked on a quite aggressive tone.

“In fact, I need you, Mr and Mrs Sanders.”

They both raised their eyebrow. “I need you to come with me at the hospital to see Brian. He really needs to see his friends.”

Matt shook his head. “Brian isn’t my friend anymore, Madam. He lost my trust, my friendship and so much more when he killed Michelle. I’ve lost a friend before. I can live properly without him.”

“I don’t want to see that monster. Never again. Or, if I have to see his ugly face again, it’ll be at his funeral!”, Valary shouted, before exiting the room.

Matt winced, and sent an apologetic look at Jenn. “I’m sorry. She has nothing against you. It’s just….”

“I understand…”, Jenn cut him. “I can’t ask her to see him again. It was a stupid request… But you, Mr. Sanders, could you come with me at the hospital? … Brian is going better…He… I don’t know how to convince you…”

Matt sighed. “I have to think about this. I can’t tell you my answer just right now. I think I’m not ready for this…”

Jenn nodded. “It’s okay. Look, here’s my number. Call me if you have questions or if you changed your mind. The next time I’ll go see Brian is the day after tomorrow, just so you know. I’m sorry for taking your time, Sir.”, Jenn said getting up.

“It’s okay, you were just doing your job.”, Matt smiled.

Jenn smiled back.

“Uncle Matty…Who’s she?”, a little voice said.

Jenn looked behind Matt to see a little boy standing in the corridor.

Matt turned to look at the boy, and turned back, looking at Jenn.

“Madam, this is Sam. Brian’s son.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey you my lovely readers!
I'm sorry to update now :/ But I hope you still enjoy the story.
Thanks to everybody who suscribed, recommended and read this story.
You mean the world to me <3
