Status: Discontinued [2018]

A Promise

Chapter Four


Stretching her shoulders, Grace leaned back on her heels, tired. She had helped scrub the deck, swabbed it as the pirates say. She stood up, pulling the bucket with her to another section of the poop deck. Lorenzo lazily steered the ship, one she hadn't learned the name of yet. She never asked, but now she was curious. Grace didn't complain as she worked, just softly hummed a tune from long ago.

“That song...” Her gaze snapped up towards the captain. “where did you learn it?” He looked at her, waiting for her answer.

She ducked her head, not wanting to think about it. Sadness engulfed her whole being. Something Lorenzo didn't expect. “My mother.” It was a simple enough answer, but he knew there was more to it. For now he wouldn't push it.

“Tom Cat!” the captain shouted, startling Grace.

“Tom Cat?” she asked, confused. That was until Tom came up, taking two steps at a time. He smiled sheepishly towards her before turning to Lorenzo.

“Take over for her.” Tom nodded before taking the bucket and brush away. She went to take them back when Lorenzo pulled her away, allowing Butcher to take over the helm. They walked down from the poop deck. Instead of going towards his cabin, he headed to the side rigging, climbing up the shrouds before pausing, looking down at her. “Come on,” he said, watching as she hesitantly got on the railing and held the ropes for dear life. She had never done something like this before. Climbed rocks and traversed cliff sides, but never climbed rigging of a ship. Before she could second guess her judgment, she climbed up, following the captain. They headed up to the crow's nest, climbing over the side. She clambered over, holding on to it as every wave of the ship was more noticeable up here.

Lorenzo watched her, leaning against the mast. “He's like a cat. That's why we call him Tom Cat.” She nodded, looking straight down, watching the crew before looking at the scenery, wide open ocean with nothing for miles around. “Why would you follow Alice to sea? You are but a servant.” Grace sighed, leaning her elbows against the wood. Her eyes scanned the calm horizon, just looking.

Her hands gripped the sanded wood as a feeling settled inside of her. A dread that something was coming, and she didn't know what it was. “It's my duty to be at her side, all times.” Lorenzo appeared beside her, staring at the sky. “I am her servant, Master Lorenzo.” Grace ducked her head before climbing down, looking as if she had done it all her life.

Once her feet are on the deck, she headed back up the poop deck, finding Tom was finished and gone. Butcher manned the helm, looking around the ship, content. “Is he done?” she asked, turning to Butcher as he glanced down at her.

“Aye. Tom Cat is done. Went ta check the stocks.” Grace sighed, looking down at the crew. Most had taken up lounging around, basking in the sun. She let her thoughts drift off as the dread became almost unbearable. Her eyes were drawn back to the sea, overlooking its calm currents. “What be troublin' ya now, lass?” Butcher asked, handing off the helm to Lorenzo as he said nothing. Butcher was curious. She had that look. It was almost a pained look.

“Oh! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!” Alice shouted, climbing the stairs, grinning widely as she glanced at Lorenzo and Grace. She didn't seem to notice Butcher, but he didn't seem to mind. “What are you all doing up here?” Alice stared at Lorenzo, expecting an answer from him. Instead, he stayed silent, smirking before leaning closer and pressing his lips against hers. It effectively quieted her and sent all questions out of her mind. At least he thought so.

Before Alice could comment or question, a rumbling echoed from below. All members aboard froze, staring at the wooden planks. Tom cried from the crow's nest, startling everyone into action. “Storm a brewin'!” Dark clouds formed overhead. Swirling and twisting together. The turbulent waters churned and rose up in massive waves.

Grace didn't know what to do nor did Alice. Both of the women stood, hanging onto the railing, hoping not to fall off and into the waters where they would never be saved.

“Bette' get inside!” Butcher shouted, ushering the two women towards the stairs. They moved slowly, feeling the rain pelting them with what felt like rocks. The ship lurched to the side before tipping back. Barrels rolled as Grace and Alice reached the bottom.

The storm appeared out of nowhere. But Grace felt as if this was what her dread was for, telling her this was coming. It scared her; knowing she might have known this storm was coming before it formed. She could have warned someone.

Alice slipped on the slick deck, cursing to the high heavens as she sat there. Her handmaid pulled her up, trying to mumble encouraging things to her as they headed back to the captain's cabin. As soon as they reached the door, Alice was pulled away from Grace's grasp. “Grace!” Snapping her gaze away from the door, Grace saw Alice roll away. Cannons shifted back and forth, tethered to the deck, but Grace wondered if they would stay that way. Squinting her eyes against the harsh spray of the sea and rain, she found Alice, hanging onto the opposite side. Her eyes widened as if seeing something.

Grace payed very little attention to that as she makes her way over to the scared and cold Alice. Many times she rolled and tripped, scraping her knees, hands, and everything else. No one could see that she was crying, tears of frustration and pain. Making her way to Alice, she got to her just as the ship lurched causing everyone to fall. Most grabbed onto something, but Alice fell into the sea. She just tumbled over the side, splashing softly (as compared to the storm) into the waves. The water seemed to swallow her, keeping her within its depths.

