Status: Active!

Bar the Door, Please Don't Let Them In

Elise Crichton

Her room was empty, the house felt empty. Everything just became too devastating to be real. Then all these voices came through her head...

"All my nightmares escaped my head
Bar the door, please don't let them in
You were never supposed to leave
Now my head's splitting at the seams
And I don't know if I can"

And there she stood still... her feet glued to the ground as she felt her mind shatter around her.

Elise Crichton has completely exiled from her life back in Boston to be with the guy who has given her a bag of heavy promises. Is he going to live up to his promises? She felt unsure of it, but she didn't care. She got a ride on a runaway train.

One way trick, never going back.