Sedation? What the hell?

Oh, I'm sorry, I offended you; last time I saw you, you were bitching about my really bad attitude(oh, that hurt!) and about how I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about( man, that's really insulting!) and how I don't have a speck of gratitude(what for? For being born, for having a roof and a floor, but no walls, no door, and for being ignored by the exact person that fueled my spite; mom, where do I sleep tonight?! You kicked me out, don't you know that's wrong?!).

I decided that, this time, I'mma talk about something else but you. Who knows, maybe talking all this shit about you would made YOU have a bad attitude...

Just so you know, I was fed rhymes through the umbilical cord by my mom,
when she still listened to who-knows-who and ate magic 'shrooms and dressed as batman
and flew off the rooftop and broke her brain,
Seems like she didn't learn her lesson, she's doing all those magic drugs again...
So, what I'm trying to say is that I can't abstain
From making rhymes and spouting shit
That offends you, but this is the info I retain,
The exact impression about you that you transmit.

But, whatever, you wanna know something 'bout me? Well, I don't know, I shouldn't...But here's something anyway:

I found the definition of life
When I was only five,
But guess how, guess how!
I saw a dead cat( right!) and it's 'live darling,
Poor and dumb creature simply wouldn't allow
Anybody to take 'im away and kept on snarling.
It really wasn't that hard to distinguish between
The dead one and the cat that was alive and mean.

Another thing? Well aren't you just curious,
Telling you anything else is really injurious
And it'd make my parents both so furious
They'd disown me and call my words spurious.
Oh,well, so what? Let them leave,
The roof would cry 'cos dad used to fix it,
But, really, I'd be relieved.

So, when I was 10
I found the definition of strength,
Of liberty and power of words,
But I bet you can't guess how again!
I had this immense, overweight kid, a bully in my class,
Yeah, Billie Clinton was his name and he was an ass
Bigger than the ass of my mom
Oops! Sorry mom,
guess you'll be going alone to prom.
Anyway, so this Billie the Kid really liked to be a king
But even back then, at only 10 years old, I had a thing
With being told what to breathe,see and when to speak
So I told him 'You know what, Billie, you're weak
A real king would let the people elect him'
Of course, what would you expect a gorilla to do, I broke a limb,
Limped my way to school two weeks after that,
But still, I couldn't feel happier for having that chat,
Well, actually, he didn't do the talking,
And I couldn't say more, I was busy dodging.
See, it feels good to express how you feel
Even though you'd be beaten up and made to kneel,
But your spirit would still be strong,
You'd raise right up 'cos you'd know that you aren't wrong,
See, I can explain everything with this song...

Oh, wait...wasn't this supposed to be a story?