Running to the side, Grace grasped the wood, digging her fingernails into it, calling for her mistress. “Alice!” Grace hoped, prayed she would appear at any moment breaking the surface. Her worried gaze searched the water, panicking as the ship rolled once again. Shouts of the crew disappeared as Grace's anxiety increased, fearing the worst. Before her anyone could stop her, she jumped into the water, opening her eyes once under. The salt at first stung. She had to close her eyes before opening them again. The pain evanesced, leaving no reminder of it as she swam. Searching the grey, dark depths, Grace didn't find Alice. She didn't seem to be anywhere in the vicinity.

It came down on her. The currents, pulling her under. She tumbled and rolled before hitting something. It slammed into her before disappearing. Swimming back up to the surface, she tried to look for Alice, even calling her name a few times. Still there is no response. Water splashed into her mouth causing her to gurgle it out. Coughing and hacking as well.

“Grace!” Her name startled her. Looking up, she saw a few of the crew members staring at her, looking worried. A wave crashed over her, pushing her down into the abyss of the ocean. She screamed, sucking in water before remembering to close it, fearing it might fill her lungs.

Kicking hard, she righted herself, looking around as oxygen surged through her system. Grace looked around, seeing everything clearly once again, but this time, she didn't wonder why or how that was possible. Instead, she scanned around, inspecting the waters for Alice and whatever hit her. Something started swimming in the dark waters beneath her, swaying in and out of the view. It shot up, nearly swallowing her whole if she didn't move. The long scaled creature roared, sending shock waves throughout the tumultuous waters.

Grace, frozen, stared as the creature broke the surface; a leviathan. A creature sailors talked about, but very few saw. The scales along its snake like body were dark, stormy blue. It had six fins, three on each side and a tail, long and powerful. She couldn't believe her eyes. But fear didn't take hold, which frightened her in of itself. She should be scared, fearful of such a powerful creature as a leviathan. But she wasn't.

Its tail flapped beneath her, sending her shooting up without even meaning to. She flew to the surface causing a large splash as she settled with her head just above the waves. Brushing her tangled locks out of her eyes, she gazed up at the creature. Scanning its large body, she noticed something out of place. A light spot towards its head. It looked like someone was holding on. A soft tune drifted down, calming the creature swiftly. The song was one she recognized; one that Alice's caretaker when she was very little, sang. Squinting against the rain, Grace tried to see if she could make out if this person was Alice or not.

Swimming closer, she gently touched the creatures large scales, still looking up. The figure seemed familiar and when it turned her way, Grace knew it was Alice. “Alice,” Grace let slip from her lips as she didn't know what to make of this scene. Alice was singing atop a leviathan. Thoughts went through her head like a shot. One stuck. One that she really didn't want to think about, but it bloomed into existence; Alice could be a siren.

The leviathan ducked its head, startling Alice enough to pause in singing. The males, all of them shook out of their trance, wondering why they were at the side. It was then they notice the leviathan, not under Alice's control. It roared, shaking Alice from her perch. She fell back into the water, not too far away from Grace. Grace dove, finding Alice. She swam to her mistress. The maid grabbed her arm, scaring her. Alice gaped at her maid, wondering why she was here. Grace pulled Alice up to the surface, taking a huge breath of air.

They looked to each other before staring up at the leviathan. It thundered out a growl, eyes to the sky before diving back under the waves. Alice gripped onto Grace's shirt, nearly pulling her under as large waves from the leviathan reached them. They tumbled back and forth, just trying to keep their heads above the water. “We need to get back on the ship!” Grace could only nod as the ocean rolled over her. She started swimming, pulling Alice along. Strong strokes kept her going and from the ebbing waves threatening to take them both. Grace kicked with all her might towards the dark ship, hoping to make it.

Right between her and the ship, sprung forth the leviathan. Its golden eyes trained on the two women. Alice opened her mouth to sing once again, but the creature growled loudly, drowning it out. “Go.” Grace pointed towards the ship. “I'll keep it distracted.” Alice went to protest when Grace snapped a hand across her mouth, keeping the words locked inside. “No. You need to get there.” Slowly agreeing, the mistress started hesitantly heading towards the ship. Grace stared up at the leviathan, taking a deep breath. This might be the last thing she did.

“Hey!” she yelled, signaling for Alice to go, to make a run for it. The woman didn't need to be told twice as she swam hard for the gloomy pirate ship. To keep the leviathan's attention, Grace splashed around, making as much noise as possible and for good measure, trying to hit the creature. The leviathan's gaze started to stray as she became boring, not something that could pose a threat to him. “Big fish! Over here!” Grace vociferated until her voice was hoarse and nearly gone. The golden gaze shifted back to Alice. And Grace did the one thing that would get his attention; attack. She pounded her feet into the leviathan's thick hide, hoping that it might work. All that the creature did was shift, wiggling away from her. It didn't bother the leviathan at all.

