Status: W.I.P.


Day 1

~Chapter 3
Elizabeth's P.O.V.
We finally got to the next rest stop and got a chance to switch out the licence plates. I got a call from my mom and we were both screaming at each other because Isabela's mom called my mom and told her what happened.
"Mom, what the hell is your problem?! Her mom just started bitching, so of course I'm gonna go off! What did you expect me to do?!" I yelled trying to get it through my mom's thick head.
"Lizzy, just hang up the phone. It's not worth it. Just block her number, and we'll be fine." Isabela said trying to calm me down.
"Okay." I said handing her the phone.
"I swear she never fucking listens!" I said venting.
"Lets just leave cause we only have two more days to get there or we'll never get there in time for the concert." She said smiling and dragging me to the car.
We stopped and got some gas for the car because Isabela's mom only fills the tank half way. Isabela got a call from a unknown number. She answered it and it was her ex boyfriend . She didn't know what to do because they haven't talked since there break-up.
"Hello?" She answed.
"Do you hate me?" He asked.
"No." She said sarcastically.
"Come on Bella, it was a long time ago. You have to get over it sooner or later." He said.
"I don't care you broke my heart and I'm done with you." She said hanging up the phone in tears.
"Bella, you don't need that douche bag! He treated you like shit and to this day he still makes you cry. We came here to let go and be not so normal, normal teen girls. Forget him. He's not worth your time." I said giving her a hug before getting back into the car.

Isabela's P.O.V.
Day 2
We are almost to Cali, and we are so siked to see them, but I haven't told Lizzy that I had front row tickets and backstage passes.
"Hey do you wanna stop and get something to eat or what?" I asked her.
"No, because we are almost to Cali and besides we need to get a hotel before there is none left." She said.
"Ok." I said.
"Hey do you think we get to meet them?" She said getting all excited.
"I don't know." I said with a smirk on my face.
"Bella what did you do?" She asked with a confused look on her face
"Oh nothing." I said
♠ ♠ ♠
Written by Elizabeth Shadows and Isabela Von Monroe