Sequel: The New Generation

Sherlock's Girl

Investiagting the crime scene

At 3:55 Evelyn Morstan returned to 221b. She headed straight upstairs, after being let in, again by Mrs Hudson. When she opened the door to the flat, she looked straight at Sherlock for instructions. Sherlock just pointed at the seat on the sofa next to Sapphire, as he and john occupied the seats next to the fire.

"We have decided what is the best course of action to take. And have decided that Sapphire should go with you to your flat." Sherlock said, hating every syllable that came from his mouth.

Next to Evelyn, Sapphire smiled and waved. Evelyn stared at Sherlock and John with disbelief. "You are sending a child?"

Sapphire glared at Evelyn. Sherlock nodded, "We understand it may not look very good, but Sapphire is very intelligent."

"I don't care! She is just a child!" Evelyn snapped.

Sherlock looked at Sapphire who looked close to slapping the woman. Sherlock just tried to get Evelyn on their side, "We understand your concern, John and I didn't particularly want to send her, but it is the safest option for everyone. She will Skype us from her phone, we have agreed this with her. So we can keep an eye on what is happening."

Evelyn was still furious beside Sapphire. "Still I don't care! This child is not coming with me full stop! I am not her personal babysitter! What if something did happen? She will not take this whole thing seriously."

Sapphire had enough at this point. Within 5 seconds she turned around, and pinned a biro, she had retrieved out her pocket, to Evelyn's jugular vein.

"All I have to is apply enough pressure and I could kill you, or I could kill you slowly by putting this in your airway." Sapphire moved the biro to the front of Evelyn's neck. "I believe I am perfectly capable of looking after myself."

"Sapphire! Stop that now!" Sherlock shouted, even though he found the whole thing rather amusing. Sapphire removed the biro from Evelyn's neck, turned round and sat smiling at Sherlock. Sherlock glanced at the rather shaken Evelyn.

"She can come. As long as the biro stays here." Evelyn mumbled, shaking slightly. Sherlock gave a low chuckle, which earned him a "stop it" glare from John.

Sherlock cleared his throat. "Right well, Sapphire knows what she is doing. It is best you get moving, so you can return before dark." Sherlock said looking at Evelyn.

Sapphire got up and went to get her coat from Sherlock's room. Sherlock followed, to give Sapphire one last talk through of her instructions.

They sat for a few minutes in silence, with the sound of low voices coming from the bedroom. Evelyn looked at John, "Where did she learn that?" she mumbled, scared that Sapphire would hear.

John removed his gaze from the floor to look Evelyn. "No idea. I only met her 3 days ago; Sherlock brought her back with him. She was orphan, living in Vauxhall Arches, other than that. I know nothing."

While that conversation had been taking place in the bedroom.

Sherlock had followed Sapphire into the room.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Sherlock asked looking at the girl in front of him.

Sapphire had retrieved her coat from the back of Sherlock's bedroom door. She looked at him and smiled.

"Learn to do what? The thing with the biro? Oh that was nothing. Living in Vauxhall Arches I needed a way to protect myself, so I learnt how to protect myself with everyday items like the biro. You never know what weirdoes you will come across down there."

Sherlock just stared at the girl. "Well that is very clever of you. But it is very true; I have known many dangerous criminals to hide out down there. So Sapphire, concerning your journey out this afternoon, is careful. We are dealing with a very dangerous man. He is the reason I had to fake my own death."

Sapphire gazed at Sherlock, "I will be, Sherlock. I will be back by six, so before you know it I will back. It isn't hard to tell he is the one behind your suicide, by yours and John's faces. Besides there is no need to worry about me, I proved to you back there I can look after myself." She smiled at him to try and give him some sort of reassurance.

"I realise that now, but I am still worried for you." Sherlock said trying to smile, but he was far too worried.

Sapphire headed towards him and hugged him. Sherlock felt uneasy, but let the child hug him anyway. A few seconds after she started the hug, Sherlock pulled himself out. Sapphire giggled. Sherlock just stood there and looked at the girl.

After a few moments he coughed, composing himself, "Well you better get going then."

They looked at each other then headed back into the living room, where John was just finishing his sentence.

"So, then are we going or what?" Sapphire said looking at Evelyn, who was still terrified of the girl. Evelyn just nodded. They headed downstairs, and out the front door, with the men wishing them luck.

When they got outside Sapphire hailed a cab, Evelyn looked shocked at the girl. "I haven't got money for a cab." She said, still staring at the girl who held the cab door open for her.