“Grace!” a voice, familiar, called. Looking up and around, she found who was calling her. Salome. The mermaid popped up next to her just as the leviathan flapped its tail towards them. Salome pulled both of them clear as other mermaids popped up as well. “Come. You'll be safe. They will be safe.” Grace didn't get a chance to answer as the mermaids attacked. Some had weapons, ones that appeared to be swords and spears, but they seemed to be made of materials not known on land. Others just sunk their sharp teeth into the leviathan. It screeched, shaking all of them off. Salome pulled Grace down with her, dragging her deeper and deeper into the depths of the sea.

Swimming faster and stronger than before, Salome took Grace into the calm waters of her home. The evanescence of the darkness came from the light forming in the distance. Large shells, rocks, and coral all made up the city. Small blue orbs lit the way, floating just above the ocean floor. “Welcome to my home.” Grace knew this city by the name people of the land called it by, Atlantis.

They headed in, avoiding many of the mermaids and mermen. Grace stared at the male of the species. All of them were new to her. Most stories were about the females, so seeing the males was surprising. The males looked like the females that they had fish tails on human bodies. They were as diverse as humans up above. “Why take me here?” Grace asked. When she did, she realized she could talk underwater. It surprised her and scared her, wondering what she could possibly be.

“You were in danger. You have questions,” Salome stated, swimming backwards, watching Grace. She turned back, moving through what seemed to be streets between the buildings.

“Salome,” a gruff, deep voice echoed from in front of them. Salome pulled up short, bowing her head slightly. “You know the rules,” the male said softly before turning to gaze at Grace, looking her up and down. He looked at her confused before something clicked. “Take her to the Queen.” The merman pointed beyond, towards a large shell atop some coral.

Alice gasped as the leviathan ran away, roaring over its shoulder at the mermaids. The mermaids shouted in triumph. The pirates stared at the creatures, not believing what just happened. Lorenzo turned to Alice, silently asking her to explain what just happened. She turned to him, smiling. “That was amazing,” she said softly, grasping the railing tightly. Alice jumped up and down, excited.

“What happened?' the captain inquired. He crossed his arms, vaguely remembering manning the helm before finding himself at the side of the ship, nearly dropping into the water. He knew how it could happen, but that was only part of the story.

“I made the beast do my bidding, by song!” Alice exclaimed, excited that she tapped into her abilities. “My mother was right!” Lorenzo sighed, knowing this adventure got a whole lot more dangerous. “I'm part Siren! That's so...exhilarating!” The crew started to back away from her, crossing their chests, praying to some higher power, or something entirely different to try and keep bad luck away. Butcher glanced at the water and sky, noticing it was calming down. The clouds were retreating, but there was no sign of Grace anywhere. She just disappeared.

Lorenzo pulled his pistol from his belt, firing it up into the air, gaining everyone's attention. Alice jumped away from him, fearing he might use it on her. “Listen up! The storm blew us off course! We need to figure out where we are and quickly. Go!”

“Aye, aye, cap'n!” everyone chorused, rushing around the deck as Alice and him stayed put. Lorenzo narrowed his eyes, studying her. His deal wasn't for a siren. It was for something completely different and even more rare. A nymph.

But a siren is a clue. The nymph must be near. He thought to himself, realizing he might be on the right track now.

Alice straightened her hair and clothes, worried what the captain would do with her now, knowing she wasn't entirely human. The man shoved the pistol in his belt once more, grumbling curses under his breath as he headed up to the helm, wanting to just have time to think. Before he got there, he spotted something. Stopping on the stairs, he gazed to his right, looking at the blue waters.

Out in the distance was a figure, human. It got closer and closer. It didn't take long for him to recognize the person in the water. There swimming lackadaisically was Grace. She just seemed to swim on instincts as her mind wandered, thinking of what was just revealed to her.

She shook her head, driving her thoughts away as she touched the ship. Looking up, Grace locked eyes with Lorenzo, finding something within his gaze that concerned her. She climbed up the side, swinging her legs over the bulwark. The captain waited until she was on the deck before asking, “Where have you been?”

“You weren't in the same place as when I went under with Salome.” He stared, wondering many things from where she was to how she could breathe underwater. “May I get something to change into, Captain?” she asked softly, bowing her head. Her white shirt was transparent, showing her skin beneath. Her arms cross themselves, covering her chest. Lorenzo shrugged out of his coat, tossing it at her as he noticed the crew staring. Alice was in a vest as well as a shirt, not giving the crew and eye full, not that she would have cared. It appeared Grace didn't think that she would be swimming. And rightly so. Most pirates didn't go swimming unless in emergencies. Like a storm.

Grace tugged the coat around herself before bowing her head, but she didn't move. “Well?” Lorenzo asked. He had a hard time not looking at her as well. It filled his pride, knowing Grace was wearing his coat. It almost meant that she was his.

She scurried off, leaving him to his thoughts. “Women. All confusing and taking all they can get,” he muttered, taking the wooden helm away from Butcher. His ebony eyes scanned his ship, Black Vengeance, making sure his baby wasn't damaged. That would be a disaster.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter is done. Mostly grammatical edits with a few descriptive ones. Hopefully it's alright. :)
