Save Me


Jenn’s jaw fell, and she looked at the little boy with wide eyes.

“She’s a doctor.”, Matt Sanders answered. “Now, Sam, can you please go back to your room?”

“No wait!”, Jenn suddenly said. She looked at Matt, her eyes full of hope.
“Can I talk to him, please?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea…”, the hazel eyed man answered, scratching the back of his head. “He’s very young, and I don’t want him to be… you know… traumatized or something ,…I…”. He stopped.

“You?”, Jenn pushed.

“I don’t want him to become a monster because of his father.”, he responded.

Jenn nodded. “I understand that you care a lot for this child, but I promise that I won’t talk about… what happened to Michelle with him. I swear.”

Matt took a deep breath and finally nodded. “Sam, can you show your room to the doctor? I’m sure she will like all your drawings.”

Sam’s eyes sparkled and he nodded vigorously. “Sure Uncle Matt! Come on!”

Jenn smiled and followed the little boy upstairs. His room was navy blue painted. There were a few cartoon posters, and it was a typical child room.

“Look!”, Sam said, handing a few papers to Jenn, “they are my best drawings!”, he said proudly.

Jenn smiled and looked at them. Cars, robots, superheroes… Sam was talented that was for sure.
A drawing caught Jenn’s attention.
It was a house, with a big bright sun, grass, two trees, a little boy, and a man.

“What is this?”, Jenn asked.

Sam looked at the paper and smiled. “That’s Daddy and me!”

Jenn gulped. “Oh, this is awesome. Why didn’t you draw your mother?”

Sam looked at the ground. “Because that’s her fault if Daddy isn’t with me now.”

The psychiatrist’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean, Sam?”.
“I know it! Daddy was always angry because of Mummy. That’s her fault if he did something wrong!”

“What did he do?”, Jenn asked. She knew that she had promised Matt that she wouldn’t talk about it with Sam, but what she was too surprised and too curious to hear what Sam had to say.

“I don’t know. I just know that he’s at the hospital now, and that I can’t see him.”

That sentence broke Jenn’s heart. “Do you miss you father, Sam?”

Sam nodded. “Uncle Matt and Valary are really nice, but I miss playing football with Daddy. I miss my Daddy and me walking on the beach eating ice cream…”.

Jenn turned her back on Sam a few seconds, just to wipe the few tears that had started to form in her eyes. “I understand that, Sam.”

“But, do you know my father?”, Sam asked, frowning.

Jenn waited to answer. After all, this child deserved a part of the truth. “Yes, I know him. I’m his doctor.”, she smiled.

“So you can see him every day? Why can you see him and not me?”

Yeah, she shouldn’t have said that, Jenn said to herself.

“Your father needs to… have a special …treatment, that’s why he isn’t allowed to see people besides his doctor.”, Jenn almost lied.

“Oh…”, Sam said, obviously disappointed.

“But you can maybe ask the doctor to tell a message to Daddy”, a voice said.

Jenn frowned and raised her head. Matt was in the room. She didn’t see him entering. She blushed a light shade of pink, she was surprised.

“Yes… Yes I can do that!”

Sam’s smile came back on his face. He ran to his desk. “I will make the most beautiful drawing ever!”

Both Matt and Jenn smiled.

“How long have you been here?”, Jenn asked to the man next to her.

“Only a few minutes. I think he likes you. He’s not really talkative, but he didn’t seem to mind to talk to you.”, Matt assured.

“Oh… I’m flattered then. Hmm,.. Maybe I’ll just leave you and your family alone, and I’ll come back tomorrow to get Sam’s drawing, if that’s okay.”

Matt nodded. “When did you say you were going to see Brian?”

“The day after tomorrow. Your friends, Mr. Sullivan and r. Baker will come with me. Why?”

“Hmm, well, I guess you’ll have enough room in your car for me too.”

“Does that mean that…?”

Matt nodded, smiling. “You can thank Sam. Hearing what he said about him missing his father was heartbreaking. It made me realize that I shared so many good moments with Brian. I have to let hm a chance, you know?”

“Yeah, I see. Well… I don’t know what to say, I’m so glad you finally decided to come with us… Thank you, Mr. Sanders… from the bottom of my heart.”

“I have to thank you too.”, Matt added. “Because I know that Brian is between good hands”, he winked. “And please, call me Matt.”

Jenn smiled. “Okay, Matt. See you in two days then?”


Jenn came downstairs and exited the house with a big smile on her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Before anything else, I want to apologize for my lack of updates, once again. And I want to thank all the people who read this story and left a comment on it. Thank you to all my suscribers because you really mean the world to me!! I’m really grateful for this support. And I want to wish you a wonderful new year! May 2013 be a beautiful year for all of you!

Yeah, I know this chapter was short. But the next chapter will be interesting, I promise ;)
Please tell me what you think of this chapter.