Sapphire just smiled at Evelyn, "Well good thing Sherlock gave me money for a cab, because I don't like buses." She gestured to Evelyn to get in. Evelyn climbed in and Sapphire followed behind, she looked at Evelyn, "Address?"

Evelyn hesitated a moment, surprised at the girls calmness. "Pinchin Street please." The driver looked at them and drove off, and started the journey to their destination.

The pair remained silent in the cab, Evelyn sat texting, her boyfriend, Sapphire concluded from the giant smile on Evelyn's face. 5 minutes in to the journey Sapphires phone beeped.

"Are you there yet?-SH"

Sapphire sighed and quickly tapped a reply.

"No. Heading 2 Pinchin St. Regents Park now. S x"

A minute after this had sent, her phoned beeped again.

"Okay. Will expect Skype call in 11 minutes then.-SH"

11 minutes later they arrived at Evelyn's flat. It was a 3 bedroom house that had been split into 2 separate flats, one upstairs and one downstairs. A small outhouse worked as the separating of the two flats. Evelyn's was the top floor flat. So burglary was hard, as the burglar had to get through two doors before, getting into the flat. Sapphire got out her phone and sent a quick text to Sherlock.

"Here. Lives in converted house, Evie's is the top floor. Keep line free for Skype call. S x"

Sapphire gave the text 30 seconds to send, before starting the Skype call. At the other end Sherlock and John answered quickly. "Did you get my text?" Sapphire asked as their faces appeared on her small mobile screen.

"Yes I got it Sapphire. So it was hard for Moriarty to actually get into the flat." Sherlock said, voice boomed through the phones speakers. Sherlock face turned into deep thought as Sapphire got a first look around the flat.

The place was mess, things everywhere, pieces of paper scattered across the room. "Well he certainly made a mess in here Sherlock." She said gazing around the room.

"Can Evelyn hear me?" Sherlock asked, staring at Sapphire through the small screen, on her iPhone.

Sapphire nodded, "Yes, she can hear you. You are on speaker phone, so I can leave you on the table if you get too annoying." Sapphire smirked.

"Good. Evelyn is there anything that is obviously not yours?" Sherlock asked, ignoring Sapphires snide remark. Evelyn started looking round the room and started picking things out, and brought them to the coffee table in front of Sapphire. Sapphire kneeled down, once Evelyn had brought all the things she could find forward.

Sapphire sat the phone upright so, Sherlock and John could see what she was doing. She looked at the items; a pink purse, a navy memory stick, and a riding crop. Sapphire picked up the purse and opened it. In the purse was a lot of Chinese currency. Also where the photos of loved ones were usually put, there was two photos. They were photos of dead bodies, and man and a woman.

The woman was dressed in bright pink. The man was dressed in quite old clothes, with a gunshot through his chest. Sherlock could just about see the items that were laid out on the table.

"Hold them up to the camera Sapphire, me and John need to see the photos."

Sapphire held the photos slowly up to the camera. In 221b the men sat and looked at the photos, they both sat there not uttering a word.

Sherlock collected his thoughts together and looked at John. "He is taunting us John, Photos of the pink lady and Jeff Hope the cabbie, in a pink purse. Along with Chinese currency, the Black Lotus Clan. The memory stick that earned me another knighthood threat from Mycroft."

"And the riding crop used by Irene Adler." John said in a trance like state, as he put together the pieces.

"Yes, the riding crop used by the woman." Sherlock said, cringing at the sound of her name.

Sapphire seemed confused at the men on the other end of the line. "What? Please explain." She asked, looking at the two men through the screen.

"Moriarty is taunting us, Sapphire. All those objects he has placed in the flat, can relate back to certain cases that I have done since I met John. I think we have enough information now Sapphire, so just head back now." Sherlock's voice seemed worried as he ended the Skype call. He picked up his phone and texted Sapphire.

"Let us know when you are in the cab. - SH"

Back in Pinchin Street, Sapphire and Evelyn were getting into the back of a cab as Sapphire replied to Sherlock's text.

"In cab. Be about 15mins. S x"

The cabbie in the front asked where they the ladies where going. "221b Baker Street please." Sapphire said, not paying much attention to anything. The driver turned round and smiled, his head seemed to be constantly moving as he spoke. The girls started inhaling the colourless gas that filled the back of the cab.

"I know the place but you aren't going there for a while." He smirked, just as the girls became unconscious in the back seats. Moriarty chuckled as he drove off.