Status: Discontinued [2018]

A Promise

Grace was the personal handmaid of Alice Noble. She was the epitome of what every servant aspired to be. Obedient. Alice was headstrong and did what ever she wanted. She wanted adventure, to be released from the confines of her family's home. Alice wanted to be like the women in her romance novels.

But when she got her wish, Grace was the only one to go after her. She followed Alice out to sea, for Alice was kidnapped by pirates, of all things.

But not all is as clear cut as it may seem.

Alice and Grace learn secrets that should have been left alone. Nothing could prepare them for what was around the corner. Enter a pirate captain with charming good looks and a First-Mate that is wise beyond his years to confuse things more.
This story is my own. Please do not steal. Thank you. To use anything besides a few sentences or a brief summary of this work, please contact me and get my permission.